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Mitratech Success Center



Edit and Submit a Budget Request


  1. Find the budget request that you need to work on, as described in How do I view budget requests?
  2. Click the budget request name.
    A new page appears with the details of the budget request. General information about the request is shown: matter name, request date, due date, currency, and status. These fields are not editable.
Note: The due date field does not appear if there are no due dates for this budget request.
  1. Click the "View Matter/Budget" link to view budget details. Budget details are grouped by budget type ("Fee", "Expense" or "Fee & Expense") and then by Period. Several amount fields are shown next to each Budget Name. Subtotals are shown for each fiscal year and for each budget type.
  2. If the currency that the client ordinarily uses for budgeting is different than the matter currency used for this budget request, the fields Exchange Rate and Submit In are displayed for your guidance. All amount fields on this page show only the budget request currency. To view the amounts in your specified currency, select "My Currency" from the Display in drop-down menu above the budget amounts table.
  3. Enter proposed cost estimates for each budget in the editable fields under the New Proposed column.
    The columns that display vary depending upon the status of the budget request. In all cases, there is only one editable amount column, and that is where you enter your current proposed amounts.
  4. Optionally, enter some notes in the Notes field.
  5. Optionally, attach documents as described in How do I attach documents to a budget request?
  6. Click the Save button to save the budget request for later submission.
  7. Click the Submit to Client button to submit the budget request to the client.
    A submit confirmation screen appears.
  8. Click OK.
    The budget request is submitted to the client.


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