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Smart Form Action Button Instructions

Action Button Function Special Requirements
Save Save form. Status change to Draft / Form becomes read mode / System process computer field  
Edit Edit form  
Submit Submit form to MR/s  
Approve MR to Approve form and status changes to Complete  
Approve to Draft MR approves form and send form back to initiator with email notification Only works on form workflow
Re-assign Allows MR to re-assign from to another MR/s  
Update Initiator Re-assign to another Initiator Only works for Initiator in Draft document
Close Close browser tab or window  
Reject MR reject form back  
Sign-off Used for Sign Off when a Review Workflow is Used, i.e. either Initiator Review or MR Second Review  
Document Security Smart form Confidentiality  
Create PDF Export form opened on browser to PDF Only export form that you opened on browser
New Action Raise smart form default action  
New Sub Form Raise sub form  
Email Link Send form link to others  
Complete & Schedule Used as part of Scheduling Workflow to trigger the next Forms scheduled creation.  
Export to Word Configure XML and export to word  
Export to Word (Hardcode) Hardcode word export function for NSW Police use only  
New Schedule Smart form schedule function  
Print All Export all forms to PDF Includes sub-form/s and Action/s
Create Risk Assessment Create Risk Assessment form (Link to Risk Module)  
Send for Initiator Review Send smart form to initiator  
  • Records Audit on audit trail
  • Form status change to Accepted
Re-open Re-open completed smart form
  •  Only works for Superuser
  • Form must be completed
Delete Delete form Only works for Superuser
Export to PDF Export forms and sub-forms to PDF  
Unlock Unlock smart form manually  
Import data from Excel Import data from Excel file Only works for Superuser in draft form
Acknowledge Initiator acknowledge from and send email to MR This function only works first review workflow
Import data from excel (for General User) Allows general user import data from excel file
  • Only works for initiator
  • Form is in Draft status
Submit All
  • System makes copy from master form base on role
  • Form sends out automatically to each one on the role with unique reference number
Only works on Role based MR
Save and Continue Save form. Status change to Draft / Form still in edit mode / System process computer field  
Recall Reallocate MR/s. Allows initiator to re-assign to another MR/s  
Update from Status Update smart from status Only works for super user
Add to favourites Add from to favourites list Doesn’t support Draft form
Remove from favourites Remove form from favourites list Doesn’t support Draft form
Copy Creates a copy the SMART Form and/or Sub-form/s
  • Copy SMARTForm must be enabled on the Form Template.
  • Who can make the copy must be configured within the form template.
  • The option to allow end user to create copy of sub-form/s must be enabled in the form template.
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