API Reference Summary
- A table of requests
- A table of required fields to create a record with the repository
- A table of related data objects (record property containers)
Note: There are some remaining data objects (for example, related to search criteria), that are currently not documented in this section.
AccountRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Activates an account. |
Deposits funds to an account. |
Deactivates an account. |
Deletes an account record. |
Creates an account record. |
Reads and returns an account record. Specified account properties are returned with the record. |
Searches for account records that meet a given search criteria. Specified account properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Reads child account records of a given parent account. |
Reads and returns recently viewed account records. |
Transfers funds between accounts. |
Updates an existing account with the specified properties. |
Withdraws funds from an account. |
AccountRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TAccount object. |
accountType |
An enumeration used to set the account type. Options include:
accountOverdraftType |
An enumeration used to set the account overdraft type. Options include:
accountInvolvedType |
An enumeration used to set restrictions on the posting criteria for an account. The effect of this enumeration's value depends on other account posting criteria you have set in either the accountCreate or accountUpdate properties. If posting criteria is applied to tasks or expenses, use this enumeration to restrict account posting by the task/expense's associated contact. If posting criteria is applied to invoice line items, use this enumeration to restrict account posting by the line item's associated timekeeper. Options include:
accountProjectType |
An enumeration used to set restrictions on the posting criteria for an account. The effect of this enumeration's value depends on other account posting criteria you have set in either the accountCreate or accountUpdate properties. Use this enumeration to restrict account posting by the task/ expense/invoice line item's associated project. Options include:
accountVendorType |
An enumeration used to set restrictions on the posting criteria for an account. The effect of this enumeration's value depends on other account posting criteria you have set in either the accountCreate or accountUpdate properties. Use this enumeration to restrict account posting by the invoice line item's associated vendor. Options include:
AppointmentRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Saves a new appointment to the repository. |
Updates a previously saved appointment. |
Retrieves a appointment from the repository based on a unique key. For a list of available properties, see the type class, appointment. |
Retrieves a set of appointments based on specified criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will be for all appointments. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results to obtain. For a list of available properties, see the type class, appointment. |
Deletes the appointment specified by the unique key. |
Read and return recently reviewed appointments. |
AppointmentRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TAppointment object. |
appointmentResourceType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read an appointment resource's associated type. |
lookupItem |
Abstract class that provides get methods to read properties associated with TeamConnect system lookup table items. |
attendanceType |
An enumeration used to indicate an attendee's plans to attend an appointment. Options include:
ContactRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Deletes the contact specified by the unique key. |
Saves a new Contact object to the repository. |
Retrieves a Contact from the repository based on a unique key. For a list of available properties, see the type class, contact. |
Retrieves a set of contacts based on specified criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will be for all contacts. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results to obtain. For a list of available properties, see the type class, contact. |
Retrieve a list of recently viewed contacts. |
Updates a previously saved contact. |
ContactRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
All three objects are subclasses of the related Contact objects. The Company objects are used to work with contact records of type, Company.
Note: CompanyCreate is a subclass of ContactCreate. CompanyUpdate is a subclass of ContactUpdate. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TContact object. |
All three objects are subclasses of the related Contact objects. The Person objects are used to work with contact records of type, Person.
Note: PersonCreate is a subclass of ContactCreate. PersonUpdate is a subclass of ContactUpdate. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TContact object. |
All three objects are used to work with contact mailing addresses within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContAddress object. |
contAddressType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact address type. |
countryItem |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact address country. |
All three objects are used to work with contact email addresses within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContEmail object. |
contEmailAddressType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact email address' associated type. |
All three objects are used to work with contact fax numbers within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContFax object. |
contFaxNumberType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact fax number's associated type. |
All three objects are used to work with contact internet addresses (website URL's) within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContInetAddress object. |
contInetAddressType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact email address' associated type. |
All three objects are used to work with contact phone numbers within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContPhone object. |
contPhoneNumberType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact phone number's associated type. |
All three objects are used to work with contact default rates within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContRate object. |
All three objects are used to work with contact task rates within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContRate object. |
All three objects are used to work with contact invoice task rates within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContRate object. |
All three objects are used to work with default contact rates within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContRate object. |
currencyItem |
Subclass of lookupItem. This class corresponds to the TeamConnect Multi-currency lookup table's items. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to either a contact rate's currency or invoice currency. The currencyItem name property corresponds to the TeamConnect multi-currency lookup table Currency code. The currencyItem name property |
All three objects are used to work with contact relations within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContRelation object. |
contRelationType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact relation's associated type. |
relationDirection |
An enumeration used to identify the direction between two relations. Options include:
