eCube Data Dictionary for TeamConnect Enterprise
What is a Data Dictionary?
This data dictionary defines the following fields:
- Table and Column names in the database
- Data Types
- Friendly field names for the Tables and Columns in the eCube
- Field hints.
These fields are used to pull information from the system to create and manage reports.
- These objects are not available for reporting - Expenses, History, Documents.
- This page contains only tables and fields contained in the starter ecube.
How to generate Data Dictionary Report?
You can generate a dynamic data dictionary from TCBI which will contain all custom tables and fields in your data. Follow the below instructions to create a data dictiontionary report:
- Open the Reports tab in TeamConnect.
- Create a new widget/report and click Select Data.
- Add the following data dictionary fields from Zz Data Dictionary:
- Table Friendly Name In ECube
- Field Friendly Name In ECube
- Field Description
- Field Calculation
- Click Create button.
Account System Object
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_BUDGET_AVAILABLE | NUMBER | Account | Account Budget Available | Account balance, which results from the following equation: allocated - used = available |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Account | Account Default Category | The default category for the account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Account | Account Default Category Full | The full name of the default account category including the parent's name (for example, Account:Vendor:eBilling). |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Account | Account Name | Name used to describe the account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_NOTE | VARCHAR2(4000) | Account | Account Note | Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_PERIOD_END_ON | DATE | Account | Account Period End On | Specifies the date after which transactions cannot be posted to the account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_PERIOD_START_ON | DATE | Account | Account Period Start On | Specifies the start date from which transactions can be posted to the account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Account | Account Primary Key | The unique ID of the account record. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_TOTAL_ACCRUAL | NUMBER | Account | Account Total Accrual | Total amount of accrual invoices that have been posted to this account, to date. Takes into account voids of accrual invoices. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED | NUMBER | Account | Account Total Allocated | Total amount of money allocated to the account through deposits or automatic transfers. Account Total Allocated includes Allocated Internal Fees and Allocated Internal Expenses. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_TOTAL_USED | NUMBER | Account | Account Total Used | Total amount of money used through transfers, withdrawals, and posted transactions. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_VENDOR | NVARCHAR2(706) | Account | Account Vendor | Contact specified as the posting criterion for the account. The company associated with the contact, if the contact is a person. |
SI$_ACCOUNT | ACCT_VENDOR_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Account | Account Vendor Contact Primary Key | Contact primary key specified as the posting criterion for the account. The company associated with the contact, if the contact is a person. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCT_VENDOR_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Account Budget And Spend | Account Vendor Contact Primary Key |
Account Vendor Contact Primary Key |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Account Budget And Spend | Account Created By | User who created the account. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_CREATED_ON | DATE | Account Budget And Spend | Account Created On | Date and time the account was created. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF | NVARCHAR2(706) | Account Budget And Spend | Account Created On Behalf Of | When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_FISCAL_START_MONTH | VARCHAR2(2) | Account Budget And Spend | Account Fiscal Start Month | First month of the Fiscal Year associated with the Account |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_FISCAL_YEAR | NUMBER | Account Budget And Spend | Account Fiscal Year | The Fiscal Year associated with the Account |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Account Budget And Spend | Account Modified By | User who most recently modified the account. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | Account Budget And Spend | Account Modified On | Date and time the account was most recently modified. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_MONTH_NUM | NUMBER | Account Budget And Spend | Account Month Num | The numeric month for the account |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | ACCOUNT_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Account Budget And Spend | Account Name | Name used to describe the account. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | BUDGET_END_YEARMONTH | DATE | Account Budget And Spend | Budget End Yearmonth | The last month for the Budget this Account is associated with |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | BUDGET_MONTHS | NUMBER | Account Budget And Spend | Budget Months | The month for the account |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | BUDGET_START_YEARMONTH | DATE | Account Budget And Spend | Budget Start Yearmonth | The first month for the Budget this Account is associated with |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | SPEND | NUMBER | Account Budget And Spend | Spend | The total amount of all invoices posted to this Account |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | STARTDATE | DATE | Account Budget And Spend | Startdate | Date which the account starts on |
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND | TOTALBUDGET | NUMBER | Account Budget And Spend | Totalbudget | The total budget on this account |
SI$_ACCOUNT_MONTHNUM | ACCOUNT_MONTH_NUM_FISCAL_MONTH | DATE | Account Month Number | Account Month Num Fiscal Month | Enables user to plot month numbers 1-12 on a graph |
SI$_ACCOUNT_MONTHNUM | ACCOUNT_MONTH_NUM_START_YEAR | NUMBER | Account Month Number | Account Month Num Start Year | Plot by year on a graph - ie, 2016, 2017, 2018, etc. |
SI$_ACCOUNT_MONTHNUM | SPEND | NUMBER | Account Month Number | Spend | Spend for a particular month number |
Appointment Object
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_AREA_ITEM_NAME | NVARCHAR2(50) | Appointment | Appointment Area Item Name | Geographical area where the appointment will take place (for example, Orange County, and Chicago). |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment | Appointment Created By | User who created the appointment. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_CREATED_ON | DATE | Appointment | Appointment Created On | Date and time the appointment was created. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment | Appointment Created On Behalf Of | When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e- billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_END_ON | DATE | Appointment | Appointment End on | Date and time when the appointment ends. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_IS_ALL_DAY | VARCHAR2(3) | Appointment | Appointment Is All Day | Indicates whether the appointment is scheduled for the entire day. 0 - not all day 1 - all day |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_LOCATION | NVARCHAR2(250) | Appointment | Appointment Location | Location where the appointment takes place (such as Corporate Headquarters or Conference Room 3rd Floor). |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment | Appointment Modified By | User who most recently modified the appointment. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | Appointment | Appointment Modified On | Date and time the appointment was most recently modified. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Appointment | Appointment Primary Key | Unique ID for the appointment record. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_START_ON | DATE | Appointment | Appointment Start On | Date and time when the appointment begins. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_SUBJECT | NVARCHAR2(250) | Appointment | Appointment Subject | Description of the appointment (e.g. Meeting with client). |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(50) | Appointment | Appointment Default Category | The default category for the appointment. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(2000) | Appointment | Appointment Default Catgory Full | The full name of the default appointment category including the parent's name (for example, Appointment:Internal:Copy). |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_NOTE | VARCHAR2(4000) | Appointment | Appointment Note | Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_SECURITY | VARCHAR2(7) | Appointment | Appointment Security | The security of the record. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STATUS | VARCHAR2(9) | Appointment | Appointment Workflow Current Status | Workflow Current Status. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_ACTION | NVARCHAR2(50) | Appointment | Appointment Workflow Current Action | Workflow Current Action. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_WKFL_CURRENT_APPROVER | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment | Appointment Workflow Current Approver | Workflow Current Approver. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_WKFL_LAST_PERFORMER | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment | Appointment Workflow Last Performer | Workflow Last Performer. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT | APPT_WKFL_MULTIPLE_APPROVERS | VARCHAR2(3) | Appointment | Appointment Workflow Multiple Approvers | Workflow has multiple approver? Yes/No. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_CATEGORIES | APPT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(50) | Appointment Categories | Appointment Category | Each category associated with the appointment. