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eCube Data Dictionary for TeamConnect Enterprise

What is a Data Dictionary? 

This data dictionary defines the following fields:

  • Table and Column names in the database
  • Data Types
  • Friendly field names for the Tables and Columns in the eCube
  • Field hints.

These fields are used to pull information from the system to create and manage reports. 


  • These objects are not available for reporting - Expenses, History, Documents.
  • This page contains only tables and fields  contained in the starter ecube.

How to generate Data Dictionary Report?

You can generate a dynamic data dictionary from TCBI which will contain all custom tables and fields in your data. Follow the below instructions to create a data dictiontionary report:

  1. Open the Reports tab in TeamConnect.
  2. Create a new widget/report and click Select Data.
  3. Add the following data dictionary fields from Zz Data Dictionary:
    • Table Friendly Name In ECube
    • Field Friendly Name In ECube
    • Field Description
    • Field Calculation
  4. Click Create button.

Account System Object

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube  Friendly column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_ACCOUNT ACCT_BUDGET_AVAILABLE NUMBER Account Account Budget Available Account balance, which results from the following equation: allocated - used = available
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Account Account Default Category The default category for the account.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Account Account Default Category Full The full name of the default account category including the parent's name (for example, Account:Vendor:eBilling).
SI$_ACCOUNT   ACCT_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Account Account Name Name used to describe the account.
SI$_ACCOUNT   ACCT_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000) Account Account Note Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_PERIOD_END_ON DATE Account Account Period End On Specifies the date after which transactions cannot be posted to the account.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_PERIOD_START_ON DATE Account Account Period Start On Specifies the start date from which transactions can be posted to the account.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Account Account Primary Key The unique ID of the account record.
SI$_ACCOUNT  ACCT_TOTAL_ACCRUAL NUMBER Account Account Total Accrual Total amount of accrual invoices that have been posted to this account, to date. Takes into account voids of accrual invoices.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED NUMBER Account Account Total Allocated Total amount of money allocated to the account through deposits or automatic transfers. Account Total Allocated includes Allocated Internal Fees and Allocated Internal Expenses.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_TOTAL_USED NUMBER Account Account Total Used Total amount of money used through transfers, withdrawals, and posted transactions.
SI$_ACCOUNT     ACCT_VENDOR NVARCHAR2(706) Account Account Vendor Contact specified as the posting criterion for the account. The company associated with the contact, if the contact is a person.
SI$_ACCOUNT   ACCT_VENDOR_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Account Account Vendor Contact Primary Key Contact primary key specified as the posting criterion for the account. The company associated with the contact, if the contact is a person. 
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND ACCT_VENDOR_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Account Budget And Spend Account Vendor Contact Primary Key

Account Vendor Contact Primary Key

SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND     ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Account Budget And Spend Account Created By User who created the account. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND     ACCOUNT_CREATED_ON DATE Account Budget And Spend Account Created On Date and time the account was created.
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND     ACCOUNT_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF NVARCHAR2(706) Account Budget And Spend Account Created On Behalf Of When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect.
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND     ACCOUNT_FISCAL_START_MONTH VARCHAR2(2) Account Budget And Spend Account Fiscal Start Month First month of the Fiscal Year associated with the Account
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND     ACCOUNT_FISCAL_YEAR NUMBER Account Budget And Spend Account Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year associated with the Account
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND     ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Account Budget And Spend Account Modified By User who most recently modified the account. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_ON DATE Account Budget And Spend Account Modified On Date and time the account was most recently modified.
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  ACCOUNT_MONTH_NUM NUMBER Account Budget And Spend Account Month Num The numeric month for the account
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  ACCOUNT_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Account Budget And Spend Account Name Name used to describe the account.
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  BUDGET_END_YEARMONTH DATE Account Budget And Spend Budget End Yearmonth The last month for the Budget this Account is associated with
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  BUDGET_MONTHS NUMBER Account Budget And Spend Budget Months The month for the account
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  BUDGET_START_YEARMONTH DATE Account Budget And Spend Budget Start Yearmonth The first month for the Budget this Account is associated with
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  SPEND NUMBER Account Budget And Spend Spend The total amount of all invoices posted to this Account
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND  STARTDATE DATE Account Budget And Spend Startdate Date which the account starts on
SI$_ACCOUNT_BUDGET_SPEND   TOTALBUDGET NUMBER Account Budget And Spend Totalbudget The total budget on this account
SI$_ACCOUNT_MONTHNUM     ACCOUNT_MONTH_NUM_FISCAL_MONTH DATE Account Month Number Account Month Num Fiscal Month Enables user to plot month numbers 1-12 on a graph
SI$_ACCOUNT_MONTHNUM     ACCOUNT_MONTH_NUM_START_YEAR NUMBER Account Month Number Account Month Num Start Year Plot by year on a graph - ie, 2016, 2017, 2018, etc.
SI$_ACCOUNT_MONTHNUM     SPEND NUMBER Account Month Number Spend Spend for a particular month number

Appointment Object

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_AREA_ITEM_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Appointment Appointment Area Item Name Geographical area where the appointment will take place (for example, Orange County, and Chicago).
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Appointment Created By     User who created the appointment.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_CREATED_ON DATE Appointment Appointment Created On Date and time the appointment was created.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Appointment Created On Behalf Of When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e- billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_END_ON DATE Appointment Appointment End on Date and time when the appointment ends.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_IS_ALL_DAY VARCHAR2(3) Appointment Appointment Is All Day Indicates whether the appointment is scheduled for the entire day. 0 - not all day 1 - all day
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_LOCATION NVARCHAR2(250) Appointment Appointment Location Location where the appointment takes place (such as Corporate Headquarters or Conference Room 3rd Floor).
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Appointment Modified By User who most recently modified the appointment.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_MODIFIED_ON DATE Appointment Appointment Modified On Date and time the appointment was most recently modified.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Appointment Appointment Primary Key Unique ID for the appointment record.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_START_ON DATE Appointment Appointment Start On Date and time when the appointment begins.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_SUBJECT NVARCHAR2(250) Appointment Appointment Subject Description of the appointment (e.g. Meeting with client).
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(50) Appointment Appointment Default Category The default category for the appointment.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(2000) Appointment Appointment Default Catgory Full The full name of the default appointment category including the parent's name (for example, Appointment:Internal:Copy).
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000) Appointment Appointment Note Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_SECURITY VARCHAR2(7) Appointment Appointment Security The security of the record.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STATUS VARCHAR2(9) Appointment Appointment Workflow Current Status Workflow Current Status.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_ACTION NVARCHAR2(50) Appointment Appointment Workflow Current Action Workflow Current Action.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_WKFL_CURRENT_APPROVER NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Appointment Workflow Current Approver Workflow Current Approver.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_WKFL_LAST_PERFORMER NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Appointment Workflow Last Performer Workflow Last Performer.
SI$_APPOINTMENT APPT_WKFL_MULTIPLE_APPROVERS VARCHAR2(3) Appointment Appointment Workflow Multiple Approvers Workflow has multiple approver? Yes/No.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_CATEGORIES APPT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(50) Appointment Categories Appointment Category Each category associated with the appointment.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_CATEGORIES APPT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(2000) Appointment Categories Appointment Category Full The full name of each appointment category including the parent's name (for example, Appointment:Internal:Copy).
SI$_APPOINTMENT_CATEGORIES APPT_CATEGORY_IS_LEAF VARCHAR2(3) Appointment Categories Appointment Category Is Leaf The identifier if the category is the leaf (lowest level selected) or not.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES APPT_BEGIN DATE Appointment Attendees Appointment Begin Start date and time when the user is scheduled to attend.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES APPT_END DATE Appointment Attendees Appointment End End date and time until which the user is scheduled to attend.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES APPT_ATTENDEE NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Attendees Appointment Attendeee User who is added as an attendee to the appointment record.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES APPT_ATTENDEE_JOB_TITLE NVARCHAR2(250) Appointment Attendees Appointment Attendeee Job Title User's job title who is added as an attendee to the appointment record.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES APPT_ATTENDEE_SUPERVISOR NVARCHAR2(353) Appointment Attendees Appointment Attendeee Supervisor User's supervisor who is added as an attendee to the appointment record.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_ATTENDEES APPT_ATTENDENCE_TYPE VARCHAR2(15) Appointment Attendees Appointment Attendeee Type Indicates the attendance status of the attendee: 0 - Will Attend (WILL_ATTEND) 1 - Tentative (TENTATIVE) 2 - Will Not Attend (WILL_NOT_ATTEND) 3 - Unknown
SI$_APPOINTMENT_RESOURCES APPT_RESOURCE_END_ON DATE Appointment Resources Appointment Resource End On End date and time until which the user is scheduled to attend.
SI$_APPOINTMENT_RESOURCES APPT_RESOURCE_NAME NVARCHAR2(50) Appointment Resources Appointment Resource Name Appointment Resources - Appointment Resource Name
SI$_APPOINTMENT_RESOURCES APPT_RESOURCE_START_ON DATE Appointment Resources Appointment Resource Start On Appointment Resources - Appointment Resource Start On