All three objects are used to work with contact skills within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContSkill object. |
contSkillType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact skill's associated type. |
All three objects are used to work with contact territories within contact records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JContTerritory object. |
contTerritoryItem |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a contact territory. |
DocumentRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Saves a new Document object to the repository. |
Creates a shortcut or link to a document (file, folder, or existing shortcut) with a given unique key. The parentFolderUniqueKey defines the folder where the shortcut will be created. |
Creates a sub-folder with given name in given parent folder. |
Creates a hyperlink and sets its category to the default Document category. |
Creates a hyperlink. |
Updates a previously saved document. |
Retrieves a Document from the repository based on a unique key. For a list of available properties, see the type class, Document. |
Retrieves a set of documents based on specified criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will be for all documents. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results to obtain. For a list of available properties, see the type class, Document. |
Performs two functions:
Returns documents with only specified property values. For a list of available properties, see the type class, document. |
Retrieves a document from the repository given the file name and the unique ID of its parent folder. |
Retrieves a document folder from the repository given the unique key of the folder's owner (user). |
Retrieves a Document from the repository based on a folder path. |
Attempts to check out a document with a given unique key. |
Attempts to undo check out of a given document. |
Attempts to check in a document with a given unique key. |
Attempts to revert a given document to a given old version. |
Moves a document to a new parent folder. |
Copies a document to a new parent folder. |
Deletes the persistent document specified by the unique key. |
Retrieves a list of recently viewed documents. |
Set a document as recently viewed. |
Retrieves a hierarchical list of document folders for one or more projects. |
DocumentRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TDocument object. |
documentContentType |
This object defines the document file type. In an application you would typically use this object's properties to read or search documents. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to this object, see the Object Model Reference for the YDocuContentType object. |
documentType |
An enumeration used to indicate the document type. Options include:
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to this object, see the Object Model Reference for the YDocuContentType object. |
ExpenseRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Deletes an expense record. |
Creates an expense record. |
Posts an expense record. |
Reads and returns an expense record. Specified expense properties are returned with the record. |
Searches for expense records that meet a given search criteria. Specified invoice properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Read and return recently viewed expense records. |
Updates an expense record. Specified invoice properties are updated. |
Voids an expense record. |
ExpenseRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
accountPostingStatus |
An enumeration used to track whether a finance record has posted to an account. Typically in an application, you would read or search by this object's value. You would not explicitly set a financial record's posting status. Options include:
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TExpense object. |
GroupAccountRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Deletes the group account specified by the unique key. |
Saves a new group account object to the repository. |
Retrieves a group account from the repository based on a unique key. For a list of available properties, see the type class, groupAccount. |
Retrieves a set of group accounts based on specified criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will be for all group accounts. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results to obtain. For a list of available properties, see the type class, groupAccount. |
Read and return recently viewed group accounts. |
Updates a previously saved group account. |
GroupAccountRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the YGroup object. |
HistoryRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Saves a new history record to the repository. |
Retrieves a set of records based on specified criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will be for all records. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results to obtain. For a list of available properties, see the type class, history. |
Retrieves a record from the repository based on a unique key. For a list of available properties, see the type class, history. |
Updates a previously saved history record. |
Deletes the record specified by the unique key. |
Read recently viewed histories. |
HistoryRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the THistory object. Note: historyOwner refers to the unique key (String) of a parent record that the history describes. |
InvoiceRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Adjust an invoice on the header level. |
Deletes an invoice record. |
Creates an invoice record. |
Posts an invoice record. |
Read active approvals for an invoice. |
Read completed approvals for an invoice. |
Reads and returns an invoice record. Specified invoice properties are returned with the record. |
Read all pending invoice approvals that are pending on post. |
Searches for invoice records that meet a given search criteria. Specified invoice properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Read recently viewed invoices. |
Updates an invoice record. Specified invoice properties are updated. |
Voids an invoice record. |
InvoiceRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
adjustmentMethod |
An enumeration used to identify the way an invoice summary is adjusted. Options include:
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcHeaderAdjustment object. |
currencyItem |
See currencyItem. |
All three objects are used to work with invoice summary adjustments within invoice records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcHeaderAdjustment object. |
invoiceAdjustmentTarget |
An enumeration used to identify which property of the invoice summary to adjust. Options include:
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TInvoice object. |
invoiceNonUSTax |
Invoice Non-US Taxes object property container returned when you read or search invoices. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned object, see the Object Model Reference for the TInvoice object. |
invoiceNonUSTaxType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to an invoice's Non-US Tax category. Note: An invoice can have multiple Non-US Tax amounts. |
invoicePostingStatus |
An enumeration used to track whether a finance record has posted to an account. Typically in an application, you would read or search by this object's value. You would not explicitly set a invoice's posting status. Options include:
All three objects are used to work with invoice line item adjustments within invoice records.