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_CATEGORIES | APPT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(2000) | Appointment Categories | Appointment Category Full | The full name of each appointment category including the parent's name (for example, Appointment:Internal:Copy). |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_CATEGORIES | APPT_CATEGORY_IS_LEAF | VARCHAR2(3) | Appointment Categories | Appointment Category Is Leaf | The identifier if the category is the leaf (lowest level selected) or not. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES | APPT_BEGIN | DATE | Appointment Attendees | Appointment Begin | Start date and time when the user is scheduled to attend. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES | APPT_END | DATE | Appointment Attendees | Appointment End | End date and time until which the user is scheduled to attend. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES | APPT_ATTENDEE | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment Attendees | Appointment Attendeee | User who is added as an attendee to the appointment record. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES | APPT_ATTENDEE_JOB_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(250) | Appointment Attendees | Appointment Attendeee Job Title | User's job title who is added as an attendee to the appointment record. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES | APPT_ATTENDEE_SUPERVISOR | NVARCHAR2(353) | Appointment Attendees | Appointment Attendeee Supervisor | User's supervisor who is added as an attendee to the appointment record. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES | APPT_ATTENDENCE_TYPE | VARCHAR2(15) | Appointment Attendees | Appointment Attendeee Type | Indicates the attendance status of the attendee: 0 - Will Attend (WILL_ATTEND) 1 - Tentative (TENTATIVE) 2 - Will Not Attend (WILL_NOT_ATTEND) 3 - Unknown |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_RESOURCES | APPT_RESOURCE_END_ON | DATE | Appointment Resources | Appointment Resource End On | End date and time until which the user is scheduled to attend. |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_RESOURCES | APPT_RESOURCE_NAME | NVARCHAR2(50) | Appointment Resources | Appointment Resource Name | Appointment Resources - Appointment Resource Name |
SI$_APPOINTMENT_RESOURCES | APPT_RESOURCE_START_ON | DATE | Appointment Resources | Appointment Resource Start On | Appointment Resources - Appointment Resource Start On |
Contact System Object
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_BIRTH_DATE | DATE | Contact | Contact Birth Date | The birth date of the contact. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_COMPANY_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact | Contact Company Name | The name of the contact, if the contact is a company. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Contact | Contact Created By | The user who created the contact record. The username assigned to this user account. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_CREATED_ON | DATE | Contact | Contact Created On | Date the contact record was created. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF | NVARCHAR2(706) | Contact | Contact Created On Behalf Of | When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_CURRENCY_CODE | NVARCHAR2(6) | Contact | Contact Currency Code | The selected currency for the contact, which applies to the contact's rates. The universal 3-digit code of the currency item. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_CURRENCY_NAME | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Currency Name | The name of the currency item. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | NVARCHAR2(6) | Contact | Contact Currency Symbol | The ISO symbol of the currency item. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_CITY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address City | The city in the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address Country | The country in the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_COUNTY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address County | The county of the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFADD_CURRENT_AS_OF | DATE | Contact | Contact Default Address Current As Of | The last known date the primary address was current. Time- zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFADD_IS_CURRENT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact | Contact Default Address Is Current | Indicates whether the primary address is current. 0 = Not Current; 1 = Current |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFADD_POSTAL_CODE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address Postal Code | The zip code in the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFADD_REFERENCE_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address Reference Number | The reference number for the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_STATE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address State | The US state in the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_STREET | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact | Contact Default Address Street | The street address in the primary contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Address Type | The type of the primary contact address (such as Home or Business) |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Category | The default category for the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Contact | Contact Default Category Full | The full name of the default contact category including the parent's name (for example, Contact:Subsidiaries:Officers). |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_EMAIL | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact | Contact Default Email | The selected default email address for the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_EMAIL_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Email Type | The type of the email address (such as Home or Business) |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_FAX | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Fax | The selected default fax number for the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_FAX_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Fax Type | The name of the phone type. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_INET_ADDRESS | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact | Contact Default Inet Address | The selected default internet address for the contact. The actual internet address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_INET_ADDRESS_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Inet Address Type | The type of the internet address. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_PHONE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Phone | The selected default phone number for the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_DEFAULT_PHONE_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Default Phone Type | The name of the phone type. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_FIRST_NAME | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact First Name | The first name of the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_FULL_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | Contact | Contact Full Name | Derived field containing the first and last names of the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_IS_PERSON_OR_COMPANY | VARCHAR2(7) | Contact | Contact Is Person Or Company | The type of the contact. P - Person (PERSON) or C - Company (COMPANY) |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_JOB_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact | Contact Job Title | The job title of the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_MIDDLE_NAME | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Middle Name | The middle name of the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Contact | Contact Modified By | The user who last modified the contact record. The username assigned to this user account. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | Contact | Contact Modified On | Date the contact was last modified. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact | Contact Name | The last name of the contact, if the contact is a person. The name of the contact, if the contact is a company. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_NOTE | VARCHAR2(4000) | Contact | Contact Note | Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Number | Alphanumeric text that identifies this contact as per your company's standards. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_PREFIX | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Prefix | The prefix of the contact's name (such as Mr. or Mrs.). |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Contact | Contact Primary Key | The unique ID of the contact record. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_SS_OR_TAX_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact SSN or Tax Number | The Social Security number of the contact, if the contact is a person. The Tax ID of the contact, if the contact is a company. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_SALUTATION | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Salutation | Salutation will not appear in TeamConnect; this field remains for users upgrading from 2.x versions of TeamConnect and should be ignored by all 4.x users. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_SECURITY | VARCHAR2(7) | Contact | Contact Security | The security of the record. |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_SUFFIX | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact | Contact Suffix | The suffix of the contact's name (such as Jr., Sr., or II) |
