Repository Method Details
AccountRepository Method Details
This section describes the AccountRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates an account record.
insertAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
accountCreate |
Data object |
Required Properties from accountCreate
The following table lists properties from the accountCreate data object that must be populated in order to create an account. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating an account, using the accountUpdate data object.
accountCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
name |
string |
The account name. |
allocationLimit |
decimal |
The maximum amount that can be allocated to the account. |
startOn |
dateTime |
The account start date. |
endOn |
dateTime |
The account end date. |
insertAccount Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created account record. |
Updates an account record.
When you send an updateAccount request, certain account property values must be populated. For more information, see the accountCreate Required Properties table.
updateAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
account |
Data object |
Gets requested properties for an existing account given its unique key.
readAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting account record. |
readAccount Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
account |
An account record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
account for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the invoice
Retrieves a set of accounts based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all accounts. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, account.
readAccountsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting account records. |
readAccountsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
accounts |
List<account> |
A list of account objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
account for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the account
Retrieves child accounts and their requested properties for a given parent account's unique key.
readChildAccounts Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the parent account record whose child accounts to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting account records. |
readChildAccounts Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
account |
An account record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
account for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the invoice
Activates an account record.
activateAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the account record to activate. |
Deactivates an account record.
deactivateAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the account record to deactivate. |
Deposits funds to an account.
allocateMoney Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
accountUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
amount |
decimal |
Monetary amount to deposit to the account. |
description |
String |
Description of the transaction. |
Transfers funds between accounts.
transferMoney Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
fromAccountUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the account record to transfer money from. |
toAccountUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the account record to transfer money to. |
amount |
decimal |
Monetary amount to transfer between the accounts. |
description |
String |
Description of the transaction. |
Withdraws funds from a given account.
withdraw Money Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
accountUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to withdraw funds from. |
amount |
decimal |
Monetary amount to withdraw. |
description |
String |
Description of the transaction. |
Deletes the account specified by the unique key.
deleteAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently viewed accounts.
readRecentlyViewedAccounts Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting account records. |
readRecentlyViewedAccounts Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
accounts |
List<account> |
A list of account objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
AppointmentRepository Method Details
This section describes the AppointmentRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates an appointment record.
insertAppointment Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
appointment |
Data object |
Required Properties from appointmentCreate
The following table lists properties from the accountCreate data object that must be populated in order to create an account. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating an account, using the accountUpdate data object.
appointmentCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
subject |
string |
The name or reason for the appointment. This field supports up to 250 characters. |
startOn |
dateTime |
The appointment start date and time. |
endOn |
dateTime |
The appointment start date and time. |
attendeeCreates |
List<attendeeCreate> |
Add one or more attendees to an appointment using this list of attendeeCreate data objects. |
categories |
List<category> |
Enable one or more categories using this list of categories. Note: The categories you identify must already be defined in TeamConnect through the Appointment Object Definition. |
insertAppointment Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created appointment record. |
See Also:
appointmentCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the appointment
Updates an appointment record.
When you send an updateAppointment request, certain appointment property values must be populated. For more information, see appointmentCreate Required Properties.
updateAppointment Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
appointment |
Data object |
See Also:
appointmentUpdate for more information about the properties you can set for the appointment
Gets requested properties for an existing appointment given its unique key.
readAppointment Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting appointment record. |
readAppointment Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
appointment |
An appointment record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
appointment for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the appointment
Retrieves a set of appointments based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all appointments. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, appointment.
readAppointmentsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting appointment records. |
readAppointmentsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
appointments |
List<appointment> |
A list of appointment objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
appointment for more information about the properties you can retrieve
Deletes the appointment specified by the unique key.
deleteAppointment Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently viewed appointments.
readRecentlyViewedAppointments Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting appointment records. |
readRecentlyViewedAppointments Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
appointments |
List<appointment> |
A list of appointment objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
ContactRepository Method Details
This section describes the ContactRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates a contact record.
insertContact Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
contact |
ContactCreate |
Data object |
Required Properties from personCreate
The following table lists properties from the personCreate data object that must be populated in order to create a person. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a person, using the personUpdate data object.
personCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
firstName |
string |
The first name of the person. |
lastName |
string |
The last name of the person. |
Required Properties from companyCreate
The following table lists properties from the companyCreate data object that must be populated in order to create a company. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a company, using the companyUpdate data object.
companyCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
name |
string |
The name of the organization. |
insertContact Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created contact record. |
See Also:
For more information about the properties you can set for the contact, see:
Updates a contact record.
