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Upload LEDES Invoices/Attach a Document to a LEDES File

Step-by-step guide detailing how to upload a LEDES file and attach a document in Collaborati (upload invoice).  Article includes helpful screen shots.  Includes information about the Bill Office From field and the Select Office field.

Collaborati users have two options for entering invoices: Uploading a LEDES file created by automated billing software or Creating an invoice manually.

Video Guide

Upload LEDES Invoices 

Uploading your LEDES file for Firms

From anywhere in the Collaborati application, select the Invoices tab, then select the "Upload Invoices" sub-navigation link.

Indicate what type of invoices you are uploading by selecting the appropriate value from the "Invoice Type" drop-down list. The default is Standard invoices. If you want to specify a non-standard invoice type but it doesn't show in the invoice type drop-down, contact your client and report the problem.

Make sure the "Bill Office From" and the "Select Office" are correct.  If the fields are not selected, be sure to select the correct information.

Choose the file or Browse for the file.

Click Upload File button


The system will process the file.  The File Status may show as “Processing”.  Once the file has been processed, you will see the File Status, “Ready to Submit” or “File Error”.

Troubleshooting:  If you don’t see the file, make sure the "Select Office" field is showing correctly. Also, make sure you are on Page 1 if there are many pages (on the bottom right side of the screen).

Attach Your File

For information about the types of files you can attach to your invoice Click here .

Once the invoice is uploaded, click on the Paperclip icon   in the Attachments column (see screen shot).

Click "Choose Files" button and find the document you want to upload.

Click "Attach File" button to attach your selected file

Once you have uploaded your document, click "Close" button.

Your Attachment is indicated by a blue Paperclip icon . This invoice is now ready to be submitted to the client.

If you need to review the details of the Invoice (such as the Line Items) you can click on the “File Name” and then click on the “Invoice Number”. Click “Submit” to submit your invoices to the client.

If you have already submitted the invoice without the attachments, then please refer to the "Collaborati: Can I make attachments to an invoice that has already been submitted?". If the status of the invoice is Canceled, please go through the steps above, attach your document and resubmit the invoice.


Upload a LEDES file with multiple invoices

Collaborati allows LEDES files to contain one or more invoice numbers. Each invoice number may have a separate matter number.  (Note some clients allow for multi-matter invoices, but most clients do not.  Check your client's billing guidelines for more information.)  See below for an example of uploading a single LEDES1998B file with multiple invoices and adding attachments.

From Invoices in the top menu bar, choose "Upload Invoices".

Choose the correct office in the  "Bill Invoice From" field.

Choose the correct office in the  "Select Office" field.  

If these fields are not selected, be sure to select the correct information

Choose the File to upload (or Browse for the file)

Click Upload File button

Once the invoice is uploaded, click on the File Name (in the example below, the File Name is ledes101.txt).  This will take you to the File Preview page.

To attach a file, click on the Paper Clip icon in the Paper Clip column.

Click "Choose Files" button and find the document you want to upload.

Click "Attach File" button to attach your selected file

Once you have attached your document, click "Close" button.

Continue to add attachments to each of your invoices.

Note: To confirm that the invoice is attached, you will need to click on the Paper Clip icon.  You can easily do this from the Upload Invoices page.

Once you have completed adding attachments, click on Return to Upload Invoices (or you can click Submit Invoices on this page)

On the Upload Invoices page, the paper clip will appear as a blue icon.  Click on the blue paper clip icon to confirm attachments. 

Choose the invoice number from the Invoices list to view the attachments for that invoice number.


Click the Close button to return to the "Upload Invoices" screen

Once your invoice details are confirmed and attachments have been added, click the Submit button

Ready to Submit with Errors

If you receive a File Error for one of the invoices in your LEDES file which contains multiple invoices, we suggest to correct all File Errors instead of submitting a partial file. 

More information here.

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