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcLineItem object. |
lineItemAdjustmentReason |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a line item adjustment reason. This class corresponds to the options defined by the TeamConnect system lookup table, Invoice Rejection Reason. |
lineItemAdjustmentTarget |
An enumeration that identifies the line item property to adjust. Options include:
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JInvcLineItem object. |
lineItemType |
An enumeration that sets the line item type. Options include:
taskActivityItem |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a invoice line item task activity option. This class corresponds to options defined in the TeamConnect system lookup table, Activity Item. |
LookupTableSource Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Retrieves a list of properties for a system table code. You use the properties to read values from lookup tables. |
Use the ProjectRepository to manage project, matters, or custom object records (for example, create, update, read,search, delete). The corresponding custom object must already be defined in the TeamConnect Designer area Object Definitions screen. Corresponding categories for the custom object must also be defined in the TeamConnect Designer area Object Definitions screen.
ProjectRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Changes the phase of a project record. The phase must already be defined in TeamConnect. |
Deletes a project record. |
Creates a project record. |
Reads and returns a project record's child projects by a given category. Specified project properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Reads and returns a project record. Specified project properties are returned with the record. |
Get a list of project entity types in TeamConnect. |
Get a list of search views that are of type "Integration", each returned search view should have a unique key, a name, and its associated entity type. |
Searches for project records that meet a given search criteria. Specified project properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Get a list of records that match the search criteria given a unique key of search view of "Integration" type. |
Read recently viewed projects. |
Updates a project record. Specified project properties are updated. |
ProjectRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
assigneeRole |
Use this object to read or search projects by associated assignee role. Note: Project assignee role values must be pre-defined in TeamConnect UI in the Project (custom object) object definition. |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the WObjdProjectInfo object. |
embeddedEntityType |
Use this object's uniqueCode property to identify the existing embedded object definition to work with. |
phase |
Use this object's properties to search or read projects. Also use this object's properties to search or read projects by the phaseInterval (object) property. |
phaseInterval |
The phaseInterval object is a container for properties about a phase's duration (for example, the date when a phase became active). In an application, typically you would Project phase interval object property container returned when you read or search projects. Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned object, see the Object Model Reference for the JProjPhase object. |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JProjAssignee object. |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TProject object. |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JProjRelation object. |
projRelationType |
Subclass of lookupItem. Use the provided get methods to read the properties related to a project relation's associated type. |
relationDirection |
For more information, see relationDirection. |
Use this repository to work with involved party records or contacts who are involved in a project (matter).
InvolvedRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Deletes an involved party record. |
Inserts or creates an involved party record (associated with a project/ matter). |
Reads and returns an involved record. Specified involved properties are returned with the record. |
Searches for involved party records that meet a given search criteria. Specified involved party properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Reads and returns a list of involved party records given the unique id of an associated project (matter). Specified involved properties are returned with the record. |
Updates an involved record. Properties that can be updated include categories and custom field values. Existing property values can be cleared. |
InvolvedRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TInvolved object. |
TaskRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Deletes a task record. |
Creates a task record. |
Posts a task record. |
Read recently viewed tasks. |
Reads and returns a task record. Specified task properties are returned with the record. |
Searches for task records that meet a given search criteria. Specified task properties are returned with the resulting records. |
Reassigns a task record to a different user. |
Updates a task record. Specified task properties are updated. |
Voids a task record. |
TaskRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
accountPostingStatus |
See accountPostingStatus. |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the JTask Assignee object. |
taskPriority |
An enumeration used to indicate the priority of a task. Options include:
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the TTask object. |
taskWorkStatus |
An enumeration used to indicate the status of a task (like level of completion). Options include:
UserAccountRepository Requests Summary
Request |
Description |
Saves a new user account object to the repository. |
Updates a previously saved user account. |
Retrieves a user account from the repository based on a unique key. For a list of available properties, see the type class, userAccount. |
Retrieves a set of user accounts based on specified criteria. If the criteria is empty, then the search will be for all user accounts. The specified limit takes precedence over the current system setting for the maximum number of search results to obtain. For a list of available properties, see the type class, userAccount. |
Deletes the user account specified by the unique key. |
Read recently viewed user accounts. |
UserAccountRepository Data Objects Summary
Data Object |
Description |
Note: For more information about the data restrictions for properties that belong to the above-mentioned objects, see the Object Model Reference for the YUser object. Note: To update a user's password through Web Services, you need to authenticate with that user name and password. |
userType |
An enumeration used to indicate a user's access to public and private records. Options include: