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Add Timekeeper with Rates Manually

How to create a timekeeper along with rate items for client authorization.

You can upload many new Timekeepers along with rates by clicking the Add Timekeepers with Rates link on the Timekeepers with Rates tab.

Add New Timekeeper with Rates Manually

Instructions Screenshot for Reference

1) Enter Email Address for Timekeeper (email address must be unique and cannot be used by another timekeeper), then check the Offices information to ensure the Timekeeper is authorized for the necessary offices.

Home Office Selection - All of the offices that the Timekeeper is authorized for will be checked by default on the right side of the screen. Use the dropdown on the left side of the screen to select a Home Office for that Timekeeper. You can only select a Home Office from one of the offices listed on the right side of the screen.  

Click Next button to add Timekeeper details.

Note:  You have an option to Select/Unselect all the offices.

2)Enter required information for Timekeeper
  • Display Code and Timekeeper ID are usually the same and most offices use the timekeeper’s initials for these two fields.
  • Choose a Classification
  • Check the box next to the client you would like to associate this timekeeper with (there can be one or more clients).
  • After entering all the required information, you proceed further by clicking:
    • Click Submit to submit the timekeeper information without rates for client authorization.
    • Click Submit/Add New to create the timekeeper with information provided and navigate the user to step 1 page to add another new timekeeper.
    • Click Add Timekeeper Rates to add timekeeper rates.

Note: A warning message is displayed if Rate collaboration is turned off for some of the selected clients.

If client has configured that Rate is required for timekeeper submission or for authorization, a warning message is displayed based on the client selection.

3) For each entry, you will need to manually enter the basic information about the timekeeper rate as below:

Office: Choose the associated office from the dropdown.

Client: Choose the associated client for the office (Client with rate collaboration turned ON are displayed in the dropdown.)

Type: Invoice Task Rate/Timekeeper Rate

Rate: Enter the value.

Currency: Currency will be displayed

Start Date: optional

End Date: optional

Matter: Optional

Note: Optional

Click "Add Item" button.

Client Settings block: You can view the client configured settings here whether Timekeeper rates are required for Client- Office combination for Timekeeper Submission and for Timekeeper Authorization.

Note: Based on the office selection, Rate currency gets changed.

You can review all the rate items added on the preview screen.

4) Verify the information on the preview screen and click Submit button to send a timekeeper information along with rates for client authorization.


How to add rates to an Existing Timekeeper

Follow the below instructions to add rates and submit for client authorization for the existing timekeeper:

Instructions Screenshot for reference
1). On Collaborati main menu, select Timekeepers. clipboard_e4c17cce7341d7e65e3a9ad4b94ef6897.png
2). A list of timekeepers in Collaborati will be displayon the screen. Users can select the required timekeeper from a list. clipboard_e90f26b14c2d66f6d638381784917d7b1.png
3). The Timekeeper edit screen will appear, allowing users to assign or unassign clients based on their requirements. Once adjustments are made, users can click the "Add Timekeeper Rates" button. clipboard_ec07a0968008d8f04da753f8858cb174b.png

4). For each entry, you will need to manually enter the basic information about the timekeeper rate as below:

Office: Choose the associated office from the dropdown.

Client: Choose the associated client for the office (Client with rate collaboration turned ON are displayed in the dropdown.)

Type: Invoice Task Rate/Timekeeper Rate

Rate: Enter the value.

Currency: Currency will be displayed

Start Date: optional

End Date: optional

Matter: Optional

Note: Optional

Assignee and Matter Details: Optional

Click "Add Item" button.

Note: Based on the office selection, Rate currency gets changed.

You can review all the rate items added on the preview screen.



5). Verify the information on the preview screen and click Submit button to send a timekeeper information along with rates for client authorization. clipboard_e10a9ec41dcebb565163dead134c8e225.png

List of Error/Warning messages

Error/Warning messages Action needed

(Error) You are trying to submit a timekeeper with existing rate item(s). Remove the rate item(s) to only submit the timekeeper.

This error appears if you try to submit the timekeeper information on the step 2 page after adding rate item(s) on the step 3 page. Delete the rate items added on the step 3 page before performing the action to submit the timekeeper information.

(Error) You are trying to uncheck a client that has an existing rate item(s). Remove the rate item(s) to uncheck the client.

This error appears if you try to uncheck a client on step 2 page after adding rate item(s) on the step 3 page for that specific client. To uncheck the client, first you need to delete the rate item(s) added for that client before performing the action to uncheck the client on step 2 page.

(Error) You are trying to uncheck an office that has an existing rate item(s). Remove the rate item(s) to uncheck the office.

This error appears if you try to uncheck a office on step 1 page after adding rate item(s) on the step 3 page for that specific office. To uncheck the office, first you need to delete the rate item(s) added for that office before performing the action to uncheck the office on step 1 page.

(Warning) One or more selected client(s) require rates for the timekeeper submission If rate collaboration is ON and if client has configured that Rates are required for Timekeeper Submission. This warning appears on the screen if the selected client requires rates to submit a new timekeeper from Collaborati.
(Warning) One or more selected client(s) require rates for the timekeeper authorization If rate collaboration is ON and if client has configured that Rates are required for Timekeeper Authorization. This warning appears on the screen if the selected client requires rates to submit a new timekeeper for client authorization from Collaborati.

(Warning) The following clients allow the timekeepers to be submitted without a timekeeper rate, but they won’t be authorized until a Rate has been approved.

<Client 1 Name> - Office1; Office2;…

<Client 2 Name> - Office1; Office2;…

If a client has enabled Rate Required for Timekeeper Authorization for a particular office then a warning message is displayed when you try to submit the Timekeeper without a rate. Office and Client combination is displayed in the warning message that requires a timekeeper rate for Timekeeper Authorization.


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