Contact System Object

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_BIRTH_DATE DATE Contact Contact Birth Date The birth date of the contact. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Contact Company Name The name of the contact, if the contact is a company.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Contact Contact Created By The user who created the contact record. The username assigned to this user account.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_CREATED_ON DATE Contact Contact Created On Date the contact record was created.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF NVARCHAR2(706) Contact Contact Created On Behalf Of When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(6) Contact Contact Currency Code The selected currency for the contact, which applies to the contact's rates. The universal 3-digit code of the currency item.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_CURRENCY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Currency Name The name of the currency item.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL NVARCHAR2(6) Contact Contact Currency Symbol The ISO symbol of the currency item.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_CITY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address City The city in the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address Country The country in the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_COUNTY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address County The county of the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_DEFADD_CURRENT_AS_OF DATE Contact Contact Default Address Current As Of The last known date the primary address was current. Time- zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_DEFADD_IS_CURRENT VARCHAR2(3) Contact Contact Default Address Is Current Indicates whether the primary address is current. 0 = Not Current; 1 = Current
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_DEFADD_POSTAL_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address Postal Code The zip code in the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_DEFADD_REFERENCE_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address Reference Number The reference number for the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT     CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_STATE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address State The US state in the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_STREET NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Contact Default Address Street The street address in the primary contact address.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Address Type The type of the primary contact address (such as Home or Business)
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Category The default category for the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Contact Contact Default Category Full The full name of the default contact category including the parent's name (for example, Contact:Subsidiaries:Officers).
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Contact Default Email The selected default email address for the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_EMAIL_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Email Type The type of the email address (such as Home or Business)
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_FAX NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Fax The selected default fax number for the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_FAX_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Fax Type The name of the phone type.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_INET_ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Contact Default Inet Address The selected default internet address for the contact. The actual internet address.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_INET_ADDRESS_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Inet Address Type The type of the internet address.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_PHONE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Phone The selected default phone number for the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_DEFAULT_PHONE_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Default Phone Type The name of the phone type.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_FIRST_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact First Name The first name of the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) Contact Contact Full Name Derived field containing the first and last names of the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_IS_PERSON_OR_COMPANY VARCHAR2(7) Contact Contact Is Person Or Company The type of the contact. P - Person (PERSON) or C - Company (COMPANY)
