Collaborati 4.10 Release Notes
Enhancement: A new field named 'Classification Details' has been added to the Client Timekeeper profile popup screen.
- When a timekeeper's classification is updated to one of the new expanded classifications while associated with a client that has disabled expanded classifications, the system generates a popup window for the Client Timekeeper profile. This popup window now includes the newly added 'Classification Details' field.
- During the creation or editing of a Client Timekeeper profile through the Manual or Bulk Upload Timekeeper process, users have the flexibility to input classification details as needed.
- The system will retain the Classification Details, alongside the classification, for the newly created Client Timekeeper profiles generated in the background.
Tracking Code: COLL-23437, COLL-23438
Enhancement: Ability to delete flagged Client Timekeeper Profiles in Collaborati.
Description: When clients switch 'Expanded Timekeeper Classifications Enabled' from No to Yes, Collaborati will delete or inactivate flagged Client Timekeeper profiles that meet specified conditions. The conditions for deletion include:
- "Required Default Classification" must be True.
- Client Timekeeper profile's classification field value should differ from parent timekeeper profile's classification.
- Deletion happens when the Client Timekeeper profile has identical or null values, and the parent timekeeper profile's classification is authorized for invoicing.
Tracking Code: COLL-21745
Enhancement: Firm admins can now select and review the currency for timekeeper rates when uploading rates in bulk.
- On the Upload Rates page, If the client's 'Rate Currency Selection Supported' setting is set to No, the system will display a new bullet point.
Note that the selected client is on a prior version that does not support Timekeeper Rate Currency Selection. If a Timekeeper’s rate currency in Collaborati conflicts with the Timekeeper’s rate currency in the client system, please reach out to the client directly as they may need to make this update in their system.
On the Review & Submit page, when the client's "Rate Currency Selection Supported" setting is set to Yes, the following actions will occur:
A notification message will be displayed on the screen if a rate item in the upload file has a currency different from the current Timekeeper rate currency in the client system.
An error message will appear on the screen if a user attempts to upload a timekeeper's file with multiple rates where the rate currency differs from the first timekeeper rate currency, or if the Timekeeper rate currency on a rate item conflicts with a current pending rate request for the same timekeeper, office, and client timekeeper association.
Tracking Code: COLL-22912, COLL-22913
Enhancement: Firm admins now have the ability to select the currency when submitting timekeepers and their rates manually.
Description: The interface of New Timekeeper Rates page (Step 3) within the Manual Timekeeper with Rates process has been enhanced to include an editable "Currency" field. Clients with the "Timekeeper Rate Currency Selection Supported" feature enabled can modify this field, while those without the setting cannot. The field now displays the complete currency name instead of the abbreviation. The default value is set to the timekeeper's currency, and if it is blank, the client office billing currency will be displayed.
Tracking Code: COLL-22907
For more information refer to link
Enhancement: Ensure Firm admins are alerted that rate items cannot be submitted if rate currency is conflicting with currency of an existing rate item or a pending rate request for the same client and office.
Description: The system will display an error message if the Rate Currency for the Timekeeper rate item differs from the existing rate items or if the user attempts to add a timekeeper rate with a conflicting currency for a pending rate request for the same client and office. The error messages are displayed as follows:
- Error message: “Rate Currency for Timekeeper conflicts with existing rate item(s) (Number of conflicting rate item)”.
- Error message: “Rate Currency conflicts with pending rate request”.
The currency field in the rates table on the Review & Submit page now displays the full currency name instead of its abbreviation.
Tracking Code: COLL-22908
For more information refer to link
Enhancement: Firm admins now have the capability to review the timekeeper rates currency when uploading Bulk timekeepers with rates.
- On the Upload Timekeepers page, If the client's 'Rate Currency Selection Supported' setting is set to No, the system will display a new bullet point.
Note that the selected client is on a prior version that does not support Timekeeper Rate Currency Selection. If a Timekeeper’s rate currency in Collaborati conflicts with the Timekeeper’s rate currency in the client system, please reach out to the client directly as they may need to make this update in their system.
On the Upload Rates (Step 2) page, when the client's "Rate Currency Selection Supported" setting is set to Yes, the following actions will occur:
An error message will appear on the screen if a user attempts to upload a timekeeper's file with multiple rates where the rate currency differs from the first timekeeper rate currency, or if the Timekeeper rate currency on a rate item conflicts with a current pending rate request for the same timekeeper, office, and client timekeeper association.
Tracking Code: COLL-22909
Enhancement: New notification message added to the Review & Submit (Step 3) page for the Bulk Timekeepers with Rates upload process.
Description: When the selected client has the "Rate Currency Selection Supported" setting enabled and uploads a file containing at least one rate item with a currency different from the current rate currency in the client system, a notification banner will display. Upon clicking the submit button without any errors in the timekeeper upload file, a success message will be displayed.
Tracking Code: COLL-22910
Enhancements: New validations introduced for Rate Items in the Manual Rate Request and Manual Timekeeper with Rates creation process.
Description: Within the Rate Request Items (Step 2) screen of the Manual Rate Request and Manual Timekeeper with Rates creation process, we have introduced additional rate validations. If a user attempts to add a Timekeeper Rate with a currency that conflicts with an existing Saved Rate Request currency for the same Timekeeper, Client, and Office, the system will display the following error message:
- Error message: “Currency value conflicts with an existing rate“.
Tracking Code: COLL-22915
Enhancement: A new warning popup message has been newly introduced on the Rate Requests page.
Description: A warning popup message is now displayed on the Rate Request screen for saved rate requests (not submitted) associated with a client that has enabled the "Rate Currency Selection Supported" setting with Yes. This popup alert activates when the currency of the Timekeeper rate on a rate item differs from the current Timekeeper rate currency in the client system.
Tracking Code: COLL-22916
Enhancement: A new Home page banner notification for Firm Admins when client enables 'Expanded Timekeeper Classifications' setting.
Description: The Collaborati home screen for firm administrators has been enhanced with a new homepage banner notification. The notification is triggered when the client enables the setting, and there is at least one office with a completed Client/Office setup for that client. All active firm admin users will come across this banner, and upon dismissal by administrators, the notification will be cleared exclusively for the respective firm admin user. The notification is as follows:
- (Client name) has enabled a new setting for “Expanded Timekeeper Classifications” to include Paralegal, Legal Professional, Clerk/Secretary, and Legal Intern as of (current date).
Additional clients will also be included in the above text if and only if the Firm is associated with at least one other client account where the "Expanded Timekeeper Classifications" setting is enabled. The notification will include a maximum of the five most recent clients.
Tracking Code: COLL-21888
Enhancement: Firm admins will receive email notifications from Collaborati.
Description: When the CSM setting for Expanded Timekeeper Classifications is enabled and synced to a Collaborati firm account, the system will automatically initiate an email notification to all active firm admin users and firm profiles. If the firm admin user and firm profile are identical, only one email will be triggered. Additionally, the email notification will include any additional clients that are enabled.
- (Client A, Client B, Client C, etc.) has enabled a new setting for “Expanded Timekeeper Classifications” to include Paralegal, Legal Professional, Clerk/Secretary, and Legal Intern as of (current date).
Tracking Code: COLL-21887
Enhancement: User Interface updates performed on the Timekeeper page to track the Client timekeeper profiles and the classifications.
Description: A new Information icon is added adjacent to the classification column in the timekeeper search display table. Additionally, a Plus (+) icon has been introduced next to the classification, visible only when the classification of client timekeeper profiles differs from that of the parent timekeepers. Clicking on the Plus (+) icon triggers a new popup window named "Client Specific Timekeeper Classification," exclusively displaying client timekeeper profiles with a "Classification" field value different from the parent Timekeeper profile.
Tracking Code: COLL-22206
Enhancement: Client profiles - User Interface updates on Timekeepers page with classification details.
Description: The following user interface updates are applied on the Timekeepers page when a client-selected office has one or more timekeepers with a client timekeeper profile, and the classification value on the client timekeeper profile differs from that of the parent timekeeper:
- Added a new column, "(Client Name) Classification," to the right of the Classification column.
- If the client timekeeper profile classification differs from the parent timekeeper profile, it will be shown in bold.
- The "(Client Name) Classification" column won't appear if there are no client timekeeper profiles with a different classification value from the parent timekeeper profile.
Tracking Code: COLL-22207
Enhancement: Firm admins can now export timekeeper details, including new classifications, along with Client Timekeeper profiles.
- The CSV file for exporting classification details information now includes a new column titled "Classification Details."
- Additionally, the Confirm Export to Timekeeper Details popup has been enhanced with the addition of a new checkbox labeled "Include Client Timekeeper," which is unchecked by default.
- Enabling this checkbox will result in exporting all details related to the Client Timekeeper profile by appending a row under the parent timekeeper profile. When unchecked, the export will exclude Client Timekeeper profiles.
Tracking Code: COLL-22201
Enhancement: Allow additional characters in the email address domain for Firm, Offices, User Accounts, and Timekeepers.
Description: Collaborati now allows users to input email addresses with up to 65 characters in the email domain for Firm, Offices, User Accounts, and Timekeepers.
Tracking Code: COLL-24653, COLL-23920
Enhancement: Implement the new expanded timekeeper classifications for batched timekeeper uploads for firms with batch upload settings enabled.
Description: Users are able to upload timekeepers with expanded classifications for firms that have batch upload settings enabled. Timekeepers can be created or updated with these expanded classifications using any of the three batch upload processes available: New Timekeeper Submissions, New Timekeeper Submission & Overwrite Existing Profiles, and Update Timekeeper Data Only.
Tracking Code: COLL-23439
Fixed Issues
Issue: When users upload invoices without state/province information, the system displays an error message.
Tracking Code: COLL-7813
Issue: Collaborati Support users encounter an error when attempting to merge a Firm with a Timekeeper associated with multiple offices into another firm using the Firm merger tool.
Tracking Code: COLL-23922
Issue: Firm Admin Users receive premature email notifications when a new client is associated with an office in Collaborati
Tracking Code: COLL-22263
Issue: In the process of creating line items for the manual invoice, the line item numbers sometimes do not follow a sequential order.
Tracking Code: COLL-19010
Issue: CSM synchronization encounters failure because Collaborati generates a NullPointerException (NPE) when syncing unauthorized codes.
Tracking Code: COLL-22508