HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 13-14
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 13
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_doc_discrespdate_datetype |
For a discovery document, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a discovery response was returned or due. |
Matters/Documents/Discovery Response Date |
Document/DiscoveryResponseDate |
mat_doc_disctype_CD |
For a discovery document, the type of discovery for a matter. |
Matters/Documents/Matters/Documents/D iscovery Type |
Document/DiscoveryType_CD |
mat_doc_exhibittype_CD |
For an exhibit document, the type (such as Electronic) of media for the exhibit. |
Matters/Documents/Exhibit Type |
Document/ExhibitType_CD |
mat_doc_party |
For a deposition document, the role (such as Defendant) of person/entity being deposed for a matter. |
Matters/Documents/Deponent Party |
Document/DeponentParty_CD |
mat_doc_physicallocation |
For a deposition document, the physical location where the deposition was performed. |
Matters/Documents/Location |
Document/PhysicalLocation |
mat_doc_pleadingfillingdate |
For a document supporting a plea, the date the pleading was filed. |
Matters/Documents/Pleading Filing Date |
Document/PleadingFillingDate |
mat_doc_pleadingfillingdate_datetype |
For a document supporting a plea, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the pleading was filed. |
Matters/Documents/Pleading Filing Date |
Document/PleadingFillingDate |
mat_doc_pleadingnumber |
For a document supporting a plea, the identifier for the document. |
Matters/Documents/Pleading Number |
Document/PleadingNumber |
mat_doc_pleadingparty_CD |
For a document supporting a plea, the role (such as Defendant) of the person/entity entering the plea. |
Matters/Documents/Pleading Party |
Document/PleadingParty_CD |
mat_doc_recordoriginator |
For contracts/agreements, correspondence, design, e-mail, records, and other documents, the name of the person who created the document. |
Matters/Documents/Record Originator |
Document/RecordOriginator |
mat_doc_recordreceivedate |
For contracts/agreements, correspondence, design, records, and other documents, the date the document was received. |
Matters/Documents/Record Receive Date |
Document/RecordReceiveDate |
mat_doc_recordreceivedate_datetype |
For contracts/agreements, correspondence, design, records, and other documents, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the document was received. |
Matters/Documents/Record Receive Date |
Document/RecordReceiveDate |
mat_doc_recordrequestdate |
For contracts/agreements, correspondence, design, records, and other documents, the date the document was requested. |
Matters/Documents/Record Request Date |
Document/RecordRequestDate |
mat_doc_recordrequestdate_datetype |
For contracts/agreements, correspondence, design, records, and other documents, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the document was requested. |
Matters/Documents/Record Request Date |
Document/RecordRequestDate |
mat_doc_recordtype |
For contracts/agreements, correspondence, design, records, and other documents, the type of record (such as External Correspondence) being stored for a matter. |
Matters/Documents/Record Type |
Document/RecordType_CD |
mat_doc_submittedby |
For an exihibit document, the role (such as Defendant) of the paty submitting the exhibit. |
Matters/Documents/Submitted By |
Document/SubmittedBy_CD |
mat_doc_submittedbyfirm |
For an exhibit document, the name of the law firm providing the exhibit. |
Matters/Documents/Submitted By Firm |
Document/SubmittedByFirm_EID |
mat_doc_transcriptorderdate |
For a deposition document, the date the transcription of the deposition was ordered. |
Matters/Documents/Transcript Order Date |
Document/TranscriptOrderDate |
mat_doc_transcriptorderdate_datetype |
For a deposition document, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the transcription of the deposition was ordered. |
Matters/Documents/Transcript Order Date |
Document/TranscriptOrderDate |
mat_doc_type |
The type (such as Contracts/Agreements) of a document. |
Matters/Documents/Document Type |
Document/DocumentType_CD |
mat_document_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field on the Documents tab if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 14
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_document_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field on the Documents tab . |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
mat_document_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field on the Documents tab is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_document_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field on the Documents tab is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_document_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field on the Documents tab is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
mat_document_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field on the Documents tab is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_document_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the Documents tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
mat_document_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field on the Documents tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_document_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field on the Documents tab in the Matters module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
mat_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
mat_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
mat_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab is a multi- select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
mat_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the Base Info or On Demand tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
mat_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field on the Base Info or On Demand tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field on the Base Info or On Demand tabin the Matters module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
mat_exposure_assesseddate |
The date the risk assessment was performed for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Assessed Date |
MatterExposure/AssessedDate |
mat_exposure_assesseddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the risk assessment was performed for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Assessed Date |
MatterExposure/AssessedDate |
mat_exposure_comments |
Any comments entered for a risk assessment for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Comments |
MatterExposure/Comments_ID |
mat_exposure_currency |
The type of currency in which the risks for a matter is expressed. |
Matters/Exposure/Currency Type |
MatterExposure/Currency_CD |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field on the Exposure tab if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field on the Exposure tab . |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field on the Exposure tab is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |