Upgrading to TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2
Upgrading to TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2
If you have a previous version of TeamConnect Business Intelligence and want to upgrade to TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2, follow these specific instructions.
Before you begin:
NOTE: Dashboard owners MUST backup their existing dashboards prior to upgrade. Under normal upgrade processes, dashboard templates will persist and not have to be re-imported. The backup ensures that you do not lose your dashboards in the case that we encounter a unique scenario and the dashboards are deleted
- Verify that the TeamConnect installer has been run and the TeamConnect database has been updated.
- Make sure the user has DBA access on the server machine from which they will be running syncs. To check if the user is already a DBA:
- type lusrmgr in the Microsoft Windows search field and open lusrmgr.
- In the lusrmgr window, click Groups in the navigation pane and then ora_dba to see the list of oracle DBAs on the server.
- If the user is not in the ora_dba group, click the Add button and add the user.
- Grant the database schema access to create a materialized view by logging into sqlplus as sysdba and typing the command:
where <DBUsername> is the database username for your database. For example:
This section contains a quick overview of the upgrade process. Each line links to specific instructions on how to perform the process.
To upgrade the Sisense Web Server:
- Replace current homepage and plug-in files with version from the installation media.
- Configure Mitratech branded email templates on web server.
To upgrade the Sisense Build Server:
- Replace the Elasticube build files with released version on build server.
- Perform uninstall followed by schema sync for all Elasticubes using new build files on build server.
- Remap fields if upgrading from a version of TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.1.2 or earlier.
To configure TeamConnect for the upgrade:
- Replace the Sisense files in Documents with the new released version.
- Include or remove any custom objects from reporting if needed.
- Update any reports that have list fields or default category fields.
Updating the Sisense Web Server
Replace the Home Page and Plug-in Files
- Backup your existing plug-ins by removing the contents of the following folders on the Sisense server and placing a copy of them in another location outside of the Sisense folder:
- PrismWeb/resources, typically located in C:\Program Files\Sisense\PrismWeb
- PrismWeb/plugins, typically located in C:\Program Files\Sisense\PrismWeb
- Extract TeamConnect-homepage-xx.zip from the installation media into the PrismWeb/resources directory.
- Extract TeamConnect-plugin-xx.zip from the installation media into the PrismWeb/plugins directory.
- Extract the Metadata.zip file and copy the whole folder into <Sisense Installation Folder>\Prism Web\plugins where <Sisense Installation Folder> is the location of your Sisense installation.
Installing the Email Templates
If you are upgrading TeamConnect Business Intelligence from a previous version or installing for the first time, the Sisense branded email templates for notifications need to be replaced with Business Intelligence versions that are tailored to the TeamConnect integration:
To install the email templates:
- Open the TeamConnect-templates-xx.zip folder from the installation media, where xx is the release version.
- On the Sisense server, navigate to the \Sisense\PrismWeb\translations\en-US directory, typically located C:\Program Files\Sisense\PrismWeb\translations\en-US.
- Open the email-templates.js file and replace its contents with the contents of the email-templates.js from TeamConnect-templates-xx.zip in the installation media.
- On the Sisense server, navigate to the \Sisense\PrismWeb\next\src\features\emails\templates directory, typically located C:\Program Files\Sisense\PrismWeb\next\src\features\emails\templates.
- Copy and paste the contents of the emails folder (but not the folder itself) from TeamConnect-templates-xx.zip in the installation media into the templates folder.
- Restart the IIS server.
If using a clusted environment, replace the plug-ins and email templates on each Sisense Web Server in the cluster.
Updating the Sisense Build Server
Replacing Elasticube Build Files
- Create a backup of the existing TeamConnect_BI directory by moving it to a different location and changing the name (for example, TeamConnect_BI_backup). Make a note of the location of the autoCube.properties file. You will need the property values in this file.
- Extract the files from the TCBI_Install_Package-xx.zip to the same the location of the original TeamConnect_BI directory.
Creating a Backup of the Existing ElastiCube
To backup your ElastiCube:
- In Windows Services, stop Sisense.ECMS.
- Open the PrismServer\ElasticubeData directory, typically located here:
Note: If the directory is not in this location, open the Sisense Server Console and click theServer Preferences icon to verify the correct path.
- Copy the data to your backup location.
