Deleted vs. Rejected Status
What is the difference between "Deleted" and "Rejected" Status?
Deleted status means this version of the invoice will not move forward in the review process. It can be resubmitted using the same invoice number.
- Use "Deleted" status if an invoice needs to be withdrawn and resubmitted with edits.
- Use "Deleted" if an invoice was accidentally submitted to an incorrect matter/claim and needs to be re-uploaded to the correct matter.
Rejected status means the invoice will not be paid. That invoice number cannot be reused for resubmission.
- Only used "Rejected" status if an invoice should not be submitted or requires such heavy edits that it should be recreated from scratch.
Note: For an overview of all invoice statuses, see Invoice Statuses
Consider an Inquiry
If clarification is needed on a "For Approval" status invoice before an invoice can be approved or deleted, consider adding a line item inquiry. For more information on inquiries, see Inquiries - Getting Started. This step can allow communication between the firm and the reviewer before an invoice is deleted or rejected.