SI$_CONTACT    CONT_JOB_TITLE NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Contact Job Title The job title of the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_MIDDLE_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Middle Name The middle name of the contact.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Contact Contact Modified By The user who last modified the contact record. The username assigned to this user account.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_MODIFIED_ON DATE Contact Contact Modified On Date the contact was last modified.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Contact Name The last name of the contact, if the contact is a person. The name of the contact, if the contact is a company.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000) Contact Contact Note Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Number Alphanumeric text that identifies this contact as per your company's standards.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_PREFIX NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Prefix The prefix of the contact's name (such as Mr. or Mrs.).
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Contact Contact Primary Key The unique ID of the contact record.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_SS_OR_TAX_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact SSN or Tax Number The Social Security number of the contact, if the contact is a person. The Tax ID of the contact, if the contact is a company.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_SALUTATION NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Salutation Salutation will not appear in TeamConnect; this field remains for users upgrading from 2.x versions of TeamConnect and should be ignored by all 4.x users.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_SECURITY VARCHAR2(7) Contact Contact Security The security of the record.
SI$_CONTACT   CONT_SUFFIX NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Contact Suffix The suffix of the contact's name (such as Jr., Sr., or II)
SI$_CONTACT  CONT_SUPERVISOR NVARCHAR2(353) Contact Contact Supervisor Contact Supervisor
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES    CONT_ADDRESS_CITY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address City The city in the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address Country The country in the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_COUNTY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address County The county of the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES    CONT_ADDRESS_CURRENT_AS_OF DATE Contact Addresses Contact Address Current As Of The last known date the address was current. Time- zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_IS_CURRENT VARCHAR2(3) Contact Addresses Contact Address Is Current Indicates whether the address is current. 0 = Not Current; 1 = Current
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_IS_DEFAULT VARCHAR2(3) Contact Addresses Contact Address Is Default Indicates whether the address is default. 0 = Not Default; 1 = Current
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES    CONT_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address Postal Code The zip code in the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_REFERENCE_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address Reference Number The reference number for the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_STATE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address State The US state in the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_STREET NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Addresses Contact Address Street The street address in the contact address.
SI$_CONTACT_ADDRESSES   CONT_ADDRESS_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Addresses Contact Address Type The type of the contact address (such as Home or Business)
SI$_CONTACT_CATEGORIES   CONT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Categories Contact Category Each category for the contact.
SI$_CONTACT_CATEGORIES   CONT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Contact Categories Contact Category Full The full name of each contact category including the parent's name (for example, Contact:Subsidiaries:Officers).
SI$_CONTACT_EMAILS   CONT_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(500) Contact E-Mails Contact Email The actual email address.
SI$_CONTACT_EMAILS   CONT_EMAIL_IS_DEFAULT VARCHAR2(3) Contact E-Mails Contact Email Is Default Is Email the default method of contacting the contact?
SI$_CONTACT_EMAILS    CONT_EMAIL_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact E-Mails Contact Email Type The type of the email address (such as Home or Business)
SI$_CONTACT_FAXES    CONT_FAX NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Faxes Contact Fax The actual fax number.
SI$_CONTACT_FAXES   T CONT_FAX_IS_DEFAULT VARCHAR2(3) Contact Faxes Contact Fax Is Default Is Fax the default method of contacting the contact?
SI$_CONTACT_FAXES   CONT_FAX_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Faxes Contact Fax Type The type of the fax number (such as Home or Business)
SI$_CONTACT_INET_ADDRESSES   CONT_INET_ADDRESS NVARCHAR2(500) Contact Internet Addresses Contact Inet Address The actual internet address.
SI$_CONTACT_INET_ADDRESSES   CONT_INET_ADDRESS_IS_DEFAULT VARCHAR2(3) Contact Internet Addresses Contact Inet Address Is Default Is Internet the default method of contacting the contact?
