Suite 8.11.0 SP1
Date Released: 08/14/2018
- Email Base URL for Rules and Tasks
For rules and tasks that include email notifications, the Email Base URL field previously had to be updated in multiple locations in Suite Manager. Now, a single system setting in Suite Manager updates all Email Base URLs for rules and tasks.
Tracking code: UPD-3212
Quick Reference to Enable this Feature: See Enabling Server-side E-mailing for more information.
- Debug Mode
Previously, debug mode could not be turned on or off without restarting the Java virtual machine (JVM). Now, debug mode can be enabled/disabled without a restart.
Tracking code: UPD-3209
Quick Reference to Enable this Feature: See "Creating a Database Connection" in the Bridgeway Suite 8.11.0 Installation Guide for more information.
Issue Resolutions
This service pack includes the following issue resolutions:
- When Suite is deployed to the Java Application Server, the system no longer returns a Java null pointer exception error when a user clicks "With Options" on the application index page.
Tracking code: UPD-4081 - When a Suite configuration is upgraded to version 8.11, a database trigger for Mitratech Office Link no longer prevents Suite from connecting to Oracle databases and a user can connect to a Suite Oracle database using Oracle SQL Developer.
Tracking code: UPD-3761 - On the Calendar appointment detail window, if the Private, Reminder, and All Day Event fields are hidden, the colon (:) is no longer displayed. If the Minutes Before field is hidden, a read-only field is no longer displayed.
Tracking code: UPD-3248 - In Suite Manager, when a user clicks a Lookup on the Lookup table and scrolls before the Lookup loads, an application error no longer occurs.
Tracking code: UPD-3195 - For Suite deployments using a WebSphere application server, users are now able to log into Suite Manager with SAML enabled.
Tracking code: UPD-3189 - In Suite Manager, users can now delete a widget if a Widget Access Security Attribute Profile exists for that widget.
Tracking code: UPD-2881
- When a user runs the Copy Matter Wizard and selects a document in the matter, the system no longer returns the following error: "Could not copy MATTERDOCUMENT. You must select a document type."
Tracking code: UPD-3865 - In eCounsel, when a vendor has a foreign currency designated as a preferred currency and has a Master Approver designated for invoice amounts over a certain USD value, the system no longer uses the value for Original Amount instead of Adjusted Base Amount to determine whether to add the Master Approver.
Tracking code: UPD-3783 - In the Global Assign Wizard, if a user selects a player that is assigned to a matter with a Player Type and Role, matters on which the player has the same Player Type and Role now appear in the list of matters to select if the player record has an end date.
Tracking code: UPD-3773 - When a user sends an email from the Matters or Invoice summary pages in eCounsel, the email notification now matches the text in eCounsel; words are no longer duplicated, sentences are wrapped correctly, and the formatting is the same.
Tracking code: UPD-3573 - In Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, when a user types text in the Comments field of a Progress Note, the text now wraps correctly.
Tracking code: UPD-3505 - If the Invoice Logical Group is selected in the eCounsel Invoice Settings in Suite Manager, the Invoice Summary report no longer displays "Vendor Not Found." when certain users run the report.
Tracking code: UPD-3280 - In eCounsel, when a user creates a matter and does not have access to view a field in the New Matter Wizard based on the user's view profile and that field has no caption, the system no longer returns a java.lang.NullPointerException error.
Tracking code: UPD-3276 - When using Business Objects, the information on the Cost by Vendor report is no longer overlapping.
Tracking code: UPD-3250 - When using Business Objects, when the budget amount for an eCounsel matter that contains invoices is more than 7 digits, the Actual vs Budget report chart no longer truncates the budget amount.
Tracking code: UPD-3249 - The Global Reassign Wizard no longer filters the matters on the Matter Selection screen based on the Entities Related Matter filter preference for the individual user and now include all of the matters that should be made available for selection.
Tracking code: UPD-3201 - When a user exports a report from the Employees tab in the Entities module in eCounsel, all records are exported.
Tracking code: UPD-3192 - The link in the invoice approver email notification opens the Invoices Awaiting Approval page with with navigational elements to access additional invoices.
Tracking code: UPD-3190 - When a user designates himself/herself as the approver and pre-approver in the configuration for the Invoice Routing Rule and approves an invoice where he/she is the approver and pre-approver, the invoice is now routed to the supervisor and the invoice status can be changed.
