HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly Table 3-4
HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly Table 3
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
Associated Documents |
director_sign_name |
The name of a director selected to sign a document. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Signature Line Officer |
Entity/Name |
Board Consent, Director Consent (Global Appoint/Promote/Retire Wizard and Corporate Meeting Wizard) |
director_sign_title |
The title of a directory selected to sign a document. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Title Description |
Title/Description |
Board Consent, Director Consent (Global Appoint/Promote/Retire Wizard and Corporate Meeting Wizard) |
director_title |
Director's title |
Entities/Positions/Title |
Title/Description |
Shareholder Consent (Corporate Meeting Wizard) |
dirs_no_alt_dirs |
The number of directors for an entity that have been assigned titles with a position type of “Alternate Director”. |
N/A (Calculated field) |
N/A (Calculated field) |
effective_date |
The date selected as the effective date for a document during assembly. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
Board Consent, Shareholder Consent |
effective_date_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) selected as the effective date for a document during assembly. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
Board Consent, Shareholder Consent |
effectivedate |
The date an action (such as the appointment of a person) becomes effective. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
effectivedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an action (such as the appointment of a person) becomes effective. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
entity_administrationnumber |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the administration number entered for the entity in eCounsel. |
N/A |
Company/AdministrationNumber |
entity_begindate |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the date entered in eCounsel as the begin date. |
N/A |
Company/BeginDate |
entity_begindate_datetype |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that is entered in eCounsel as the begin date. |
N/A |
Company/BeginDate |
entity_commentsid |
Any comments entered for the entity on the Base Info tab. |
Entities/Base Info/Comments |
Company/Comments_ID |
entity_internal |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, an indication if the entity is a subsidiary or operating business unit for eCounsel. |
N/A |
Entity/Internal |
entity_name |
The name of the entity. |
Entities/Base Info/Entity Name |
Entity/Name |
Board Consent, Certificate of Incumbency, Certified Resolution, Shareholder Consent |
entity_registrations_agentaddress1 |
The address information from the first line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address1 |
entity_registrations_agentaddress2 |
The address information from the second line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address2 |
entity_registrations_agentaddress3 |
The address information from the third line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address3 |
entity_registrations_agentaddress4 |
The address information from the fourth line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address4 |
HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly Table 4
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
Associated Documents |
entity_registrations_agentcity |
The city for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/City |
Address/City |
entity_registrations_agentcountry |
The country for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Country |
Address/Country |
entity_registrations_agentemail |
The e-mail address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Email |
Agent/AgentEmail |
entity_registrations_agentfax |
The fascimile number for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Fax |
Agent/AgentFax |
entity_registrations_agentname |
The name of a registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Name |
Entity/Name |
entity_registrations_agentother |
Additional contact information for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Other |
Agent/AgentOther |
entity_registrations_agentphone |
The phone number for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Phone |
Agent/AgentPhone |
entity_registrations_agentregion |
The region selected for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Region |
Address/Region |
entity_registrations_agentshortname |
The short name for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Short Name |
Entity/ShortName |
entity_registrations_agentstateprov |
The state or province for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/State Prov |
Address/StateProvince |
entity_registrations_agentzip |
The ZIP or postal code for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Zip Post |
Address/Zip |
entity_registrations_duration |
The alphanumeric information entered for the duration of a registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Duration |
Registration/ RegistrationDuration |
entity_registrations_jurisdiction |
The name of the jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Jurisdiction |
Jurisdiction/JurisdictionName |
entity_registrations_jurisdictionabbreviation |
The abbreviation of the jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Base Info/Abbreviation |
Jurisdiction/ JurisdictionAbbreviation |
entity_registrations_jurisdictioniso |
The three-letter country code for the International Organization of Standards (ISO) for the jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Base Info/ISO |
Jurisdiction/JurisdictionISO |
entity_registrations_jurisdictiontype |
The type of jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Base Info/Type |
Jurisdiction/JurisdictionType_CD |
entity_registrations_registrationdate |
The date entered that the registration was effective for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Registrati on Date |
Registration/RegistrationDate |
entity_registrations_registrationdate_ datetype |
The date entered (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the registration was effective for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/ Registration Date |
Registration/RegistrationDate |
entity_registrations_registrationnumber |
The charter number for a registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Charter Number |
Registration/RegistrationNumber |
entity_registrations_registrationtype |
The type (such as Incorporation) of registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Types |
Registration/ RegistrationType_CD |
entity_registrations_taxnumber |
The tax identifier in a jurisdiction that is registered for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Jurisdiction Tax ID |
Registration/TaxNumber |
entity_registrations_termdate |
The date entered that the registration is no longer in effect for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/ Termination Date |
Registration/TermDate |
HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly Table 5
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
Associated Documents |
entity_registrations_agentcity |
The city for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/City |
Address/City |
entity_registrations_agentcountry |
The country for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Country |
Address/Country |
entity_registrations_agentemail |
The e-mail address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Email |
Agent/AgentEmail |
entity_registrations_agentfax |
The fascimile number for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Fax |
Agent/AgentFax |
entity_registrations_agentname |
The name of a registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Name |
Entity/Name |
entity_registrations_agentother |
Additional contact information for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Other |
Agent/AgentOther |
entity_registrations_agentphone |
The phone number for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Phone |
Agent/AgentPhone |
entity_registrations_agentregion |
The region selected for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Region |
Address/Region |
entity_registrations_agentshortname |
The short name for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Agent Short Name |
Entity/ShortName |
entity_registrations_agentstateprov |
The state or province for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/State Prov |
Address/StateProvince |
entity_registrations_agentzip |
The ZIP or postal code for an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Zip Post |
Address/Zip |
entity_registrations_duration |
The alphanumeric information entered for the duration of a registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Duration |
Registration/ RegistrationDuration |
entity_registrations_jurisdiction |
The name of the jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Jurisdiction |
Jurisdiction/JurisdictionName |
entity_registrations_jurisdictionabbreviation |
The abbreviation of the jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Base Info/Abbreviation |
Jurisdiction/ JurisdictionAbbreviation |
entity_registrations_jurisdictioniso |
The three-letter country code for the International Organization of Standards (ISO) for the jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Base Info/ISO |
Jurisdiction/JurisdictionISO |
entity_registrations_jurisdictiontype |
The type of jurisdiction for a registration for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Base Info/Type |
Jurisdiction/JurisdictionType_CD |
entity_registrations_registrationdate |
The date entered that the registration was effective for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Registrati on Date |
Registration/RegistrationDate |
entity_registrations_registrationdate_ datetype |
The date entered (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the registration was effective for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/ Registration Date |
Registration/RegistrationDate |
entity_registrations_registrationnumber |
The charter number for a registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Charter Number |
Registration/RegistrationNumber |
entity_registrations_registrationtype |
The type (such as Incorporation) of registration for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Types |
Registration/ RegistrationType_CD |
entity_registrations_taxnumber |
The tax identifier in a jurisdiction that is registered for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/Jurisdiction Tax ID |
Registration/TaxNumber |
entity_registrations_termdate |
The date entered that the registration is no longer in effect for an entity. |
Entities/Registrations/ Termination Date |
Registration/TermDate |
HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly Table 6
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
Associated Documents |
director_sign_name |
The name of a director selected to sign a document. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Signature Line Officer |
Entity/Name |
Board Consent, Director Consent (Global Appoint/Promote/Retire Wizard and Corporate Meeting Wizard) |
director_sign_title |
The title of a directory selected to sign a document. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Title Description |
Title/Description |
Board Consent, Director Consent (Global Appoint/Promote/Retire Wizard and Corporate Meeting Wizard) |
director_title |
Director's title |
Entities/Positions/Title |
Title/Description |
Shareholder Consent (Corporate Meeting Wizard) |
dirs_no_alt_dirs |
The number of directors for an entity that have been assigned titles with a position type of “Alternate Director”. |
N/A (Calculated field) |
N/A (Calculated field) |
effective_date |
The date selected as the effective date for a document during assembly. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
Board Consent, Shareholder Consent |
effective_date_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) selected as the effective date for a document during assembly. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
Board Consent, Shareholder Consent |
effectivedate |
The date an action (such as the appointment of a person) becomes effective. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
effectivedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an action (such as the appointment of a person) becomes effective. |
Document Assembly Wizard/Effective Date |
N/A |
entity_administrationnumber |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the administration number entered for the entity in eCounsel. |
N/A |
Company/AdministrationNumber |
entity_begindate |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the date entered in eCounsel as the begin date. |
N/A |
Company/BeginDate |
entity_begindate_datetype |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that is entered in eCounsel as the begin date. |
N/A |
Company/BeginDate |
entity_commentsid |
Any comments entered for the entity on the Base Info tab. |
Entities/Base Info/Comments |
Company/Comments_ID |
entity_internal |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, an indication if the entity is a subsidiary or operating business unit for eCounsel. |
N/A |
Entity/Internal |
entity_name |
The name of the entity. |
Entities/Base Info/Entity Name |
Entity/Name |
Board Consent, Certificate of Incumbency, Certified Resolution, Shareholder Consent |
entity_registrations_agentaddress1 |
The address information from the first line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address1 |
entity_registrations_agentaddress2 |
The address information from the second line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address2 |
entity_registrations_agentaddress3 |
The address information from the third line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address3 |
entity_registrations_agentaddress4 |
The address information from the fourth line of an address for the registered agent for an entity. |
Jurisdictions/Agents/Address |
Address/Address4 |