Common Scenarios that Lead to Automatic Rate Request Rejection
For vendors whose clients use LAWTRAC: Common Scenarios that Lead to Automatic Rate Request Rejection
The following bullets outline a few scenarios in which a rate request would automatically be rejected:
- Submitting a rate request without a start and/or end date. See #4 in the Manual Rate Request section of this documentation for further detail.
- Submitting a rate request that spans between two fiscal years set in Lawtrac.
- For example, if the set Fiscal Year is 2018 (01/31/2017 to 01/30/2018) and the rate request is submitted with a start date of 02/01/2017 and an end date of 02/01/2018, this will be an invalid rate request because the start date is in Fiscal Year 2018 and the end date is in Fiscal Year 2019.
- Submitting a rate request with a non-existing Lawtrac Fiscal Year will generate sync errors.
- For example, Lawtrac has defined Fiscal Years from 2012 to 2020, and the rate request is submitted for 2011 or 2021 that may cause to sync errors and may lead to automatic rejection of the rate request.
Additional Scenarios
- Collaborati timekeepers can resubmit rate requests multiple times within a fiscal year (FY). The task rate of the last approved rate request will be the valid rate for the current FY. However, Collaborati timekeepers are discouraged from submitting multiple rate requests for one FY in one submission. The last approved line item from the request will be the valid task code rate for the current FY.
- As noted in the Matter Level Rate Cards section, if a Lawtrac firm is has an existing matter level rate card or an existing firm level rate card, those rates will not sync back to Collaborati. Both the Matter Rates and the Firm Level Rates must be resubmitted from Collaborati, approved in the Outstanding Approvals Admin screen, and synced back with Collaborati.
- Unless Lawtrac is set up to receive invoices with expense line items without timekeepers, Lawtrac will automatically rejects invoices that are submitted with unapproved codes. The whole invoice will be rejected if one of these items is in violation of the rule.