Tracking code: UPD-2998 - In eCounsel, when a user changes the Legal Section and Matter Type for an existing matter, the Law Area field does refresh and no longer prevents the user from saving the record when affected fields are hidden or required by matter type profile.
Tracking code: UPD-2916
- In the Corporate Meeting Wizard in Secretariat, when users filter the selections using Next Mtg Date, they no longer receive an "Operation Failed" error.
Tracking code: UPD-3247 - When the Notes/History/Charts page in Secretariat has more than 20 records, the page no longer opens to the bottom of the page and the user does not have to scroll up to see the filter bar.
Tracking code: UPD-3232 - In Secretariat, when a reviewer rejects a new ownership/position/registration record that was entered by a user with the restricted entity edit security attribute, the system rejects the record and the rejecter no longer receives a "Missing or invalid session token" error.
Tracking code: UPD-3202 - In SuperViewer, when a user runs the default Subsidiaries report for an entity and changes the date for the report, a "Missing or invalid session token" error no longer displays.
Tracking code: UPD-3593 - In the SuperViewer Documents report, users can only sort a column by ascending or descending order.
Tracking code: UPD-3177
Mitratech Office Link
- When a user opens an appointment or task in Microsoft Outlook and uses Mitratech Office Link to share it with an entity, the association is now synchronized with Suite even if the user does not update another field.
Tracking code: UPD-3373 - In Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, if a user enters search criteria in the search box on the Entities page in SuperViewer and then presses the Enter key, the search box is no longer cleared and the search is executed.
Tracking code: UPD-3231
This release requires an update to:
- Bridgeway Suite (suite8.11.0.sp1.1)
- BusinessObjects Web application (boxir4-suite8.11.0.sp1.1))
- Suite Manager (Suite Manager.exe)
- Mitratech Office Link Outlook Add-in (MitratechOutlookAddInSetup.msi and setup.exe)
- Mitratech Office Link database script (Suite81100600-EnableLogonTriggerOfficeLink-ORA.sql or Suite81100600-DeleteLogonTriggerOfficeLink-ORA.sql) (only if you have upgraded to 8.11 and use Oracle database)
- Database scripts for deployments upgraded to Suite 8.11 (Suite81000800-81100600-ORA.sql or Suite81000800-81100600-SQL.sql)
- Database scripts for Base URL fix (TriggerBaseURL-SQL.sql or TriggerBaseURL-ORA.sql)
- Invoice Routing Rules package (if used)
This update requires the reimport of the following report templates, if they are used and if you are using Business Objects:
- Actual vs Budget
- Cost by Vendor
Click on a link below to download a compressed file that can be used to access the necessary files used in the installation process.
- Suite Manager (SuiteManager.exe)
- Database Scripts (SQL Server or Oracle)
The following reports should be re-imported:
- Actual vs Budget (BO - Oracle, BO - SQL Server)
- Cost by Vendor (BO - Oracle, BO - SQL Server, i-net - Oracle, i-net - SQL Server)
The following rule should be re-imported:
Installation Instructions
Suite Installation Instructions
- Stop the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
- Use Update Manager to install the suite8.11.0.sp1.1 update. Update Manager will back up the following files:
- css\global.css
- images\sortarrow-top.gif
- javascript\darwin_globals.js
- javascript\editpagemanager.js
- javascript\keyevent_handler.js
- javascript\listpagemanager.js
- reports\subsview.xsl
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\alerts\ecounsel\NotifyInvoicesForApprovalService.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\AutoLoader$AllocationAutoLoad.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\AutoLoader$ApproverAutoLoad.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\AutoLoader.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\common\AppLogger.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\BaseCommand$Emailer.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\BaseCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\matter\MatterRedirectInitContent.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\matter\MatterRefreshConfigurationProfileCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\peopleentity\EntityEmployeeListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\peopleentity\RelatedMatterListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\secretariat\entity\CompanyListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\BaseLogic.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\admin\WidgetDelete.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\cshomepage\DocumentFileDocumentList.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\matter\DocumentUpdate.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\matter\MatterList.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\matter\MatterUpdate.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataserver\ServerSessionHolder.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\repository\cshomepage\DocumentFileDocumentDataset.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet$ApplyAppParams.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet$ShowEnvironment.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil$1.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil$DateTimeType.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil$RetryConnectionException.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\NewItemConfigurationParser.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\bsicommon\GenConstants.class
- xsl\bsicommon\calendarview_appointment.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\edittemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\summaryemailinfoview.xsl
- xsl\cshomepage\entitydocumentfiledocumentlist.xsl
- xsl\cshomepage\hp_entitylist.xsl
- xsl\matter\changemattertype.xsl
- xsl\matter\matterbaseinfo.xsl
- xsl\matter\matterdocumentview_progressnote.xsl
- xsl\matter\globalassignwizard_page2.xsl
- xsl\peopleentity\relatedmatterlist.xsl
- xsl\SecrEntity\memberview.xsl
- xsl\SecrEntity\noteshistoryfilelist.xsl
- xsl\SecrEntity\ownershipview.xsl
- xsl\SecrEntity\registrationview.xsl
- xsl\SecrEntity\subsidiaryview.xsl
- Use Update Manager to install boxir4-suite8.11.0.sp1.1 (for Business Objects 4.1). Update Manager will back up the following files in the Bridgeway BusinessObjects Web application deployment:
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bridgeway\suite\report\boxir4\util\BOReportUtil.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bridgeway\suite\report\boxir4\util\BOReportUtil$setOperatorInfo.class
- Restart the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
Suite Manager Installation Instructions
Mitratech Office Link Installation Instructions
Database Function Installation Instructions for Mitratech Office Link
These steps are only needed if you have upgraded an existing deployment to Suite 8.11 and use an Oracle database.
