Overview of Types of Adjustments and Discounts in LEDES
LEDES1998B, Invoice Adjustments
Discount can be applied at the invoice level, click here for more information
Discount can be applied at the line item level -- LINE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT field
- see LEDES1998B format specifications for more information
LEDES98BiV2, Invoice Adjustments
Discount can be applied at the invoice level, click here for more information about invoice level discounts in general
Discount can be applied at the line item level -- LINE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT field
- see LEDES98BiV2 format specifications for more information
LEDES 2000, Invoice Adjustments:
Discounts can be applied at the invoice level -- INVOICE@INV_GENERIC_DISCOUNT
(value between 0 and 1 -- 0.1 would be a 10% discount)
- click here for more information about invoice level discounts in general
Discount can be applied at the matter level -- MATTER@MATTER_PERC_SHAR_FEES or MATTER@MATTER_PERC_SHAR_EXP
(value between 0 and 1 -- 0.6 would be a 60% discount)
Discount can be applied at the line item level -- @FEE or @EXPENSE segment
- see LEDES 2000 format specifications for more information
LEDES XML 2.0 or 2.1, Invoice Adjustments
Discounts can be at the invoice level -- MATTER@MATTER_PERC_SHAR_FEES or MATTER@MATTER_PERC_SHAR_EXP
(value between 0 and 1 -- 0.6 would be a 60% discount and 1 would be no discount)
- click here for more information about invoice level discounts in general
Discounts can also be at the line item level -- FEE@ITEM_DISC_CRED_AMOUNT or EXP@ITEM_DISC_CRED_AMOUNT
(value would be added to the base amount of the Fee or Exp)
Discounts can be at the matter level -- @MATTER_DISC_CRED segment
- see LEDES XML 2.0 or LEDES XML 2.1 format specifications for more information
Tax Adjustments
@TAX_MATTER_DISC_CRED -- This segment identifies taxes applied to the adjustment in @MATTER_DISC_CRED and should be recognized by Collaborati.
For more information regarding LEDES98BIv2 with regards to Tax Adjustments, click here