When you send an updateContact request, certain contact property values must already exist. For more information, see personCreate Required Properties and companyCreate Required Properties.
Note: To update a value that does not exist for a contact, use a Create data object to insert the value. For example, if an existing contact does not have a phone number, use ContPhoneNumberCreate to insert a new phone number. After that, use ContPhoneNumberUpdate to update the phone number.
updateContact Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
contact |
ContactUpdate |
Data object |
See Also:
For more information about the properties you can set for the contact, see:
Gets requested properties for an existing contact given its unique key.
readContact Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting contact record. |
readContact Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
contact |
Contact |
A contact record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
contact for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the contact
Retrieves a set of contacts based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all contacts. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, contact.
readContactsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting contact records. |
readContactsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
contacts |
List<Contact> |
A list of contact objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
contact for more information about the properties you can retrieve
Deletes the contact specified by the unique key.
deleteContact Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently viewed contacts.
readRecentlyViewedContacts Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting contact records. |
readRecentlyViewedContacts Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
contacts |
List<contact> |
A list of contact objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
DocumentRepository Method Details
This section describes the DocumentRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates a document record (file).
Depending on the type of document you want to create, use one of the following requests:
- For document files, use the insertDocument request with an input parameter (data object of type documentCreate) that defines the properties of the document to create.
- For shortcuts, use createShortcut with input parameters that define which existing document to create a shortcut to (documentUniqueKey) and the target folder location for the shortcut (parentFolderUniqueKey).
- For subfolders, use createSubFolder with input parameters that define the new folder's name (name) and the target folder location for the shortcut (parentUniqueKey).
Separate requests are provided for creating shortcuts and subfolders.
insertDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentCreate |
Data object |
Required Properties from documentCreate
The following table lists properties from the documentCreate data object that must be populated in order to upload a document file. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a document, using the documentUpdate data object.
documentCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
name |
string |
The name of the document. For example, the file name. |
contentTypeUniqueKey |
string |
The file format. The following values can be entered:
content |
base64Binary |
The binary content of a file. |
type |
documentType |
See documentType for more information. |
parentFolderUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the document folder that this file will be located in. |
insertDocument Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created document record. |
See Also:
documentCreate for more information about the properties you can set for a document
Inserts or creates a shortcut to an existing TeamConnect document.
createShortcut Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the document to create a shortcut for. |
parentFolderUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the folder to create a shortcut with. |
createShortcut Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the shortcut. |
Inserts or creates a subfolder in a given parent folder.
createSubFolder Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Name of the folder to create. |
parentUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the folder to create a subfolder within. |
createSubFolder Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the subfolder. |
Creates a hyperlink in a given parent folder. The hyperlink category is set to the default category for the Document object definition.
createHyperlinkDefaultCategory Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
parentUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the folder to create a subfolder within. |
url |
string |
The website URL that the hyperlink will link to. |
name |
string |
Name of the hyperlink. For example, in the application UI, the hyperlink name displays but the URL does not. |
contactUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the contact record for the contact who creates the hyperlink. |
createHyperlinkDefaultCategory Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the hyperlink. |
Creates a hyperlink in a given parent folder. The hyperlink category is set to a specified Document category.
createHyperlink Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
parentUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the folder to create a subfolder within. |
url |
string |
The website URL that the hyperlink will link to. |
name |
string |
Name of the hyperlink. For example, in the application UI, the hyperlink name displays but the URL does not. |
documentCategoryUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the existing Document category to set as the hyperlink category. |
contactUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the contact record for the contact who creates the hyperlink. |
createHyperlink Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the hyperlink. |
Updates a document record (file, hyperlink, shortcut, or folder).
When you send an updateDocument request, certain document property values must be populated. For more information, see documentCreate Required Properties.