- Using your preferred database tool (Oracle's RMAN utility, Oracle's export data pump utility, etc.), make a backup of your eCounsel/Secretariat database(s).
- Login to your query tool as an administrative user.
- If you want to enable authentication with Mitratech Office link, open the Suite81100600-EnableLogonTriggerOfficeLink-ORA.sql file.
- If you want to disable authentication with Mitratech Office link, open the Suite81100600-DeleteLogonTriggerOfficeLink-ORA.sql file.
- Run the SQL script.
Database Function Installation Instructions for Suite Manager Base URL Update
- Using your preferred database tool (Oracle's RMAN utility, Oracle's export data pump utility, etc.), make a backup of your eCounsel/Secretariat database(s).
- Login to your query tool as an administrative user.
- Open the TriggerBaseURL-SQL.sql file for Microsoft SQL Server databases (included in the appropriate suite8.11.0.sp1.1-Scripts file) or the TriggerBaseURL-ORA.sql file for ORACLE databases (included in the appropriate suite8.11.0.sp1.1-Scripts file).
- Run the SQL script.
The following steps are only needed if you have upgraded an existing deployment to Suite 8.11.
- Using your preferred database tool (Oracle's RMAN utility, Oracle's export data pump utility, etc.), make a backup of your eCounsel/Secretariat database(s).
- Login to your query tool as an administrative user.
- Open the Suite81000800-81100600-SQL.sql file for Microsoft SQL Server databases (included in the appropriate suite8.11.0.sp1.1-Scripts file) or the Suite81000800-81100600-ORA.sql file for ORACLE databases (included in the appropriate suite8.11.0.sp1.1-Scripts file).
- Run the SQL script.
Invoice Routing Rule Package Installation Instructions
- Depending on the encryption that you use (standard or unlimited), extract the contents from the following .ZIP files to a location accessible by the Bridgeway Suite server:
- Open Suite Manager.
- On the Suite Manager control panel, click the Rules Engine component in the Tools & Utilities area.
- On the Rules Engine window, click the Workflow tab at the top of the window.
- Click the InvoiceRoutingAddInitialApprover rule to select it, click the Delete button, and click Yes to confirm deletion. Repeat this step for the InvoiceRoutingApprovals rule.
- Click Import, navigate to the InvoiceRoutingAddInitialApprover.bsi file from Step 1, and then click Open.
- In the dialog box, configure the parameters for the rule, and click Save and Close.
- Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for InvoiceRoutingApprovals.bsi.
- On the Suite Manager control panel, click the Scheduler component in the Tools & Utilities area.
- On the Schedule tab, click InvoiceRoutingTimeOutApprover to select it, click the Delete button, and click Yes to confirm deletion. Repeat this step on the Templates tab.
- On the Templates tab, click Import, navigate to the InvoiceRoutingTimeOutApprover.bsi file from Step 1, and then click Open.
- In the dialog box, configure the parameters for the rule, and click Save and Close.
- On the Schedule tab, click New and select the task from the Task dropdown field.
- Type a description for the schedule in the text box, select the appropriate schedule options, enter any needed parameters, and click Save and Close.
- After importing the rules, click the Refresh All Application Server Settings button on the General tab of System Settings to trigger a cache refresh so that the rule is implemented immediately.