Financial Management Matter Budget Insight
The Financial Management (FM) Matter Budget Insight widget displays the Allocated Matter Budget account associated with a selected matter. This widget analyzes the Vendor accounts allocated and to review total spending and the budget for the linked Matter of an invoice. Added a custom block in the Matter Budget Insight widget that helps to hold the Matter Budget.
The FM Matter Budget Insights widget displays the following information in the form of charts:
- Selected Budget Amount: Displays the budget amount for the selected time period.
- Spend Against Selected Budget: Displays the spent budget against the selected budget.
- With this Invoice Approved: Displays total approved budget of the invoice.
- With all Pending Invoices Approved: Displays the number of pending invoices approved.
- This Invoice amount: Displays the total matter budget of the Invoice.
Allocating the Matter Budget to an Invoice
To create a Matter
- Go to Legal >> Select New
- Enter Name of the Dispute.
- Go to Category in the left pane.
- Select the category to assign to this record.
- Select the category from the Set A Primary Category from the drop-down list.
- Click Save.
- Go to Involved/Assignees in the left pane and add Primary assignee.
- Click Assign.
- Add new Involved Parties details (Party Name and Default Role as Agency).
- Click New.
- A pop-window appears.
- Select Contact.
- Click Save.
- Now go to Budgets >> Click Create Budget >> Select Budget Template (Quarterly Budgets) from the drop-down list.
- Click Next.
- From Select Time Period
- Select Vendor.
- Select Fiscal year from the drop-down list.
- Click Next.
- Enter amount in Allocation column.
- Click Finish.
- Budget Information page appears with Budget Line items.
Creating an Invoice
- Go to Finance.
- Click All Invoices from the left pane.
- Click New.
- In the Header Information, enter all the required fields.
- Select Invoice Type as Accruals/CreditNotes/Shadow Invoices. By default, Invoice type is Standard.
- Enter Invoice Matter Details.
- Matter Type.
- Dispute Matter.
- Click Save & Close.
- The new Invoice is created.
To view the Matter Budget Insight tab,
- Click Post button.
- A Notification message appears.
- After posting an Invoice, the Matter Budget Insight grid appears.
- For Accruals and CreditNotes, MBI widget displays as:
When an Accruals is identified in the Budget, the Unreversed Accrual is displayed in the MBI widget.
When a user turns on Toggle, the accrual amount is added to the Total Matter Budget Spend bar.
- Selected Budget Amount: Displays the budget amount for the selected time period.
- Spend Against Selected Budget: Displays the spent budget against the selected budget.
- With this Invoice Approved: Displays total approved budget of the invoice.
- With all Pending Invoices Approved: Displays the number of pending invoices approved.
- This Invoice amount: Displays the total matter budget of the Invoice.
- Matter Opened: Displays the created date of the Matter.
- Matter Age: Displays the Matter Age of the Matter.
- Average Monthly Spend: Displays the Amount approved / Number of months.
- Showing Budget for drop-down field with the following values:
- All - Consolidated budget view of months, quarters & years.
- Monthly - Displays the monthly budgets as per the current Invoice.
- Quarterly - Displays the quarterly budgets as per the current Invoice.
- Yearly - Displays the yearly budgets as per the current Invoice.
- The difference between Total Matter Budget Spend and With this Invoice Approved are displayed as two pins on the right side of the percentage meter bar with amount and percentage.
In the workflow process, the Non-Standard Invoices are displayed in the MBI block for the following:
- Accruals
- Credit Notes (Available from 6.3 Version)
- Shadow Invoices (to view Shadow Invoices in MBI, user need to create an account)
Functionality of the Toggle Button:
The functionality of the Toggle button is applicable in the following scenarios:
- No Reversal
- Full Reversal
- Partial Reversal
No Reversal: When the Toggle button is in ON position, the added Accrual amount displays in the below bar in the Matter Budget Insight block:
- Spend Against Selected Budget. The added Accrual amount is displayed in a darker shade towards the end of the bars. When the user hovers over the highlighted part, the tooltip displays the Unreversed accrual amount.
- If the "NO Reversal is configured in Admin > Budget Settings > General > Accrual Reversal Settings” and select the NO ACCRUAL REVERSALS check box, then the NO Reversal is applied to Accruals.