SI$_CONTACT_INET_ADDRESSES   CONT_INET_ADDRESS_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Internet Addresses Contact Inet Address Type The type of the internet address.
SI$_CONTACT_LEFT_RELATION   CONT_LEFT_RELATION_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) Contact Left Relation Contact Left Relation Full Name Derived field containing the first and last names of the contact.
SI$_CONTACT_LEFT_RELATION   CONT_LEFT_RELATION_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Left Relation Contact Left Relation Type This information includes the contact on the left and right sides of the relationship and the type of relationship between the two contacts (such as "Attorney for" or "Employee of").
SI$_CONTACT_PHONES   CONT_PHONE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Phones Contact Phone The actual phone number.
SI$_CONTACT_PHONES   CONT_PHONE_IS_DEFAULT VARCHAR2(3) Contact Phones Contact Phone Is Default Is Phone the default method of contacting the contact?
SI$_CONTACT_PHONES    CONT_PHONE_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Phones Contact Phone Type The type of this phone number (such as Home or Business)
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_CURRENT   CONT_CURRENT_RATE NUMBER Contact Rate Current Contact Current Rate The default rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_CURRENT    CONT_CURRENT_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Contact Rate Current Contact Current Rate Effective From The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_CURRENT   CONT_CURRENT_RATE_EFF_TO DATE Contact Rate Current Contact Current Rate Effective To The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY   CONT_RATE NUMBER Contact Rate History Contact Rate The default rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY   CONT_RATE_EFFECTIVE_FROM DATE Contact Rate History Contact Rate Effective From The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY   CONT_RATE_EFFECTIVE_TO DATE Contact Rate History Contact Rate Effective To The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY   CONT_CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(3) Contact Rate History Contact Current Converted Code The current code for the contact
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_HISTORY   CONT_CONVERTED_RATE NUMBER Contact Rate History Contact Current Converted Rate The current converted rate for the contact
SI$_CONTACT_RIGHT_RELATION   CONT_RIGHT_RELATION_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) Contact Right Relation Contact Right Relation Full Name Derived field containing the first and last names of the contact.
SI$_CONTACT_RIGHT_RELATION   CONT_RIGHT_RELATION_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Right Relation Contact Right Relation Type This information includes the contact on the left and right sides of the relationship and the type of relationship between the two contacts (such as "Attorney for" or "Employee of").
SI$_CONTACT_SKILLS   CONT_SKILL NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Skills Contact Skill The name of the skill type.
SI$_CONTACT_SKILLS    CONT_SKILL_LEVEL NUMBER Contact Skills Contact Skill Level The skill level assigned to the contact for the skill type.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT   CONT_CURRENT_TASK_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(4000) Contact Task Rate Current Contact Current Task Category The task category that belongs to the rate.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT    CONT_CURRENT_TASK_RATE NUMBER Contact Task Rate Current Contact Current Task Rate The task rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT   CONT_CURR_TASK_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Contact Task Rate Current Contact Current Task Rate Effective From The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_CURRENT   CONT_CURRENT_TASK_RATE_EFF_TO DATE Contact Task Rate Current Contact Current Task Rate Effective To The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY   CONT_TASK_RATE NUMBER Contact Task Rate History Contact Task Rate The default task rate value for the contact. If this value links to a category assigned to the Task object type, then the rate appears in the Rates block. If instead TASK_CATEGORY links to a category from the Task Categories lookup table in the Invoice Line Item object type, then the rate appears in the Invoice Task Rates block.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY   CONT_TASK_RATE_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(4000) Contact Task Rate History Contact Task Rate Category The task category that belongs to the rate.
CONT_TASK_RATE_EFFECTIVE_FROM SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY   DATE Contact Task Rate History Contact Task Rate Effective From The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_RATE_TASK_HISTORY    CONT_TASK_RATE_EFFECTIVE_TO DATE Contact Task Rate History Contact Task Rate Effective To The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_CONTACT_TERRITORIES   CONT_TERRITORY NVARCHAR2(100) Contact Territories Contact Territory The name of the territory type.

