A control that performs an action. Point the mouse over a button and click the left mouse button to activate a button.
An action used in Microsoft Windows. Press and release the left mouse button without moving the mouse pointer.
A cookie is a file that a website stores on a computer that records your preferences when using a particular site. A cookie is a mechanism that allows the server to store its own information about a user on the user’s own computer.
A preconfigured search that limits the records displayed on a page.
A hyperlink is a word or phrase, underlined and in a different color, that you click to go to a module, a location in Help, an Internet or intranet site, page, or other location.
menu bar
Contains various menus that, when clicked, will display a dropdown list of options or commands.
A data structure that is a collection of information, each with its own name and type. A record can be accessed as a collective unit, or the elements can be accessed individually.
An action used in Microsoft Windows. Press and release the right mouse button without moving the mouse pointer.
Designed specifically for the corporate secretary and used in more than 700 corporate legal departments worldwide. It is the most complete and successful solution for the Corporate Secretary.
security attributes
Different settings that restrict access to certain functionality within Secretariat.
Makes real-time key corporate information available anytime and anywhere the Internet reaches. You must have Secretariat installed to use this product.
view profiles
Information that is applied to specified user groups to customize the look-and-feel of Suite.