SI$_CONTACT | CONT_SUPERVISOR | NVARCHAR2(353) | Contact | Contact Supervisor | Contact Supervisor |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_CITY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address City | The city in the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Country | The country in the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_COUNTY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address County | The county of the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_CURRENT_AS_OF | DATE | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Current As Of | The last known date the address was current. Time- zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_IS_CURRENT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Is Current | Indicates whether the address is current. 0 = Not Current; 1 = Current |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_IS_DEFAULT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Is Default | Indicates whether the address is default. 0 = Not Default; 1 = Current |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Postal Code | The zip code in the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_REFERENCE_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Reference Number | The reference number for the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_STATE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address State | The US state in the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_STREET | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Street | The street address in the contact address. |
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES | CONT_ADDRESS_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Addresses | Contact Address Type | The type of the contact address (such as Home or Business) |
SI$_CONTACT_CATEGORIES | CONT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Categories | Contact Category | Each category for the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT_CATEGORIES | CONT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Contact Categories | Contact Category Full | The full name of each contact category including the parent's name (for example, Contact:Subsidiaries:Officers). |
SI$_CONTACT_EMAILS | CONT_EMAIL | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact E-Mails | Contact Email | The actual email address. |
SI$_CONTACT_EMAILS | CONT_EMAIL_IS_DEFAULT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact E-Mails | Contact Email Is Default | Is Email the default method of contacting the contact? |
SI$_CONTACT_EMAILS | CONT_EMAIL_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact E-Mails | Contact Email Type | The type of the email address (such as Home or Business) |
SI$_CONTACT_FAXES | CONT_FAX | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Faxes | Contact Fax | The actual fax number. |
SI$_CONTACT_FAXES T | CONT_FAX_IS_DEFAULT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact Faxes | Contact Fax Is Default | Is Fax the default method of contacting the contact? |
SI$_CONTACT_FAXES | CONT_FAX_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Faxes | Contact Fax Type | The type of the fax number (such as Home or Business) |
SI$_CONTACT_INET_ADDRESSES | CONT_INET_ADDRESS | NVARCHAR2(500) | Contact Internet Addresses | Contact Inet Address | The actual internet address. |
SI$_CONTACT_INET_ADDRESSES | CONT_INET_ADDRESS_IS_DEFAULT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact Internet Addresses | Contact Inet Address Is Default | Is Internet the default method of contacting the contact? |
SI$_CONTACT_INET_ADDRESSES | CONT_INET_ADDRESS_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Internet Addresses | Contact Inet Address Type | The type of the internet address. |
SI$_CONTACT_LEFT_RELATION | CONT_LEFT_RELATION_FULL_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | Contact Left Relation | Contact Left Relation Full Name | Derived field containing the first and last names of the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT_LEFT_RELATION | CONT_LEFT_RELATION_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Left Relation | Contact Left Relation Type | This information includes the contact on the left and right sides of the relationship and the type of relationship between the two contacts (such as "Attorney for" or "Employee of"). |
SI$_CONTACT_PHONES | CONT_PHONE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Phones | Contact Phone | The actual phone number. |
SI$_CONTACT_PHONES | CONT_PHONE_IS_DEFAULT | VARCHAR2(3) | Contact Phones | Contact Phone Is Default | Is Phone the default method of contacting the contact? |
SI$_CONTACT_PHONES | CONT_PHONE_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Phones | Contact Phone Type | The type of this phone number (such as Home or Business) |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_CURRENT | CONT_CURRENT_RATE | NUMBER | Contact Rate Current | Contact Current Rate | The default rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_CURRENT | CONT_CURRENT_RATE_EFF_FROM | DATE | Contact Rate Current | Contact Current Rate Effective From | The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_CURRENT | CONT_CURRENT_RATE_EFF_TO | DATE | Contact Rate Current | Contact Current Rate Effective To | The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY | CONT_RATE | NUMBER | Contact Rate History | Contact Rate | The default rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY | CONT_RATE_EFFECTIVE_FROM | DATE | Contact Rate History | Contact Rate Effective From | The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY | CONT_RATE_EFFECTIVE_TO | DATE | Contact Rate History | Contact Rate Effective To | The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY | CONT_CURRENCY_CODE | NVARCHAR2(3) | Contact Rate History | Contact Current Converted Code | The current code for the contact |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY | CONT_CONVERTED_RATE | NUMBER | Contact Rate History | Contact Current Converted Rate | The current converted rate for the contact |
SI$_CONTACT_RIGHT_RELATION | CONT_RIGHT_RELATION_FULL_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | Contact Right Relation | Contact Right Relation Full Name | Derived field containing the first and last names of the contact. |
SI$_CONTACT_RIGHT_RELATION | CONT_RIGHT_RELATION_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Right Relation | Contact Right Relation Type | This information includes the contact on the left and right sides of the relationship and the type of relationship between the two contacts (such as "Attorney for" or "Employee of"). |
SI$_CONTACT_SKILLS | CONT_SKILL | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Skills | Contact Skill | The name of the skill type. |
SI$_CONTACT_SKILLS | CONT_SKILL_LEVEL | NUMBER | Contact Skills | Contact Skill Level | The skill level assigned to the contact for the skill type. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT | CONT_CURRENT_TASK_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Contact Task Rate Current | Contact Current Task Category | The task category that belongs to the rate. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT | CONT_CURRENT_TASK_RATE | NUMBER | Contact Task Rate Current | Contact Current Task Rate | The task rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT | CONT_CURR_TASK_RATE_EFF_FROM | DATE | Contact Task Rate Current | Contact Current Task Rate Effective From | The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT | CONT_CURRENT_TASK_RATE_EFF_TO | DATE | Contact Task Rate Current | Contact Current Task Rate Effective To | The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY | CONT_TASK_RATE | NUMBER | Contact Task Rate History | Contact Task Rate | The default task rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY | CONT_TASK_RATE_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Contact Task Rate History | Contact Task Rate Category | The task category that belongs to the rate. |
CONT_TASK_RATE_EFFECTIVE_FROM | SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY | DATE | Contact Task Rate History | Contact Task Rate Effective From | The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY | CONT_TASK_RATE_EFFECTIVE_TO | DATE | Contact Task Rate History | Contact Task Rate Effective To | The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_CONTACT_TERRITORIES | CONT_TERRITORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Contact Territories | Contact Territory | The name of the territory type. |
Invoice System Object
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Adjustment Total | (Fee adjustments total) + (Expense adjustments total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_BATCH_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice | Invoice Batch Number | Not used |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_BATCH_SHORT_DESC | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice | Invoice Batch Short Description | Not used |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_BILLING_END_DATE | DATE | Invoice | Invoice Billing End Date | The end date of the invoice period (time zone dependent) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_BILLING_START_DATE | DATE | Invoice | Invoice Billing Start Date | The start date of the invoice period (time zone dependent) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_COMMENTS | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice | Invoice Comments | The comments intended to appear on the invoice for the vendor. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice | Invoice Created By | The user who created the invoice record. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_CREATED_ON | DATE | Invoice | Invoice Created On | Date the invoice was created. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice | Invoice Created On Behalf Of | When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_CURRENCY_NAME | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice | Invoice Currency Name | The name of the currency item. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | NVARCHAR2(6) | Invoice | Invoice Currency Symbol | The ISO symbol of the currency item. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_DATE | DATE | Invoice | Invoice Date | The date when the invoice was issued. (time zone dependent) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice | Invoice Default Category | The default category associated with the invoice. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice | Invoice Default Category Full | The full name of the default invoice category including the parent's name (for example, Invoice:Contracts:Research). |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_DISCOUNT_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Discount Total | (Fee discounts total) + (Expense discounts total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_EXCHANGE_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Exchange Rate | The exchange rate of the invoice. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_EXPENSE_ADJ_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Expense Adj Total | Sum of line item expense adjustments |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_EXPENSE_DISCOUNT_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Expense Discount Total | Sum of line item expense original discounts |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_EXPENSE_TAX_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Expense Tax Total | (Taxable line item expense net total)*(Invoice tax rate) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_FEE_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Fee Adjustment Total | Line item fee adjustments total. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_FEE_DISCOUNT_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Fee Discount Total | Line item fee original discounts total. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_FEE_TAX_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Fee Tax Total | (Taxable line item fee net total)*(Invoice tax rate) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVOICE_HAS_NON_US_TAX | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice | Invoice Has Non US Tax | If any line items have non-US tax codes entered in them, this value is TRUE, else it is FALSE. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_HAS_NON_US_TAX_RATE | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice | Invoice Has Non Us Tax Rate | Is this Invoice using Non-US Tax Rates? |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_HAS_PERCENTAGE_DISCOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Has Percentage Discount | An invoice discount in percent form. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_IS_CURRENT_VERSION | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice | Invoice Is Current Version | Is this Invoice the current version |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_IS_ELECTRONIC | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Is Electronic | If TRUE, indicates that the invoice originated from an e-billing application such as Collaborati. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_IS_NONUSTAX_SUMMARY_LVL | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice | Invoice Is Non US Tax Summary Level | Is the Non-US Tax Rate set to Summary Level? |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_LINE_ITEM_NUMBER | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Line Item Number | Display the next available line item number. For example, If there are 10 lineitems in the invoice, the next available number could be 11. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_MANUAL_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Manual Amount | The total amount of the invoice as entered manually by the user. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice | Invoice Modified By | The user who last modified the invoice record. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | Invoice | Invoice Modified On | Date the invoice was last modified. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_NET_EXPENSE_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Net Expense Total | (Line item expenses total) + (Expense taxes total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_NET_FEE_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Net Fee Total | (Line item fees net total) + (Fees taxes total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_NET_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Net Total | (Net fees total) + (Net expenses total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_NOTE | VARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice | Invoice Note | Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice | Invoice Number | Any alphanumeric text that describes the invoice record. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_ORIGINAL_EXPENSE_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Original Expense Total | (Line item expenses Original total) + (Line item expenses Original discounts total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_ORIGINAL_FEE_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Original Fee Total | (Line item fees Original total) + (Line item fees Original discounts total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_ORIGINAL_INVOICE_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Original Invoice Total | (Original fees total) + (Original expenses total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_POSTING_STATUS | VARCHAR2(10) | Invoice | Invoice Posting Status | The posting status of the invoice. 1 = Not Submitted; 2 = Posted; 3 = Not Posted; 5 = Rejected |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Primary Key | The unique ID of the invoice record. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_RECEIVED_DATE | DATE | Invoice | Invoice Received Date | The date the invoice was received (time zone dependent) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_REFERENCE_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice | Invoice Reference Number | If this invoice is of type Credit Note, then reference Number matches the numberString value of the original standard invoice for which this credit is intended. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_SECURITY | VARCHAR2(7) | Invoice | Invoice Security | The security of the record. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_SUBMITTED_CURRENCY_CODE | NVARCHAR2(6) | Invoice | Invoice Submitted Currency Code | The currency selected for the invoice. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_TAX_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice | Invoice Tax Total | (Fee taxes total) + (Expense taxes total) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_TAX_TYPE | VARCHAR2(6) | Invoice | Invoice Tax Type | Tax Type for this Invoice (US vs Non-US) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_TYPE | VARCHAR2(14) | Invoice | Invoice Type | The general type of the invoice. 0 = Standard (STANDARD); 1 = Accrual (ACCRUAL); 2 = Credit Note (CREDIT_NOTE); 3 = Shadow Invoice (SHADOW) |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_VENDOR | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice | Invoice Vendor | The contact record of the vendor associated with the invoice. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_WARNING | CHAR | Invoice | Invoice Warning | Warning message for the invoice captured by TeamConnect that is generated by another application that processes invoices. |
SI$_INVOICE | INVC_VENDOR_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Invoice | Account Vendor Contact Primary Key |
The contact primary key record of the vendor associated with the invoice |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTED_ON | DATE | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjusted On | Defaults to current date/time. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_ADJUSTED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Adjusted By | The user who made the adjustment. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJ_COMMENTS_TO_VENDOR | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Comments To Vendor | Comments about the adjustment that will be visible to vendors outside your company. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJ_IN_HOUSE_COMMENTS | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment In House Comments | Comments that are private, not transmitted to vendors or other outside sources. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJ_PREV_NET_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Previous Net Total | The net total of the entire invoice immediately before the current adjustment was applied. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_REASON | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Reason | The selected reason for the adjustment. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TARGET | VARCHAR2(14) | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Target | The target area to be impacted by the adjustment. One of these choices: 1 = Total Fees; 2 = Total Expenses; 3 = Total Invoice |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL_EXPENSE | NUMBER | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Total Expense | Adjustment amount to be applied only to the expense portion of the invoice. Calculation is done as specified by attribute adjustment TypeID. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL_FEE | NUMBER | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Total Fee | Adjustment to be applied only to the fee portion of the invoice. Calculation is done as specified by attribute adjustment TypeID. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL_INVOICE | NUMBER | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Total Invoice | Adjustment to be applied to the entire amount of the invoice. Calculation is done as specified by attribute adjustment TypeID. |
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT | INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TYPE | VARCHAR2(10) | Invoice Adjustment | Invoice Adjustment Type | Adjustment type. One of these choices: 1 = By Amount; 2 = By Percentage; 3 = To Amount |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORIES | INVC_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Categories | Invoice Category | Each category associated with the invoice. |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORIES | INVC_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Categories | Invoice Category Full | The full name of each invoice category including the parent's name (for example, Invoice:Contracts:Research). |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjusted Amount | Adjustment amount for Invoice Adjustment |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjusted By | Who submitted the Adjustment |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_ON | DATE | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjusted On | When the adjustment was submitted |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_TYPE | VARCHAR2(10) | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjusted Type | Type of adjustment: By Percent, By Amount, or To Amount |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CAT_ADJ_CATEGORY_NAME | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjustment Category Name | Invoice category adjustment category name. |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CAT_ADJ_COMMENT_TO_VENDOR | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjustment Comments To Vendor | Comments to Requester for Adjustments made to Invoice |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CAT_ADJ_IN_HOUSE_COMMENT | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjustment In House Comments | In House comments for Adjustments made to Invoice |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CAT_ADJ_PREVIOUS_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjustment Previous Net Total | Invoice total prior to Adjustments |