Invoice System Object

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Adjustment Total (Fee adjustments total) + (Expense adjustments total)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_BATCH_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Invoice Batch Number Not used
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_BATCH_SHORT_DESC NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Invoice Batch Short Description Not used
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_BILLING_END_DATE DATE Invoice Invoice Billing End Date The end date of the invoice period (time zone dependent)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_BILLING_START_DATE DATE Invoice Invoice Billing Start Date The start date of the invoice period (time zone dependent)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_COMMENTS NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Invoice Comments The comments intended to appear on the invoice for the vendor.
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Invoice Created By The user who created the invoice record. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_CREATED_ON DATE Invoice Invoice Created On Date the invoice was created.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Invoice Created On Behalf Of When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_CURRENCY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Invoice Currency Name The name of the currency item.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_CURRENCY_SYMBOL NVARCHAR2(6) Invoice Invoice Currency Symbol The ISO symbol of the currency item.
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_DATE DATE Invoice Invoice Date The date when the invoice was issued. (time zone dependent)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Invoice Default Category The default category associated with the invoice.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Invoice Default Category Full The full name of the default invoice category including the parent's name (for example, Invoice:Contracts:Research).
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_DISCOUNT_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Discount Total (Fee discounts total) + (Expense discounts total)
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Invoice Invoice Exchange Rate The exchange rate of the invoice.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_EXPENSE_ADJ_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Expense Adj Total Sum of line item expense adjustments
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_EXPENSE_DISCOUNT_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Expense Discount Total Sum of line item expense original discounts
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_EXPENSE_TAX_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Expense Tax Total (Taxable line item expense net total)*(Invoice tax rate)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_FEE_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Fee Adjustment Total Line item fee adjustments total.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_FEE_DISCOUNT_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Fee Discount Total Line item fee original discounts total.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_FEE_TAX_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Fee Tax Total (Taxable line item fee net total)*(Invoice tax rate)
SI$_INVOICE   INVOICE_HAS_NON_US_TAX VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Invoice Has Non US Tax If any line items have non-US tax codes entered in them, this value is TRUE, else it is FALSE.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_HAS_NON_US_TAX_RATE VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Invoice Has Non Us Tax Rate Is this Invoice using Non-US Tax Rates?
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_HAS_PERCENTAGE_DISCOUNT NUMBER Invoice Invoice Has Percentage Discount An invoice discount in percent form.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_IS_CURRENT_VERSION VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Invoice Is Current Version Is this Invoice the current version
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_IS_ELECTRONIC NUMBER Invoice Invoice Is Electronic If TRUE, indicates that the invoice originated from an e-billing application such as Collaborati.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_IS_NONUSTAX_SUMMARY_LVL VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Invoice Is Non US Tax Summary Level Is the Non-US Tax Rate set to Summary Level?
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_LINE_ITEM_NUMBER NUMBER Invoice Invoice Line Item Number Display the next available line item number. For example, If there are 10 lineitems in the invoice, the next available number could be 11.
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_MANUAL_AMOUNT NUMBER Invoice Invoice Manual Amount The total amount of the invoice as entered manually by the user.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Invoice Modified By The user who last modified the invoice record. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_MODIFIED_ON DATE Invoice Invoice Modified On Date the invoice was last modified.
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_NET_EXPENSE_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Net Expense Total (Line item expenses total) + (Expense taxes total)
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_NET_FEE_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Net Fee Total (Line item fees net total) + (Fees taxes total)
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_NET_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Net Total (Net fees total) + (Net expenses total)
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Invoice Note Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record.
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Invoice Number Any alphanumeric text that describes the invoice record.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_ORIGINAL_EXPENSE_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Original Expense Total (Line item expenses Original total) + (Line item expenses Original discounts total)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_ORIGINAL_FEE_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Original Fee Total (Line item fees Original total) + (Line item fees Original discounts total)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_ORIGINAL_INVOICE_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Original Invoice Total (Original fees total) + (Original expenses total)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_POSTING_STATUS VARCHAR2(10) Invoice Invoice Posting Status The posting status of the invoice. 1 = Not Submitted; 2 = Posted; 3 = Not Posted; 5 = Rejected
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Invoice Invoice Primary Key The unique ID of the invoice record.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_RECEIVED_DATE DATE Invoice Invoice Received Date The date the invoice was received (time zone dependent)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_REFERENCE_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Invoice Reference Number If this invoice is of type Credit Note, then reference Number matches the numberString value of the original standard invoice for which this credit is intended.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_SECURITY VARCHAR2(7) Invoice Invoice Security The security of the record.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_SUBMITTED_CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(6) Invoice Invoice Submitted Currency Code The currency selected for the invoice.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_TAX_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Invoice Tax Total (Fee taxes total) + (Expense taxes total)
SI$_INVOICE    INVC_TAX_TYPE VARCHAR2(6) Invoice Invoice Tax Type Tax Type for this Invoice (US vs Non-US)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_TYPE VARCHAR2(14) Invoice Invoice Type The general type of the invoice. 0 = Standard (STANDARD); 1 = Accrual (ACCRUAL); 2 = Credit Note (CREDIT_NOTE); 3 = Shadow Invoice (SHADOW)
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_VENDOR NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Invoice Vendor The contact record of the vendor associated with the invoice.
SI$_INVOICE   INVC_WARNING CHAR Invoice Invoice Warning Warning message for the invoice captured by TeamConnect that is generated by another application that processes invoices.
SI$_INVOICE INVC_VENDOR_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Invoice Account Vendor Contact Primary Key

