Collaborati 4.3 Release Notes
Enhancement: M-Support user will be able to view the Use Fee Notes
Tracking Code: COLL-15610
Enhancement: New feature setting “Timekeeper Bulk Assignment” added to the System Feature Settings page
Description: By default this setting is enabled and only M-admin has the ability to enable or disable this feature.
Additional Information:
- On enabling this feature setting, a global checkbox that allows the user to select/unselect all the timekeepers on the page will be visible in the header row on the Client’s Timekeeper page.
- A user confirmation window with a warning message pops up while performing the bulk assign/unassign action as it might affect all the offices that the timekeeper is associated with.
- IIf any timekeeper which has been selected has a pending rate request/invoice on it, such timekeeper cannot be unassigned and an error message stating the same would be displayed. The error message displayed would be: “Following timekeepers cannot be unassigned as there are pending rate requests/invoices on it : <timekeeper name,.....>”
Tracking Code: COLL-15672, COLL-15692, COLL-15693, COLL-16268, COLL-15650
Enhancement: User Interface (UI) Enhancements
Description: Major UI changes includes the display of success/error/warning/Info messages.
Tracking Code: COLL-13445
Improvement: Batch Merge Timekeepers - Error merging TKs with pending invoices or approvals associated to same office and client
Description: When a group of timekeepers associated with the same office and client are to be merged via batch merge timekeeper tool then we validate if there are any pending rate requests and invoices on them. If there are any pending rate requests and invoices for the timekeeper(s), the batch merge suggestion will not include such timekeeper(s) associated with the same office and client.
Tracking Code: COLL-14002
Security Enhancements
Enhancement: Auto-disable of user account if not logged in for 90 days or more
Description: User account is deactivated if there is no activity of the user for 90 days or more. User has to reach out to the Collaborati Firm Admin to activate the user or submit a case to Collaborati Support. This enhancement is not applicable for Client System users.
Tracking Code: COLL-15754
Enhancement: Collaborati Client Password Encryption (Hashing)
Description: Client user passwords stored in Collaborati DataBase are encrypted with a safer algorithm(blowfish) than before so that it meets the latest security standards in the industry and also makes password storage more secure.
Tracking Code: COLL-15696
Enhancement: New Password Security Criteria: Password must be at least 10 characters and include at least 1 Upper Case, 1 lower case, 1 numeric character, and 1 special character. Users must set the password which has not been repeated from the last 12 old passwords.
Tracking Code: COLL-15661
Bug fixes
Issue: Collaborati saving invoices with missing matter number in line item for line item type 31(ADJ_FEE)
Tracking Code: COLL-15845
Issue: Update invoice_deletion_procedure to Account for batch_identifier
Tracking Code: COL-15816
Issue: Timekeeper is Authorized for one client/office and can be changed to Authorized for same client/different office without any client authorization
Tracking Code: COLL-15681
Issue: Authorized timekeeper are not displayed to assign as primary attorney for the matter
Additional Information: Authorized Multi-office timekeeper can now be assigned as primary attorney for a matter.
Tracking Code: COLL-15383