Collaborati 4.7 Release Notes
Enhancement: User Interface changes.
Additional Information: User interface updates have been made to the User Preferences, Password Change, and Password Expiry pages. Additionally, passwords are now required to be a minimum of 12 characters, as opposed to the previous requirement of 10 characters. During the initial implementation phase, existing users will not be required to reset their passwords, provided that their passwords are less than 12 characters.
Tracking Codes: COLL-21568, COLL-21570, COLL-21567
For more information about Password requirements, refer to the link.
Improvement: Users search filters should include an option to filter by Status.
Description: A new filter option has been added to the user search feature, allowing users to filter by Status. This filter is accessible by Firms and M-admins and can be used to view either Active or Disabled/Inactive users, depending on the selected filters.
The search results table will display users according to the selected filters, showing their respective statuses as Active, Disabled, or Inactive. By default, the complete list of users will be displayed along with their respective status, and the filter settings will be set to Blank or Any.
Tracking Code: COLL-21566
Improvement: Update language on Firm Settings for data retention.
Description: The data retention language on the Firm Settings page has been updated and the updated text now reads as follow
- System removal of approved, paid, rejected, or appealed invoices after: [x] days.
- For approved invoices with payment sharing enabled, system removal after 12 months if not updated to paid status.
- System removal of invoice upload warning and error messages after: [x] days
- System removal of approved or canceled budget requests after: [x] days
- System removal of approved or canceled rate requests after: [x] days
Tracking Code: COLL-21876
For more information about Firm Settings, refer to the link.
Fixed Issues
Issue: Appeal Invoices are getting submitted without any Line Items.
Tracking Code: COLL-20034
Issue: Search by Country does not work for Timekeepers pending for authorization.
Tracking Code: COLL-20615
Issue: In Collaborati, the Timekeeper status is not updated to Authorized once CSM sync runs after Timekeeper authorization in CSM.
Tracking Code: COLL-21219
Issue: The document sharing process between CSM and Collaborati is slow and it takes hours or days to sync CSM.
Tracking Code: COLL-21563
Issue: Timekeeper currency update does not sync with Collaborati due to a failure in the updateClientTimekeeper function.
Tracking Code: COLL-21882