Batch Document Indexing Task
Suite includes functionality to perform a search for words or phrases in documents stored in the database or on a file server. The full-text search feature includes files with the following extensions:
- .TXT – text files
- .EML – Message text files (including attachments)
- .MSG – Message text files (including attachments)
- .HTML – Web pages
- .HTM – Web pages
- .PDF – Adobe Acrobat files
- .DOC/.DOCX – Microsoft Word files
- .RTF – Rich Text Format files
- .LOG – Log text files
- .JAVA – Java text files
- .CS – C# text files
- .CSS – Cascading Style Sheet text files
- .JS – Java Script text files
- .XLS – Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
Full-text search can be configured in the Document Indexing settings in the System Settings component. From this component, you can set parameters for the indexing of documents (such as where the indexes are stored) and index the documents on demand. However, the Batch Document Indexing task allows you to schedule the indexing of documents since this process can be time consuming and uses valuable CPU resources on the server.
To use the Batch Document Indexing task, you must first import the task, then schedule it.
Initially, a full index needs to be created for all documents stored in the database or on a file server. Subsequent executions of the Batch Document Indexing task will update the index based on documents being added, deleted, or modified within Suite.
Any documents that cannot be indexed will have a value of “Failure” in the Index Status column on the Documents tab of eCounsel or Notes/History tab of Secretariat. Point the mouse at the value to popup a description of why the system could not index the file.