Tender Request for Non-Collaborati Vendors
Tender Request functionality is designed to be utilized by clients with Collaborati Spend Management (CSM) 4.0 Update 4 and later. Collaborati Spend Management users prior to version 4.0 Update 4 (4.0.4) can examine the CSM 4.0 Update 4 release notes found here for more detail.
Users are able to create and move tender requests through workflow for vendors without Collaborati. This functionality serves primarily to integrate record-keeping for these requests into the TeamConnect information base. The steps below are a comprehensive overlook on the end-to-end process of creating tender requests for a new vendor on a new matter.
Steps for Creating a Tender Request for Non-Collaborati Vendor
- Create a Company Contact for your desired vendor.
- Navigate to the Contacts tab.
- Select New Company from the New button.
- Fill in the company details and click Save and Close.
- Navigate to the desired object and click New.
- After entering in the matter name and clicking Save, navigate to the Involved link on the sidebar.
- Enter in a new Involved party, selecting the previously created company contact as the contact. Save and Close after entering in all desired details.
- Create a Budget on the object by selecting the Create Budget link from the Budgets link on the sidebar. This step is only available for users with Financial Management installed.
- Assign your desired vendor to the budget on the Additional Information screen and complete the allocations.
- Navigate to the Tendering tab and select Create Tender Requests. See the Installing Tender Request Screens page for more information if you cannot see this tab.
- Make sure that your vendor is selected and upload any desired documents. After completing the setup, the tender request will generate with the status "Not Submitted."
- Click the name of the Tender Request to open it for editing.
- Change the phase to "Send to Vendor Review" for editing. This phase status essentially serves as a stand-by. The Vendor Proposed allocations are only editable in this phase. Once the status is moved to "Approved," the values will no longer be editable.
Note: The History tab will record all changes to the allocations upon save. A user can change the values and save the request as many times as desired to record the changes in the History audit.