The contact primary key record of the vendor associated with the invoice

SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJUSTED_ON DATE Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjusted On Defaults to current date/time.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJUSTMENT_ADJUSTED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Adjusted By The user who made the adjustment. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJ_COMMENTS_TO_VENDOR NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Comments To Vendor Comments about the adjustment that will be visible to vendors outside your company.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJ_IN_HOUSE_COMMENTS NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment In House Comments Comments that are private, not transmitted to vendors or other outside sources.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJ_PREV_NET_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Previous Net Total The net total of the entire invoice immediately before the current adjustment was applied.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT    INVC_ADJUSTMENT_REASON NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Reason The selected reason for the adjustment.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT    INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TARGET VARCHAR2(14) Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Target The target area to be impacted by the adjustment. One of these choices: 1 = Total Fees; 2 = Total Expenses; 3 = Total Invoice
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL_EXPENSE NUMBER Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Total Expense Adjustment amount to be applied only to the expense portion of the invoice. Calculation is done as specified by attribute adjustment TypeID.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL_FEE NUMBER Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Total Fee Adjustment to be applied only to the fee portion of the invoice. Calculation is done as specified by attribute adjustment TypeID.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TOTAL_INVOICE NUMBER Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Total Invoice Adjustment to be applied to the entire amount of the invoice. Calculation is done as specified by attribute adjustment TypeID.
SI$_INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT   INVC_ADJUSTMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) Invoice Adjustment Invoice Adjustment Type Adjustment type. One of these choices: 1 = By Amount; 2 = By Percentage; 3 = To Amount
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORIES    INVC_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Categories Invoice Category Each category associated with the invoice.
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORIES   INVC_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Categories Invoice Category Full The full name of each invoice category including the parent's name (for example, Invoice:Contracts:Research).
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_AMOUNT NUMBER Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjusted Amount Adjustment amount for Invoice Adjustment
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjusted By Who submitted the Adjustment
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_ON DATE Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjusted On When the adjustment was submitted
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CATEGORY_ADJUSTED_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjusted Type Type of adjustment: By Percent, By Amount, or To Amount
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CAT_ADJ_CATEGORY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjustment Category Name Invoice category adjustment category name.
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CAT_ADJ_COMMENT_TO_VENDOR NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjustment Comments To Vendor Comments to Requester for Adjustments made to Invoice
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CAT_ADJ_IN_HOUSE_COMMENT NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjustment In House Comments In House comments for Adjustments made to Invoice
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CAT_ADJ_PREVIOUS_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjustment Previous Net Total Invoice total prior to Adjustments
SI$_INVOICE_CATEGORY_ADJ INVC_CAT_ADJ_REASON NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Category Adjustment Invoice Category Adjustment Reason Reason for Adjustment to Invoice
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ACTIVITY_ITEM NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Activity Item The activity item associated with the line item of type task. Links to the definition information for the task activity item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ADJUSTED_DISCOUNT NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Adjusted Discount The net discount of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ADJUSTED_QUANTITY NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Adjusted Quantity The net quantity of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ADJUSTED_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Adjusted Rate The net rate of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_SOURCE VARCHAR2(6) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Adjustment Source Source of adjustment. One of two choices: 1 = Manual; 2 = Automatic
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Created By The user who created the invoice record. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_CREATED_ON DATE Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Created On Date the invoice was created.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_CURRENCY_ITEM NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Currency Item Name of currency.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Default Category The default category associated with the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Default Category Full The full name of the default line item category including the parent's name (for example, LineItem:Research:L101).
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_DEFAULT_CURRENT_DISCOUNT NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Default Current Discount The net discount of the line item in the system's default currency.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_DEFAULT_CURRENT_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Default Current Rate The net rate of the line item in the system's default currency
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_DEFAULT_CURRENT_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Default Current Total The net total of the line item in the system's default currency
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Description The description of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_EXPENSE_TYPE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Expense Type The expense category of the line item, if the line item is an expense.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_EXPENSE_TYPE_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Expense Type Full The full expense category of the line item, if the line item is an expense.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_HAS_ADJUSTMENTS VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Has Adjustments Have any adjustments been applied to this Line Item?