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ | INVC_CAT_ADJ_REASON | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Category Adjustment | Invoice Category Adjustment Reason | Reason for Adjustment to Invoice |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ACTIVITY_ITEM | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Activity Item | The activity item associated with the line item of type task. Links to the definition information for the task activity item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ADJUSTED_DISCOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Adjusted Discount | The net discount of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ADJUSTED_QUANTITY | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Adjusted Quantity | The net quantity of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ADJUSTED_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Adjusted Rate | The net rate of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR2(6) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Adjustment Source | Source of adjustment. One of two choices: 1 = Manual; 2 = Automatic |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Created By | The user who created the invoice record. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_CREATED_ON | DATE | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Created On | Date the invoice was created. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_CURRENCY_ITEM | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Currency Item | Name of currency. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Default Category | The default category associated with the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Default Category Full | The full name of the default line item category including the parent's name (for example, LineItem:Research:L101). |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_DEFAULT_CURRENT_DISCOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Default Current Discount | The net discount of the line item in the system's default currency. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_DEFAULT_CURRENT_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Default Current Rate | The net rate of the line item in the system's default currency |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_DEFAULT_CURRENT_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Default Current Total | The net total of the line item in the system's default currency |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_DESCRIPTION | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Description | The description of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_EXPENSE_TYPE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Expense Type | The expense category of the line item, if the line item is an expense. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_EXPENSE_TYPE_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Expense Type Full | The full expense category of the line item, if the line item is an expense. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_HAS_ADJUSTMENTS | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Has Adjustments | Have any adjustments been applied to this Line Item? |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_HAS_WARNINGS | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Has Warnings | Indicates whether warning conditions have been noted for this line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_INTERNAL_COMMENTS | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Internal Comments | In House comments on a Line Item |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_IS_APPEALED | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Is Appealed | Has this Line Item been appealed? |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_IS_TAXABLE | VARCHAR2(3) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Is Taxable | Currently not used. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Modified By | The user who last modified the line item. Links to specific information about the user account |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Modified On | The date that the line item was modified. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_NET_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Net Total | The net total of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_NUMBER | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Number | The number assigned to the line item at the time it was created.Invo ice item numbers begin at 1 and increment as high as necessary to accommodate the invoice's line item.If a line item is deleted, its item number is not reused for any existing or future line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ORIGINAL_DISCOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Original Discount | The original discount of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ORIGINAL_QUANTITY | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Original Quantity | The original quantity of line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ORIGINAL_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Original Rate | The original rate of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_ORIGINAL_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Original Total | The original total of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Primary Key | The unique ID of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_QUANTITY | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Quantity | The current quantity of the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_SECURITY | VARCHAR2(7) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Security | The security of the record. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_SERVICE_DATE | DATE | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Service Date | The date when the service to which the line item refers was rendered. Time-zone- independent . |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_TASK_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Task Category | The category to which this detail belongs. Links to a category to which the line item belongs. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_TASK_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Task Category Full | The full category to which this detail belongs. Links to a category to which the line item belongs. Note that most line items belong to multiple categories - a specific category, plus any parent category, grandparent category, etc. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_TASK_OR_EXPENSE | VARCHAR2(7) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Task Or Expense | Defines line item type as Fee or Expense. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_TIMEKEEPER | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper | The contact who performed the service or provided the goods. Links to the specific information about the contact object. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_TOTAL_ADJUSTMENT | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Total Adjustment | The total amount of all adjustments made to the line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_WARNINGS | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Warnings | Collected text of warning messages related to this line item. |
SI$_LINEITEM | LNI$_TMK$_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Contact Primary Key | The contact primary key who performed the service or provided the goods. Links to the specific information about the contact object. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJUSTED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjusted By | The user who made the adjustment. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJUSTED_ON | DATE | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjusted On | Defaults to current date/ time. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjustment Amount | Adjustment to be applied to the line item. Calculation is done as specified by adjustment TypeID. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJ$_COMMENT_TO_VENDOR | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjustment Comment To Vendor | Comments about the adjustment that will be visible to vendors outside your company. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJ$_IN_HOUSE_COMMENT | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjustment In House Comment | Comments that are private, not transmitted to vendors or other outside sources. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJ$_PREV_NET_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjustment Previous Net Total | The net total of the line item immediately before the current adjustment was applied. |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjustment Quantity | Current Unit", updated Unit value after Adjustment SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Rate "Current Rate", updated Rate value after Adjustment SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_REASON NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Reason The selected reason for the adjustment. SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_TARGET VARCHAR2(8) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Target The target area to be impacted by the adjustment. One of these choices: 1 = Total Fees; 2 = Total Expenses; 3 = Total Invoice SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Type Adjustment type. One of these choices: 1 = By Amount; 2 = By Percentage; 3 = To Amount SI$_LNI$_NONUS_TAX_CODES LNI$_NON_US_TAX_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Non US Tax Codes Invoice Line Item Non Us Tax Code Non-US Tax Code being applied to this Line Item SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Timekeeper Current Rate Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Current Rate SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Timekeeper Current Rate Effective From "Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Effective From |