Note: Although it is not customary in this guide to provide detailed documentation of the data objects, it should be noted that the shortcutToDocumentUniqueKey property of the documentUpdate data object is the unique key of the shortcut to the current document that you're updating.
updateDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
document |
Data object |
Gets requested properties for an existing document given its unique key.
readDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting document record. |
readDocument Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
document |
A document record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Retrieves a set of documents based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all documents. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, document.
readDocumentsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting invoice records. |
readDocumentsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documents |
List<document> |
A list of document objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Gets a document data object and the specified property values for a given path.
readDocumentByPath Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
path |
string |
Path to the target document, including the document file name and extension. For example: Top Level\Attachments\Disputes\DISP-000018\IntakeRecord-3372.doc |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting document. |
readDocumentByPath Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
document |
A document record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
This request can perform two functions based on the document unique key parameter.
- If you pass the unique key of a document file (parent), the response includes older document versions of that file.
- If you pass the unique key of a folder, the response includes documents within that folder.
readChildDocuments Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
parentUniqueKey |
string |
Either the unique key of the document record whose children (previous document versions) to return or the unique key of a folder. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting document. |
readChildDocuments Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documents |
List<document> |
A document record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Gets requested properties for an existing document given the unique key of its parent folder and the document's file name.
readChildDocumentForName Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the target document's parent folder. |
name |
string |
The document file name. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting document. |
readChildDocumentForName Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documents |
A document record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Gets requested properties for an existing document folder given the unique key of its owner (user).
readDocumentFolderForDocumentOwner Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the document folder owner (user). |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting document. |
readDocumentFolderForDocumentOwner Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documents |
A document record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Checks in a document that had been previously checked out.
When a new version of a document is checked in, its unique key does not change; however, the previous version of the document is saved under a new unique key.
checkIn Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the document file. This should be the same unique key passed when you checked out the document. |
content |
base64Binary |
The document file content. |
versionText |
string |
The version number to assign to this document. |
Checks out a document. This function is typically used for version control of a file in TeamConnect and to lock a file while it is being edited.
checkOut Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the document file to check out. |
See Also:
checkIn, revert for information about related methods
Attempts to undo check out of a given document.
undoCheckOut Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of a document record that has been checked out. |
See Also:
checkOut for information about related methods
To revert a document to an older document version, you need to know the unique key of that older document version. You can accomplish this by getting a list of older document versions by calling the readChildDocuments method, then find the older version to revert back to from the list.
revert Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
Document file unique key that identifies the version of the document (for example the current version) to replace. |
oldKey |
string |
Document file unique key that identifies the version of the document to revert to (sets this file to the current version). |
See Also:
checkOut, checkIn for information about related records
Moves a document to a new parent folder.
moveDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the document record to move. |
newParentFolderUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the folder where the target document should be moved. |
Copies a document to a new parent folder.
copyDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documentUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the document record to copied. |
newParentFolderUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the folder where the document copy should be created. |
Deletes the persistent document specified by the unique key.
deleteDocument Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently viewed documents.
readRecentlyView edDocuments Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting document records. |
readRecentlyView edContacts Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
documents |
List<document> |
A list of document objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Set document to recently viewed status.
setDocumentAsRecentlyView ed Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
String |
Unique key of the document record set as recently viewed. |
There is no return value.
Retrieves a hierarchal list of document folders for one or more projects.
readFolderHierarchy Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projUniqueKey |
List<string> |
A list of unique keys for each project. |
properties |
List<string> |
A list of strings that identify the property names of the values to return for each folder. |
readFolderHierarchy Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
readFolderHierarchy |
List<DocumentTreeNode> |
A list of tree nodes. Each node includes the property values for the folders in the project and specifies the hierarchy of the folders. This parameter only returns specified property values. |
ExpenseRepository Method Details
This section describes the ExpenseRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates an expense record.
insertExpense Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
expense |
Data object |
Required Properties from expenseCreate
The following table lists properties from the expenseCreate data object that must be populated in order to upload an expense. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating an expense, using the expenseUpdate data object.
expenseCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
shortDescription |
string |
The expense description. |
expenseDate |
date |
The expense date. For example, when the expense was incurred or the date the record was made. |
expensedByUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the user responsible for the expense. |
insertExpense Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created record. |
See Also:
expenseCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the expense
Update an expense record.
When you send an updateExpense request, certain expense property values must be populated. For more information about the required properties when creating or updating expenses, see the expenseCreate Required Properties table.
updateExpense Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
expense |
Data object |
There is no return value.