Upgrading the ElastiCube
- After creating a backup, uninstall the ElastiCube by running the TCBI_Uninstall.bat script from the original installation files.
- Check the log for any errors.
- Open the new autoCube.properties file with a text editor. Define the property values with the information from the previous installation, being careful not to erase any new properties.
- Note:
- If you are using a high-availability (HA) system and have custom .json distribution scripts, skip this step.
- If you are using an alternate distribution method such as a utility to move the .json files, turn the utility off before setting this new property.
- Exclude the "metadata\translations" subfolder.
- In the path, use \\ instead of \, for example, C:\\Program Files\\Sisense\\PrismWeb\\plugins.
- Run the updated TCBI_SchemaSync.bat and check the log for any errors.
Verifying Scripts
- Verify distriution scripts are copying cubes to the correct locations for all nodes.
Note: For a high-availability environment, add the ElastiCube to an ElastiCube set, share both the individual ElastiCubes and the ElastiCube set with the appropriate Sisense administrator account, and then use the name of the ElastiCube set in the report integration. - Verify distribution scripts are copying the JSON file to the translations folder for Metadata Translation plugin.
Remapping Fields
In existing TeamConnect Business Intelligence reports and dashboards built with TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.1.2 or earlier, all fields must be remapped once. After this one-time remapping and implementation of this plugin, renamed fields will not need to be remapped anymore. Note: This step only applies to instances that are upgrading from TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.1.2 or earlier and have existing reports created on those older versions.
Note: These steps must be performed by the owner of the dashboard.
You have two options.
- If you only have a few reports with few fields, remap the fields manually using the steps below.
- If you have multiple reports or reports with many fields, use the Metadata Remapping Tool.
To remap a field in a report manually:
- Open the TeamConnect Business Intelligence dashboard in TeamConnect. Reports that need to be remapped display an error stating that an item cannot be found.
- Click the Edit Widget icon in the upper right corner of the report.
- Delete each field in the report by clicking the
Remove the item icon for the individual field.
- Re-add each field to the report.
- Click Apply.
Updating the TeamConnect Instance
Replacing the .class and .property in TeamConnect
- In TeamConnect, click the Documents tab and select Top Level from the left pane.
- Click the System folder and then click the Report Integration folder.
- Click the Sisense folder.
- Check out the SisenseReportAdapter.class file, then check in the file and select the SisenseReportAdapter.class file from the new installation.
- Check out the SisenseReportPortlet.class file, then check in the file and select the SisenseReportPortlet.class file from the new installation.
- Check out the sisense.properties file, then check in the file and select the sisense.properties file from the new installation.
- Open the sisense.properties file ad verify that it is pointed at the correct Sisense URL.
- If using Sisense in a high-availability (HA) environment, set the new property sisense.highAvailability=true in teamconnect.properties and use cube sets when configuring Sisense.
- Verify that the Report Integration Tool has correct information.
Note:- You must re-type any secured fields such as Password or SharedSecret when you are updating an integration.
- You cannot change an existing environment or client ID.
- Verify that the cube is shared with the tenant admin.
- Run the User/Group sync from the Report Integration Tool to update the User name with the User ID in the security tables in the cube.
Adding or Removing Objects and Fields from Reporting
Administrators can include or remove entire custom and system objects from TeamConnect Business Intelligence reporting so that reports display the most relevant information and data syncs are faster.
- If an object is reportable, all fields associated to the object are reportable, except fields explicitly designated as removed from reporting.
- If the parent object is included in reporting, the setting does not automatically cascade down; the child/embedded object is not included and needs to be set manually.
- If a child/embedded object is included in reporting, the parent object also needs to be manually included.
- If a parent object is removed from reporting, then all of its child objects or fields are removed from reporting, regardless of the reporting designation for the child or field. If you want to report on a specific child object, the parent object must be included in reporting.
