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Retrieving Data from Child Objects

This guide provides an overview of how to retrieve data from child objects.

There are two tags used to retrieve data from child objects:

  • tc:search,
    used to automatically retrieve data from child object records.
  • tc:filter,
    used to define a screen where the end user selects the child object record(s) to be included in the document.


The following sample is used to retrieve data from all child claims of a parent policy. In addition, it retrieves the vehicles damaged in the accident of each claim. Vehicle is an embedded object of Claim. Notice that tc:search is nested within another tc:search tag.


Policy Information

Policy Number:
<tc:data select="NumberString" />

<tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data>

Retrieving Specific Type of Child Records with tc:conditional

<!-- The tc:conditional tag is used to retrieve child claim records of type `Auto'. -->
<tc:search link="Project" isForChild="yes" qualifier="Application_ProjObjectDefinition_UniqueCode=CLA M"> <tc:conditional test="Detail[CLAM_AUTO]">

Claim Information (Child of Policy)

Claim Name:
<tc:data select="Name" />

Claim Number:
<tc:data select="NumberString" />

<tc:loop select="AssigneeList" qualifier="IsActive=1"><tc:data select="User"> <tc:data select="Contact">

Name, Date Assigned
<tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /></ tc:data></tc:data>, <tc:data select="AssignedOn" />
<tc:data select="MainAssignee">

Main Assignee:
<tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data></tc:data></tc:data>

<!-- Retrieving vehicles damaged in each claim -->
<tc:search link="Project" isForChild="yes" qualifier="Application_ProjObjectDefinition_UniqueCode=VEH I">

Vehicle Information
<!-- Embedded Object of Claim --> The following vehicles were involved in the this claim:

<tc:detail select="VEHI/VIN" />

<tc:detail select="VEHI/MakeModel" />

<tc:detail select="VEHI/Year" />

<tc:detail select="VEHI/Damage" />


User Selected

This sample utilizes the tc:filter tag to retrieve data from the user selected child record(s). This sample retrieves data from:

  • System fields from policy record.
  • User-selected assignee(s) of the policy record.
  • User-selected claim record.
  • User-selected assignee(s) of the selected claim record.
  • User-selected involved contact(s) of the selected claim record.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tc:document version="1.0" mime-type="application/msword" name="Policy, Claim and Vehicle Information - Filter" xmlns:tc="http://">


<tc:filter name="SelectedPolicyAssignee" test="AssigneeList" label="Please select the assignee to contact in regards to the Policy"
displayString="User/Contact/FirstName;User/Contact/Name;Type/Name" displayFormat="* * - *" />

<tc:filter name="Claims" searchCondition="Project" qualifier="Application_ProjObjectDefinition_UniqueCode=CLAM" label="Select the appropriate claim" displayString="Name;NumberString" displayFormat="* - *" usedBy="2" />

<tc:filter name="SelectedClaimAssignee" test="AssigneeList" label="Please select the assignee to contact in regards to the Claim" displayString="User/Contact/FirstName;User/Contact/Name;Type/Name" displayFormat="* * - *" multi="yes" objectFrom="Claims"/>

<tc:filter name="SelectedInvolvedParties" searchCondition="Involved" label="Please select the parties involved in this Claim" displayString="Contact/FirstName;Contact/Name;DefaultCategory/Name" displayFormat="* * - *" multi="yes" objectFrom="Claims"/>




Policy Number:
<tc:data select="NumberString" />

Insured Information
<tc:data select="Contact">

First Name:
<tc:data select="FirstName" />

Last Name:
<tc:data select="Name" /> </tc:data>

<!-- The following tags retrieve data from the Assignee that the user selected. In this case, the tc:filter tag is used because we want to retrieve data from the sub-object that the user selected, not just all of the users assigned to the policy record (which would require the tc:loop) or specific type of assignee (which would require the qualifier attribute). -->

Assignee Information 
<tc:filter select="SelectedPolicyAssignee"><tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact">

First Name:
<tc:data select="FirstName" />

Last Name:
<tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data></tc:data>

<tc:data select="Type/Name" /></tc:filter>
<tc:filter select="Claims">

<tc:data select="Type/Name" /></tc:filter>

<!-- The following tags retrieve data from the user selected claim record(s), which is a child object of Policy. In addition, we nested other tags to retrieve data pertaining to the related objects and sub- objects of Claim. -->

<tc:filter select="Claims">

Claim Number:
<tc:data select="NumberString" />

<tc:filter select="SelectedClaimAssignee"><tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact">

First Name:
<tc:data select="FirstName" />

Last Name:
<tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data></tc:data>

Assigned On:
<tc:data select="AssignedOn" />

<tc:data select="Type/Name" /></tc:filter>

Main Assignee: 
<tc:data select="MainAssignee"><tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data></tc:data></tc:data>

<!-- The following tags retrieve data from the involved contact selected by the user. -->

Involved Parties
<tc:filter select="SelectedInvolvedParties"><tc:data select="Contact">

First Name:
<tc:data select="FirstName" />

Last Name:
<tc:data select="Name" /></tc:data>

<tc:data select="DefaultCategory/Name" /></tc:filter></ tc:content></tc:document>

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