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS | LNI$_ADJ$_CALC_TOTAL | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item Adjustments | Invoice Line Item Adjustment Calculated Total | The difference between the total before the adjustment and the total after the adjustment. |
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX | INVC_DCURR_TAX_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Non US Tax | Invoice Dcurr Tax Amount | The tax amount in the invoice's default currency. |
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX | INVC_NONUSTAX_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Invoice Non US Tax | Invoice Non US Tax Amount | The tax amount in original, local currency. |
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX | INVC_NONUSTAX_CODE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Non US Tax | Invoice Non US Tax Code | The unique 20- character alphanumeric code that the solution developer specifies when entering a new tax code. |
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX_RATES | INVC_NONUSTAX_CODE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Non US Tax Rates | Invoice Non US Tax Code | The unique 20- character alphanumeric code that the solution developer specifies when entering a new tax code. |
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX_RATES | INVC_NONUSTAX_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Non US Tax Rates | Invoice Non US Tax Rate | Rate associated with each tax code? |
SI$_INVC_VEN$_CONTACT | INVC_VEN$_CURRENCY_CODE | NVARCHAR2(6) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Currency Code | Invoice Vendor Currency Code |
INVC_VEN$_CURRENCY_NAME | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Currency Name | Invoice Vendor Currency Name |
INVC_VEN$_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | NVARCHAR2(6) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Currency Symbol | Invoice Vendor Currency Symbol |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Category | The default Invoice Vendor category (for example, External) |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_CAT_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Category Full | The default Invoice Vendor category along with Parent(Example, "External" when only parent category exists; can be expanded to "External:Attorney" when child category exists) |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_CITY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default City | Invoice Vendor Default City |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_COUNTRY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Country | Invoice Vendor Default Country |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_COUNTY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default County | Invoice Vendor Default County |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_EMAIL | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Email | Invoice Vendor Default Email |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_FAX | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Fax | Invoice Vendor Default Fax |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_PHONE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Phone | Invoice Vendor Default Phone |
NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Postal Code | Invoice Vendor Default Postal Code |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_STATE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default State | Invoice Vendor Default State |
NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Default Street | Invoice Vendor Default Street |
INVC_VEN$_FULL_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Full Name | Invoice Vendor Full Name |
INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_INET_ADDR | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice <Object Title> Contact | Invoice <Object Title> Inet Address | Invoice Vendor Default Inet Address |
Timekeeper Rate Object
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_COMPANY_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Company Name | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Company Name |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_CURRENCY_CODE | NVARCHAR2(6) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Currency Code | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Currency Code |
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Currency Name | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Currency Name |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | NVARCHAR2(6) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Currency Symbol | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Currency Symbol |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Category | The default Line Item Timekeeper category (for example, "External") |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_CAT_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Category Full | The default Timekeeper category along with Parent(Example, "External" when only parent category exists; can be expanded to "External:Attorney" when child category exists) |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_CITY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default City | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default City |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_COUNTRY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Country | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Country |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_COUNTY | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default County | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default County |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_EMAIL | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Email | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Email |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_FAX | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Fax | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Fax |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_PHONE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Phone | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Phone |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_POSTALCODE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default PostalCode | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Postal Code |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_STATE | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default State | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default State |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_STREET | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Street | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Street |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_FULL_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Full Name | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Full Name |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_DEF_INET_ADDR | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Inet Address | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Inet Address |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT | LNI$_TMK$_HOME_OFFICE_PROFILE | NVARCHAR2(353) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Home Office Profile |
Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Home Office Profile The value will be stored in the format: |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE | TMK$_CURRENT_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate | <Object Title> Current Rate | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Current Rate |
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate | <Object Title> Current Rate Effective From | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Effective From |
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate | <Object Title> Current Rate Effective To | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Effective To |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE | TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_PROJ_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate | <Object Title> Project Centric Current Rate Project Name | The project centric project name default rate value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE | TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_PROJ_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate | <Object Title> Project Centric Current Rate Project Number | The project centric project number default rate value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE | TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_PROJ_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate | <Object Title> Project Centric Current Rate Project Object Title | The project centric object title default rate value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST | TMK$_RATE_PROJECT_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History | <Object Title> Project Centric Rate Project Name | The project centric project name default rate history value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST | TMK$_RATE_PROJECT_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History | <Object Title> Project Centric Rate Project Number | The project centric project number default rate history value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST | TMK$_RATE_PROJECT_OBJECT_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History | <Object Title> Project Centric Rate Project Object Title | The project centric object title default rate history value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST | TMK$_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History | <Object Title> Rate | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default History Rate |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST | TMK$_RATE_EFF_FROM | DATE | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History | <Object Title> Rate Effective From | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate History Effective From |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST | TMK$_RATE_EFF_TO | DATE | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History | <Object Title> Rate Effective To | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate History Effective To |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE | TMK$_CURRENT_TASK_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate | <Object Title> Current Task Rate | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Current Task Rate |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE | TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_EFF_FROM | DATE | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate | <Object Title> Current Task Rate Effective From | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Current Task Rate Effective From |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE | TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_EFF_TO | DATE | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate | <Object Title> Current Task Rate Effective To | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Current Task Rate Effective To |
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate | <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Name | The project centric project name task rate value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE | TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_PROJ_NUM | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate | <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Number | The project centric project number task rate value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE | TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_PROJ_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate | <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Object Title | The project centric object title task rate value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST | TMK$_TASK_RATE_PROJ_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History | <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Name | The project centric project name task rate history value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST | TMK$_TASK_RATE_PROJ_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History | <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Number | The project centric project number task rate history value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST | TMK$_TASK_RATE_PROJ_OBJ_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(500) | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History | <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Object Title | The project centric object title task rate history value for the timekeeper |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST | TMK$_TASK_RATE | NUMBER | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History | <Object Title> Task Rate | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Task Rate History |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST | TMK$_TASK_RATE_EFF_FROM | DATE | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History | <Object Title> Task Rate Effective From | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Task Rate History Effective From |
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST | TMK$_TASK_RATE_EFF_TO | DATE | Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History | <Object Title> Task Rate Effective To | Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Task Rate History Effective To |
Task Object
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_TASK | TASK_ACTIVITY | NVARCHAR2(50) | Task | Task Activity | Activity item specified for the task. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_ACTUAL_HOURS | NUMBER | Task | Task Actual Hours | Actual length of time spent to complete the task (Hours or Minutes). |
SI$_TASK | TASK_COMPLETED_ON | DATE | Task | Task Completed On | Date and time the task was completed. Time-zone- independent. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_COMPLETED_PERCENT | NUMBER | Task | Task Completed Percent | Percentage of the task that is currently complete. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_CONTACT | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Contact | Contact who is associated to the task, e.g. for whom the task is performed. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Created By | User who created the task record. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_CREATED_ON | DATE | Task | Task Created On | Date and time the task record was created. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Created on Behalf of | When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_DUE_ON | DATE | Task | Task Due On | The date when the task is due. Time zone Independent. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_ESTIMATED_HOURS | NUMBER | Task | Task Estimated Hours | Amount of time (Hours/Minutes) needed to complete the task. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Modified By | User who most recently modified the task. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | Task | Task Modified On | Date and time the task was most recently modified. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_NOTE | VARCHAR2(4000) | Task | Task Note | Contains the text of the notes entered for the record. The TeamConnect user interface enforces a limitation of 20,000 characters for this field. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_POSTING_STATUS | VARCHAR2(19) | Task | Task Posting Status | This enumeration is based on TAccount. Specifies whether the task was posted or not: 1 - Not Posted 2 - Posted 3 - Failed 4 - Posted For Approval |
SI$_TASK | TASK_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | Task | Task Primary Key | The unique ID of the task record. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_PRIORITY | VARCHAR2(7) | Task | Task Priority | Task priority. 1 - Highest 2 - High 3 - Normal 4 - Low 5 - Lowest |
SI$_TASK | TASK_RATE_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Task | Task Rate Amount | Rate the user charges (per hour) to perform the task. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_SHORT_DESCRIPTION | NVARCHAR2(250) | Task | Task Subject | Description of the task. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_START_ON | DATE | Task | Task Start On | Date when the task was started. Time zone Independent. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_TOTAL_AMOUNT | NUMBER | Task | Task Total Amount | Total amount of money spent to completing the task as the product of the rate (rateAmount ) and amount of time spent (actualHours ). |
SI$_TASK | TASK_WORK_STATUS | VARCHAR2(11) | Task | Task Work Status | The current status of the task. 1 - Not Started 2 - Started 3 - Completed |
SI$_TASK | TASK_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(50) | Task | Task Default Category | Default task category. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(2000) | Task | Task Default Category Full | The full name of the default category including the parent's name (for example, Task:Internal:Copy). |
SI$_TASK | TASK_CURR_ASSIGNEE_IS_INFORMED | VARCHAR2(3) | Task | Task Current Assignee Is Informed | Is assignee for task aware of task? 1 = Yes, 0 = No. Default is 0. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_CURRENT_ASSIGNEE | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Current Assignee | The user who is currently assigned to the task. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_FORWARDED_BY | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Forwarded By | The user who forwarded the task to the current assignee. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_SECURITY | VARCHAR2(7) | Task | Task Security | The security of the record. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STATUS | VARCHAR2(9) | Task | Task Workflow Current Status | Workflow Current Status. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_ACTION | NVARCHAR2(50) | Task | Task Workflow Current Action | Workflow Current Action. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_WKFL_CURRENT_APPROVER | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Workflow Current Approver | Workflow Current Approver. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_WKFL_LAST_PERFORMER | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Workflow Last Performer | Workflow Last Performer. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_WKFL_MULTIPLE_APPROVERS | NVARCHAR2(3) | Task | Task Workflow Multiple Approvers | Workflow has multiple approver? Yes/No. |
SI$_TASK | TASK_ASSIGNEE_JOB_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(250) | Task | Task Assigneee Job Title | Task Assignee Job Title |
SI$_TASK | TASK_ASSIGNEE_SUPERVISOR | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task | Task Assignee Supervisor | Task Assignee Supervisor |
SI$_TASK | TASK_DAYS_LATE | NUMBER | Task | Task Days Late | Days delayed for completing Task |
SI$_TASK | TASK_TIMELINESS | VARCHAR2(7) | Task | Task Timeliness | Task Timeliness Status:Pending,on time,early,late,overdue |
SI$_TASK_CATEGORIES | TASK_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(50) | Task Categories | Task Category | Each category associated with the task. |
SI$_TASK_CATEGORIES | TASK_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(2000) | Task Categories | Task Category Full | The full name of each task category including the parent's name (for example, Task:Internal:Copy). |
SI$_TASK_CATEGORIES | TASK_CATEGORY_IS_LEAF | VARCHAR2(3) | Task Categories | Task Category Is Full | The identifier if the category is the leaf (lowest level selected) or not. |
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES | TASK_ASSIGNEE | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task Assignees | Task Assignee | The user assigned to the task. Links to specific information about the user account. |
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES | TASK_ASSIGNEE_IS_INFORMED | VARCHAR2(3) | Task Assignees | Task Assignee Is Informed | Currently not used. |
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES | TASK_ASSIGNEE_JOB_TITLE | NVARCHAR2(250) | Task Assignees | Task Assignee Job Title | Task Assignee Job Title |
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES | TASK_ASSIGNEE_SUPERVISOR | NVARCHAR2(353) | Task Assignees | Task Assignee Supervisor | Task Assignee Supervisor |
Project System Object
In the below table,
XXXX indicates the unique code of the custom object.
<Object Title> indicates the object title of the custom object.
For example, if the unique code is DISP – and the Object Title is Dispute, the Closed On field will be stated as follow:
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_PROJECT_DISP | DISP_CLOSED_ON DATE | DATE | Dispute | Dispute Closed On | Date the project status was changed to closed. |
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_CLOSED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Closed On | Date the project status was changed to closed. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_CREATED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Created By | User who created the project. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_CREATED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Created On | Date the project record was created. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Created On Behalf Of | When not null it indicates that the record was created through an e- billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_CURRENT_PHASE | NVARCHAR2(500) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Current Phase | The current phase of the project. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_DEFAULT_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Default Category | The default category associated with the project. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Default Category Full |
The full name of the default matter category including the parent's name (for example Project:Litigation:Contract). |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_ASSIGN_ON | DATE | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Main Assignee Assign On | Date primary assignee was assigned to the matter. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Main Assignee Name | Primary assignee's name. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_ROLE | NVARCHAR2(100) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Main Assignee Role | Primary assignee's role. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MODIFIED_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Modified By | User who last modified the project. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MODIFIED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Modified On | Date the record was last modified. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Name | The name of the record. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_NUMBER | NVARCHAR2(100) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Number | The record number. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_OPENED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Opened On | Date the project was opened. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_PRIMARY_KEY | NUMBER | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Primary Key | The unique ID of the project record. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_SECURITY | VARCHAR2(7) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Security | The security of the record. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_ACTION | NVARCHAR2(100) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Workflow Current Action | Workflow Current Action. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_WKFL_CURRENT_APPROVER | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Workflow Current Approver | Workflow Current Approver. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STATUS | VARCHAR2(9) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Workflow Current Status | Workflow Current Status. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_WKFL_LAST_PERFORMER | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Workflow Last Performer | Workflow Last Performer. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_WKFL_MULTIPLE_APPROVERS | VARCHAR2(3) | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Workflow Multiple Approvers | Workflow has multiple approver? Yes/No. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_RECENT_STATUS_DATE | DATE | <Object Title> | <Object Title>Recent status creation date | Recent status creation date |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_RECENT_STATUS_NOTES | NVARCHAR2(2000) | <Object Title> | <Object Title>Recent status notes | Recent status notes |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_USER_ID$$ | NUMBER | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Main assignee user ID | Object assigned main assignee User ID |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX | XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_CONT_ID$$ | NUMBER | <Object Title> | <Object Title> Main assignee contact ID | Object assigned main assignee Contact ID |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_ASSIGNED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> Assignee Assigned On | The assigned on date of the assignee. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_NAME | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> Assignee Name | Name of any assignee on that matter. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_ROLE | NVARCHAR2(100) | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> Assignee Role | Role of a given matter assignee. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_STATUS | VARCHAR2(8) | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> Assignee Status | The status of the assignee. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_UNASSIGNED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> Assignee Unassigned On | The unassigned on date of the assignee. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_USER_ID$$ | NUMBER | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> User ID | Object assigned User ID |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES | XXXX_ASSIGNEE_CONTACT_ID$$ | NUMBER | <Object Title> Assignees | <Object Title> Contact ID | Object assigned Contact ID |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_CATEGORIES | XXXX_CATEGORY | NVARCHAR2(100) | <Object Title> Categories | <Object Title> Category | Each category associated with the project. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_CATEGORIES | XXXX_CATEGORY_FULL | NVARCHAR2(4000) | <Object Title> Categories | <Object Title> Category Full | The full name of each matter category including the parent's name (for example Project:Litigation:Contract). |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES | XXXX_PHASE_DURATION | NUMBER | <Object Title> Phase History | <Object Title> Phase Duration | The duration of the phase. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES | XXXX_PHASE_NAME | NVARCHAR2(500) | <Object Title> Phase History | <Object Title> Phase Name | The name of the phase. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES | XXXX_PHASE_TRANSITION_BY | NVARCHAR2(706) | <Object Title> Phase History | <Object Title> Phase Transition By | The user who changed the project o this phase. |
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES | XXXX_PHASE_TRANSITIONED_ON | DATE | <Object Title> Phase History | <Object Title> Phase Transitioned On | The date on which the phase was selected for the project (or the date that the phase was changed). |
Project Security
Table Name in Database | Column Name in Database | Data Type | Friendly Table Name in eCube | Friendly Column Name in eCube | Field Hint |
SI$_PROJECTS_SECURITY | USERNAME | NVARCHAR2(200) | Project Row Security | Username | Project Row Security Username |