See Also:
expenseUpdate for more information about the properties you can change for expenses
Gets requested properties for an existing expense given its unique key.
readExpense Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting expense record. |
readExpense Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
expense |
An expense record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
expense for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the invoice
Retrieves a list of expenses based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all xpenses. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, expense.
readExpensesByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting expense records. |
readExpensesByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
expenses |
List<expense> |
A list of expense objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
expense for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the expense
Posts a given expense.
postExpense Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to post. |
There is no return value.
Voids a given expense.
voidExpense Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to void. |
There is no return value.
Deletes the expense specified by the unique key.
deleteExpense Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently viewed expenses.
readRecentlyViewedDocuments Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting expense records. |
readRecentlyViewedContacts Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
expenses |
List<expense> |
A list of expense objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
GroupAccountRepository Method Details
This section describes the GroupAccountRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates a group account record.
insertGroupAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
groupAccount |
Data object |
Required Properties from groupAccountCreate
The following table lists properties from the groupAccountCreate data object that must be populated in order to upload a groupAccount. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a groupAccount, using the groupAccountUpdate data object.
groupAccountCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueName |
string |
A unique name for the group. Values can include letters and numbers. Special characters are not allowed. |
displayName |
string |
The group name. Maximum length: 50 characters. |
userAccountUniqueKeys |
List<String> |
A list of unique key values for the user accounts to add to the group. |
insertGroupAccount Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created group account record. |
See Also:
groupAccountCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the group
Updates a group account record.
When you send an updateGroupAccount request, certain contact property values must be populated. For more information, see groupAccountCreate Required Properties.
updateGroupAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
groupAccount |
Data object |
See Also:
groupAccountUpdate for more information about the properties you can set for the user
Gets requested properties for an existing group account given its unique key.
readGroupAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting group account record. |
readGroupAccount Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
groupAccount |
A group account record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
groupAccount for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the group
Retrieves a set of group accounts based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all group accounts. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, groupAccount.
readGroupAccountsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting group account records. |
readGroupAccountsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
groupAccounts |
List<groupAccount> |
A list of group account objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
groupAccount for more information about the properties you can retrieve
Deletes the group account specified by the unique key.
deleteGroupAccount Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently viewed accounts.
readRecentlyViewedDocuments Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting account records. |
readRecentlyViewedContacts Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
groupAccounts |
List<accounts> |
A list of account objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
HistoryRepository Method Details
This section describes the HistoryRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates a history record. Although a history is a unique and searchable record, you will typically associate a history with another record (for example, an account), using the history to track changes made to the account.
insertHistory Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
history |
Data object |
Required Properties from historyCreate
The following table lists properties from the historyCreate data object that must be populated in order to create a history record. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a history record, using the historyUpdate data object.
historyCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
archivedOn |
dateTime |
The date the history record is created. For example, the current date. |
shortDescription |
string |
Description of the history or note about the related record's changes. Maximum: 250 characters. |
parentObject |
historyOwner |
The unique key of the record to associate the history record with. |
insertHistory Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created history record. |
See Also:
historyCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the history
Updates a history record.
When you send an updateHistory request, certain history property values must be populated. For more information, see historyCreate Required Properties.
updateHistory Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
history |
Data object |
See Also:
historyUpdate for more information about the properties you can set for the account
Gets requested properties for an existing history given its unique key.
readHistory Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting history record. |
readHistory Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
history |
A history record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
history for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the record
Retrieves a set of history records based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all history records. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, history.
readHistoriesByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting history records. |
readHistoriesByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
histories |
List<history> |
A list of history objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
history for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the record
Deletes the history record specified by the unique key.
deleteHistory Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read and return recently view history records.
readRecentlyView edHistories Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting history records. |
readRecentlyViewedHistories Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
histories |
List<history> |
A list of history objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
InvoiceRepository Method Details
This section describes the InvoiceRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates an invoice record.
To create an invoice, use the insertInvoice request with an input parameter (data object of type InvoiceCreate) that defines the properties of the invoice to create.
The response to creating an invoice is the unique key value of the new record. The unique key uniquely identifies a record and is used as a parameter in operations like updating and reading records.
