e-Billing User Guide for Law Firms and Vendors
If you are using Collaborati to submit invoices, please refer to the Collaborati User Guide by selecting the Help link from the Collaborati application.
- Lawtrac accepts the 1998B LEDES File Format
- LEDES Task codes are required for successful submission of an invoice. (Examples: B100 Bankruptcy-Administration, L100 Litigation-Case Assessment, Development and Administration, etc.)
- LEDES Activity codes (codes beginning with the letter “A”) are not required by Lawtrac for successful submission of an invoice; however, they may be required by your client. (Examples: A101 Activity-Plan and Prepare for, A102 Activity-Research, etc.)
- Lawtrac can read multi-matter invoices (i.e. one (1) invoice number can contain multiple matter numbers).
- Lawtrac can read a multi-invoice file (i.e. one (1) electronic file can contain more than one invoice number).
Lawtrac can have your firm e-Billing in five easy steps:
- Edit Administrator’s profile and set permissions. If you are your firm’s Lawtrac administrator, you will need to update the Administrator’s record with your personal information and then confirm that your proper permissions are enabled.
- Add staff members. Ensure that all employees who bill for their time (attorneys, paralegals, etc.) are entered into Lawtrac’s database.
- Add a rate card for each staff member (a.k.a timekeeper). This is the hourly rate charged by each timekeeper for the specific LEDES task codes billed.
- Add a company rate card. This is filed under the administrator and includes all expense/disbursement LEDES codes and the proposed amounts your firm may bill your client. (It’s possible that your client will provide you with an upload file of pre-approved expense rates.)
- Submit an electronic invoice. This entails submitting the LEDES compliant invoice file that has been assembled by your billing department.