Custom objects are removed from reporting by default except the objects in the following table. Admins can change this setting in the Setup tool. By default, the following objects are reportable:
Code | Type | Object |
ACCT | System | Account |
CONT | System | Contact |
INVC | System | Invoice |
LNI$ | System | Line Item |
ACPT | OOTB Custom | Advice and Counsel Involved Party (Legal) |
ADCO | OOTB Custom | Advice and Counsel (Legal) |
ALLE | OOTB Custom | Allegation (Legal) |
ASSE | OOTB Custom | Liability Asset (Legal) |
AWAR | OOTB Custom | Award (Legal) |
COAC | OOTB Custom | Corrective Action (Legal) |
COCE | OOTB Custom | Dispute Cost Center (Legal) |
DAMA | OOTB Custom | Damage (Legal) |
DISP | OOTB Custom | Matter (Legal) |
INPA | OOTB Custom | Matter Involved Party (Legal) |
NEGO | OOTB Custom | Negotiation (Legal) |
PART | OOTB Custom | Coverage Involved Party (Legal) |
PROV | OOTB Custom | Matter Provision (Legal) |
RADC | OOTB Custom | Related Advice and Counsel Matter (Legal) |
RTAC | OOTB Custom | Related Advice Matter (Legal) |
SANC | OOTB Custom | Sanction (Legal) |
TCOC | OOTB Custom | Transaction Cost Center (Legal) |
TENA | OOTB Custom | Lessee (Legal) |
TERM | OOTB Custom | Matter Term (Legal) |
TRAN | OOTB Custom | Coverage (Legal) |
VIOL | OOTB Custom | Violation (Legal) |
MTR$ | OOTB Custom | Matter (Essentials) |
INP$ | OOTB Custom | Matter Involved Party (Essentials) |
(Objects that are provided with TeamConnect and its modules are considered “out-of-the-box” (OOTB) custom objects.)
- On average, adding an additional custom object to be reportable will add ~3 minutes to the schema sync and ~1 minute for each category that the custom object has. The time it takes to loading the data into the ecube depends on the size of the table in the database.
- If you have removed an object from reporting and that object is used in a report widget, the widget will return an error stating that the field no longer exists. Remove the non-reportable field manually by editing the widget.
- If you are upgrading TeamConnect, before any modules are installed, the admin needs to manually make the module’s “out-of-the-box” (OOTB) custom objects reportable or run a specifically provided script in order for the items to be reportable.
- When an object has the Remove from Reporting (Business Intelligence) checkbox selected, the object is only removed from TeamConnect Business Intelligence reports; Legacy reports with Data Warehouse are not changed.
To add or remove an object from reporting:
- Click Setup and select Object Definitions from the Go to… menu.
- Select the object and click the General tab.
- To exclude the object from reporting, select the Remove from Reporting (Business Intelligence) checkbox. To include the object in reporting, clear the Remove from Reporting (Business Intelligence) checkbox.
- Click OK. After the next schema sync, the object will be included or removed from TeamConnect Business Intelligence reporting but will still be included in Legacy reports using Data Warehouse.
To add or remove a custom field from reporting:
- Click Setup and select Object Definitions from the Go to… menu.
- Select the object.
- On the Custom Fields tab, select the appropriate fields and click Edit Selected. In the Include in Data Warehouse column, select No to remove the field from reporting, or select Yes to have the field included.
- Click OK. After the next schema sync, the field will be included or removed from both TeamConnect Business Intelligence reporting and Legacy reports using Data Warehouse.
Updating Existing Reports
If you are upgrading from a TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.0.x version, you will need to update the existing reports.
To update your existing reports:
- The following objects have been removed from reporting, so remove these objects from any reports:
- Task
- Appointment
- Document
- Expense
- History
The following tables that contain "List" values have been removed from the ElastiCube to increase performance. Remove any of these "List" fields in existing reports.
- Category
- Involved Party
- Skill
- Territory
- Attendee
- Assignee
- Resource
- NonUSTax
- NonUSTaxCode
- Matter Cost Center
- Invoice Cost Center
- The following Default fields from the tables listed in the previous step have been moved into the main object. If you used these fields in any of your reports, remap the fields to the new location.
- Default Category (both leaf and full name; see note below)
- Default Address
- Default Phone
- Default Fax
- Default Inet Address
- Default Email
- Main Assignee
Note: The Default Category fields are divided into Category and Category Full. For example, if a matter has a bankruptcy, Category shows Bankruptcy only; Category Full displays Dispute|Bankruptcy.
The Categories field is still available and doesn’t change. This field displays each category entry on a separate line. If you have one matter with many categories, you can still see all categories, it’s just listed in separate lines. No data is removed.