Typically when approval rules (workflow) have been created for invoices, there may be scenarios when an approver rejects an invoice and you may resubmit another version of an existing invoice. When you create or update an invoice that has the same number, date, and vendor as an existing rejected invoice, the new or updated invoice will be saved with an auto-incremented version. For example, if the original rejected invoice's version was 1.0 then the resubmitted invoice's version will automatically be set to 1.1. For more information about rejected invoices, see the User Guide section on Invoices.
insertInvoice Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoiceCreate |
Data object |
Required Properties from invoiceCreate
The following table lists properties from the invoiceCreate data object that must be populated in order to create an invoice. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating an invoice, using the invoiceUpdate data object.
invoiceCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
numberString |
string |
The invoice number. |
invoiceDate |
date |
The invoice date. For example, the date the invoice was submitted. |
vendorUniqueKey |
string |
The account start date. |
Required Properties from lineItemCreate
The following table lists properties from the lineItemCreate data object that must be populated in order to create a line item. Although you can create or update an invoice with no line items, this is very impractical. Note that there are different required properties depending on the type of line item you are creating or editing.
Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating an invoice, using the invoiceUpdate data object with the lineItemUpdate data object.
lineItem Create Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
itemNumber |
int |
Numeric ID that will set the display order of the line item in the application UI. |
serviceDate |
date |
date for the expense or services provided. |
projectUniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the project associated with this line item. |
categories |
List<category> |
type |
lineItemType |
The line item type (EXPENSE or FEE). |
timekeeperUniqueKey |
string |
This property is only required if the type is Fee. Unique key of the timekeeper's contact record. |
activityUniqueKey |
string |
This property is only required if the type is Fee. Tree position of the item from the Activity Item system lookup table to associate with the Fee/Task. |
originalRate |
decimal |
originalQuantity |
decimal |
insertInvoice Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created invoice record. |
See Also:
invoiceCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the invoice
lineItemCreate for more information about the properties you can set for line items
Update an invoice record.
When you send an updateInvoice request, certain invoice property values must be populated. For more information about the required properties when creating or updating line items, see the invoiceCreate Required Properties table. In addition, when updating an invoice it is most practical for the invoice to include at least one line item. For more information about the required properties when creating or updating line items, see the lineItemCreate Required Properties table.
updateInvoice Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoice |
Data object |
There is no return value.
See Also:
invoiceUpdate for more information about the properties you can change for invoices
lineItemUpdate for more information about the properties you can set for line items
Gets requested properties for an existing invoice given its unique key.
readInvoice Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting invoice record. |
readInvoice Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoice |
An invoice record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
invoice for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the invoice
lineItem for more information about the properties you can retrieve for line items
Retrieves a list of invoices based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all invoices. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, invoice.
readInvoicesByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting invoice records. |
readInvoicesByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoices |
List<invoice> |
A list of invoice objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
invoice for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the invoice
lineItem for more information about the properties you can retrieve for line items
Posts a given invoice.
postInvoice Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to post. |
There is no return value.
Voids a given invoice.
voidInvoice Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to void. |
There is no return value.
Deletes the invoice specified by the unique key.
deleteInvoice Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
readRecentlyView edInvoices Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting invoice records. |
readRecentlyView edInvoices Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoices |
List<invoice> |
A list of invoice objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
adjustInvoiceHeader Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoiceUniqueKey |
String |
Unique key of the record to adjust. |
method |
adjustmentMethod |
target |
invoiceAdjustmentTarget |
Invoice target to be adjusted (TOTAL_FEES, TOTAL_EXPENSES, or TOTAL_INVOICE). |
value |
decimal |
The amount for the adjustment. |
reasonKey |
string |
Tree position of the line item adjustment reasons table. |
commentsToVendor |
string |
Comments to the vendor. |
internalComments |
string |
Internal comments for the adjustment. |
There is no return value.
readActiveApprovals Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoiceUniqueKey |
String |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting approval records. |
readActiveApprovals Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
approvals |
List<approval> |
A list of approval objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
readCompletedApprovals Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
invoiceUniqueKey |
String |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting approval records. |
readCompletedApprovals Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
approvals |
List<approval> |
A list of approval objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Read all pending invoice approvals that are pending on post.
readInvoiceApprovalsPendingOnPost Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting approval records. |
readInvoiceApprovalsPendingOnPost Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
approvals |
List<approval> |
A list of approval objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
LookupTableSource Method Details
This section describes the LookupTableSource methods, including parameters and return values.