Full Reversal: When the Toggle button is ON, the added accrual amount displays in the below bar in the MBI block
- Spend Against Selected Budget. The added Accrual amount is displayed in a darker shade towards the end of the bars. When the user hovers over the highlighted part, the tooltip displays the Unreversed accrual amount.
If the "Full Reversal is configured in Admin > Budget Settings > General > Accrual Reversal Settings” and select the REVERSE ACCRUED AMOUNT check box, then the Full Reversal is applied to Accruals.
Partial Reversal
- When the Toggle button is ON, the Accrual amount is added to the following bars in the MBI block:
- Spend Against Selected Budget (in 6.3.1 version)
- If Standard amount < Accrual amount, the Spend Against Selected Budget displays the difference between Accruals and Standard Invoice amount.
- If Standard amount > Accrual amount, then Accrual becomes zero. It behaves similar to full reversal.
- If Standard amount = Accrual amount, the Accrual becomes zero. It behaves similar to full reversal.
- If the "Partial Reversal is configured in Admin > Budget Settings > General > Accrual Reversal Settings” and select the REVERSE ACCRUED AMOUNT BY ACTUAL POSTED check box, then the Partial Reversal is applied to Accruals
To Configure Accrual Reversal Settings
- Go to Admin > Budget Settings > General > Accrual Reversal Settings.
- Select the required radio buttons:
- To display Full Reversal and Partial Reversal under Accrual Reversal Settings
- Go to SETUP.
- Select Object Definition > Invoice
- Select Rule > Accrual Invoice Approval > General.
- Select This Rule is Active checkbox.
- Click Save and Close.
When there is an approved shadow invoice for a matter, the MBI block for the Standard invoice displays as:
For Standard, MBI widget displays as:
- If the Invoice amount is adjusted, the Matter Budget changes accordingly.
- If the invoice is in the approval workflow, this MBI grid is no longer displayed.
To view the Approve button, Users must be listed in the invoice workflow.
Creating a Shadow Invoice account
Steps to set up Shadow Invoice Account:
- Click on All >> Accounts >> New.
- Fill in the following details in Account Information section Name Account Period Begins/Ends Allocation Limit Select Allow Posting checkbox.
- Click on Save & View button.
- Click on Posting Criteria from left side menu.
- Select One from Posting Project to this account drop down and link this account to the matter created in preconditions.
- Select One from Post account to this Vendor & link this account to the same vendor which is associated with the matter created in preconditions.
- Under Invoice section Select Shadow Invoice checkbox in Post Invoice Type section.
- Click Save & View button.
- Click Activate button.
- Click General from left side menu.
- Click Allocate button.
- Allocate some amount for the shadow account within the Shadow Account Allocation Limit.
Matter Budget Insight Error Messages
- When the user/reviewer is looking at an invoice that has more than one matter's line items in it, the system displays an error message as
"Matter Budget Insights is not available for invoices with line items from more than one matter.
Invoices with line items from more than one matter (Multi-Matter Invoices) can be automatically rejected, globally, by a TeamConnect system administrator in Setup >> Invoice Validation Rule Setting >> CSM (Validation) - Do Not Allow Multi-Matter Invoice except Line Item Projects with Specified Project Categories.
For more information, contact Mitratech Support."**
- If user/reviewers are unable to locate a budget for the matter, the system displays an error message in the Matter Budget Insights block
"Matter Budget Insights is not available for invoices with no budget configured."
- If ANY of the line items are missing in a matter assignment, then hide the panel and display the below error message:
"Matter Budget Insights is not available for invoices which contain line items not associated with a matter."
Disclaimer messages for the Accruals & Credit Notes text in MBI
The disclaimer message for (Standard/ Credit Notes/ Accruals) displays as,
"The amounts in the Matter Budget Insight chart are inclusive of taxes, credit notes, internal expenses, exclusive of shadow invoices, and are always displayed in the system currency."
The disclaimer message for Vendor Budget (Standard/ Credit Notes/ Accruals) displays as,
The amounts in the Matter Budget Insight chart are inclusive of taxes, credit notes, exclusive of shadow invoices, and are always displayed in the system currency."
The disclaimer message for shadow invoices Matter Budget has been modified and updated as,
“The amounts in the Matter Budget Insight chart are inclusive of taxes, internal expenses and are always displayed in the system currency”.
- The disclaimer message for shadow invoices Matter Budget has been modified and updated as,
“The amounts in the Matter Budget Insight chart are inclusive of taxes and are always displayed in the system currency."