Retrieves a list of properties for a system table code. You use the properties to read values from lookup tables.
readSystem Lookup Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
SystemTableCode |
string |
Unique four-letter code for the system table types. Refer to the following list of codes for each type:
readSystem Lookup Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
WSLookupTable |
WSLookupTable |
An item that includes a list of properties for a lookup table item. The list includes the following properties:
ProjectRepository Method Details
This section describes the ProjectRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates a project record.
insertProject Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projectCreate |
Data object |
Required Properties from projectCreate
The following table lists properties from the projectCreate data object that must be populated in order to create a project. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a project, using the projectUpdate data object.
projectCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
entityTypeUniqueKey |
string |
Unique 4-digit alphanumeric code that identifies the custom object. Corresponds to the TeamConnect Unique Code value. |
name |
string |
The project record name. |
idNumber |
string |
The project record ID number. |
categories |
List<Category> |
The categories to add or enable for the project record. |
insertProject Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created project record. |
See Also:
projectCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the project
projectAssigneeCreate for more information about adding assignees to the project and the corresponding assignee properties you can set
projRelationCreate for more information about adding relations to the project and the corresponding relation properties you can set
Updates a project or matter record.
When you send an updateProject request, certain project property values must be populated. For more information, see the projectCreate Required Properties table.
updateProject Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projectUpdate |
Data object |
See Also:
projectUpdate for more information about the properties you can set for the invoice
projectAssigneeUpdate for more information about the properties you can update for assignees
projRelationUpdate for more information about the properties you can update for relations
Gets requested properties for an existing project given its unique key.
readProject Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting project record. |
readProject Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
project |
A project record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
project for more information about the properties you can retrieve
projectAssignee for more information about the properties you can retrieve for assignees
projRelation for more information about the properties you can retrieve for relations
phaseInterval for more information about the properties you can retrieve for phases
Retrieves a set of projects based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all projects. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, project.
readProjectsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting invoice records. |
readProjectsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projects |
List<project> |
A list of project objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
project for more information about the properties you can retrieve
projectAssignee for more information about the properties you can retrieve for assignees
projRelation for more information about the properties you can retrieve for relations
phaseInterval for more information about the properties you can retrieve for phases
Retrieves requested properties of child project records for a given parent project record. You must also specify the project type of child projects to retrieve.
readChildProjectsForEntityType Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
parentProjectUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the parent project record whose child project records to read. |
projectEntityTypeUniqueCode |
string |
Unique code or tree position for the default category of the child project records to return. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting projects. |
readChildProjectsForEntityType Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
project |
A project record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
project for more information about the properties you can retrieve
projectAssignee for more information about the properties you can retrieve for assignees
projRelation for more information about the properties you can retrieve for relations
phaseInterval for more information about the properties you can retrieve for phases
Changes a project records phase. You must get the valid phase's unique key from the TeamConnect application interface.
changePhase Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the project whose phase to change. |
phaseUniqueKey |
string |
Unique code of the phase to set for the project. Note: You need to know beforehand the defined phase intervals (for supported phase transitions) and phase unique codes. |
Deletes the project specified by the unique key.
deleteProject Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
readRecentlyViewedProjects Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting project records. |
readRecentlyViewedProjects Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projects |
List<project> |
A list of project objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
Get a list of project entity types in TeamConnect.
readProjectEntityTypes Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting project entity type records. |
readProjectEntityTypes Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projectEntityTypes |
List<projectEntityType> |
A list of project entity types. Only specified property entity type values are returned with the record. |
Get a list of search views that are of type "Integration". Each returned search view should have a unique key, a name, and its associated entity type.
readProjectIntegrationSearches Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projectSearches |
List<projectSearch> |
A list of project searches that are of type "Integration". |
readProjectsUsingSearch Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projectEntityTypeUniqueKey |
string |
Unique 4-digit alphanumeric code that identifies the custom object. Corresponds to the TeamConnect Unique Code value. |
searchUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the project search of type "Integration". |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting project records. |
readProjectEntityTypes Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
projects |
List<project> |
A list of project objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
InvolvedRepository Method Details
This section describes the InvolvedRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates an involved party record. Note that when an involved record is created with the active status set to true, the activeDate will automatically be set to the current date.
insertInvolved Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
involved |
Data object |
Required Properties from involvedCreate
The following table lists properties from the involvedCreate data object that must be populated in order to create an involved party. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating an involved party, using the involvedUpdate data object.
involvedCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
entityTypeUniqueKey |
string |
Unique 4-digit alphanumeric code that identifies the involved child object (child of associated project object definition). Corresponds to the TeamConnect Unique Code value. |
projectUniqueKey |
string |
Project record unique key that the involved party should be associated with. |
contactUniqueKey |
string |
Contact record unique key for the involved party. |
active |
boolean |
True indicates the involved party is active. |
categories |
List<Category> |
The categories to add or enable for the involved party record. |
insertInvolved Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created involved party record. |
See Also:
involvedUpdate for more information about the properties you can update for the involved record
Updates an involved record.
updateInvolved Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
involved |
Data object |
See Also:
involvedUpdate for more information about the properties you can update for the involved record
Gets requested properties for an existing involved record given its unique key.
readInvolved Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting project record. |
readInvolved Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
involved |
An involved record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
involved for more information about the properties you can retrieve
Gets requested properties for involved party records that are associated with a project record, given the unique key of the project record.
readInvolvedsForProject Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the project record whose associated involved party records to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting involved party records. |
readInvolvedsForProject Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
involved |
List<involved> |
A list of involved records. Only specified property values are returned with the records. |
See Also:
involved for more information about the properties you can retrieve
Gets requested properties for involved party records given search criteria.
readInvolvedsByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
involvedEntityTypeUniqueCode |
string |
Unique code of the involved party object definition whose records to read. This should correspond to the involved party that is a child object of associated target project. |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
The maximum number of involved party records to return in the search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting involved party records. |
readInvolvedsByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
involved |
List<involved> |
A list of involved party records. Only specified property values are returned with the records. |
See Also:
involved for more information about the properties you can retrieve
Deletes an involved part record given its unique key.
deleteInvolved Parameter Description
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
TaskRepository Method Details
This section describes the TaskRepository methods, including parameters and return values. For the method to insert a new record, a list of required properties is provided.
Inserts or creates a task record.
insertTask Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
task |
Data object |
Required Properties from taskCreate
The following table lists properties from the taskCreate data object that must be populated in order to create a task record. Also note that the same properties must be populated when you are updating a task record, using the taskUpdate data object.
taskCreate Required Properties
Property Name |
Data Type |
Description |
shortDescription |
string |
A brief description of the task. |
currentAssignee |
The user assigned to the task. |
insertTask Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
The unique key of the newly created record. |
See Also:
taskCreate for more information about the properties you can set for the expense
Update a task record.
When you send an updateTask request, certain task property values must be populated. For more information about the required properties when creating or updating tasks, see Table 2.192 "taskCreate Required Properties".
updateTask Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
task |
Data object |
There is no return value.
See Also:
taskUpdate for more information about the properties you can change for tasks
Gets requested properties for an existing task given its unique key.
readTask Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to read. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting task record. |
readTask Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
task |
A task record. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
task for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the task
Retrieves a list of tasks based on specified search criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will retrieve all tasks. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results. For a list of available properties, see the type class, task.
readTasksByCriteria Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
criteria |
searchCriteria |
Search criteria or conditions to search for. |
limit |
int |
A numeric value for the maximum number of records to return among search results. |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting expense records. |
readTasksByCriteria Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
tasks |
List<task> |
A list of task objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |
See Also:
task for more information about the properties you can retrieve for the task
Posts a given task.
postTask Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to post. |
There is no return value.
Voids a given task.
voidTask Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to void. |
There is no return value.
Reassigns a given task to a different user.
reassign Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
taskUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the task to reassign. |
userUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the user to set as the new task assignee. |
There is no return value.
Deletes the task specified by the unique key.
deleteTask Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
uniqueKey |
string |
Unique key of the record to delete. |
There is no return value.
Read recently viewed tasks.
readRecentlyViewedTasks Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
properties |
List<String> |
A list of String values that identify the property names whose values to return with the resulting task records. |
readRecentlyViewedTasks Response Descriptions
Parameter Name |
Data Type |
Description |
tasks |
List<task> |
A list of task objects. Only specified property values are returned with the record. |