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_HAS_WARNINGS VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Has Warnings Indicates whether warning conditions have been noted for this line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_INTERNAL_COMMENTS NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Internal Comments In House comments on a Line Item
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_IS_APPEALED VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Is Appealed Has this Line Item been appealed?
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_IS_TAXABLE VARCHAR2(3) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Is Taxable Currently not used.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Modified By The user who last modified the line item. Links to specific information about the user account
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_MODIFIED_ON DATE Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Modified On The date that the line item was modified.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_NET_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Net Total The net total of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_NUMBER NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Number The number assigned to the line item at the time it was created.Invo ice item numbers begin at 1 and increment as high as necessary to accommodate the invoice's line item.If a line item is deleted, its item number is not reused for any existing or future line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ORIGINAL_DISCOUNT NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Original Discount The original discount of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ORIGINAL_QUANTITY NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Original Quantity The original quantity of line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ORIGINAL_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Original Rate The original rate of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_ORIGINAL_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Original Total The original total of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Primary Key The unique ID of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_QUANTITY NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Quantity The current quantity of the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_SECURITY VARCHAR2(7) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Security The security of the record.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_SERVICE_DATE DATE Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Service Date The date when the service to which the line item refers was rendered. Time-zone- independent .
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_TASK_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Task Category The category to which this detail belongs. Links to a category to which the line item belongs.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_TASK_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Task Category Full The full category to which this detail belongs. Links to a category to which the line item belongs. Note that most line items belong to multiple categories - a specific category, plus any parent category, grandparent category, etc.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_TASK_OR_EXPENSE VARCHAR2(7) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Task Or Expense Defines line item type as Fee or Expense.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_TIMEKEEPER NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Timekeeper The contact who performed the service or provided the goods. Links to the specific information about the contact object.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_TOTAL_ADJUSTMENT NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Total Adjustment The total amount of all adjustments made to the line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_WARNINGS NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Warnings Collected text of warning messages related to this line item.
SI$_LINEITEM LNI$_TMK$_CONT_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Invoice Line Item Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Contact Primary Key The contact primary key who performed the service or provided the goods. Links to the specific information about the contact object.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjusted By The user who made the adjustment. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTED_ON DATE Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjusted On Defaults to current date/ time.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Amount Adjustment to be applied to the line item. Calculation is done as specified by adjustment TypeID.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJ$_COMMENT_TO_VENDOR NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Comment To Vendor Comments about the adjustment that will be visible to vendors outside your company.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJ$_IN_HOUSE_COMMENT NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment In House Comment Comments that are private, not transmitted to vendors or other outside sources.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJ$_PREV_NET_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Previous Net Total The net total of the line item immediately before the current adjustment was applied.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY NUMBER Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Quantity Current Unit", updated Unit value after Adjustment
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Rate "Current Rate", updated Rate value after Adjustment
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_REASON NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Reason The selected reason for the adjustment.
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_TARGET VARCHAR2(8) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Target The target area to be impacted by the adjustment. One of these choices: 1 = Total Fees; 2 = Total Expenses; 3 = Total Invoice
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJUSTMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Type Adjustment type. One of these choices: 1 = By Amount; 2 = By Percentage; 3 = To Amount
SI$_LNI$_NONUS_TAX_CODES LNI$_NON_US_TAX_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item Non US Tax Codes Invoice Line Item Non Us Tax Code Non-US Tax Code being applied to this Line Item
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Timekeeper Current Rate Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Current Rate
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Timekeeper Current Rate Effective From "Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Effective From
SI$_LNI$_ADJUSTMENTS LNI$_ADJ$_CALC_TOTAL NUMBER Invoice Line Item Adjustments Invoice Line Item Adjustment Calculated Total The difference between the total before the adjustment and the total after the adjustment.
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX INVC_DCURR_TAX_AMOUNT NUMBER Invoice Non US Tax Invoice Dcurr Tax Amount The tax amount in the invoice's default currency.
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX INVC_NONUSTAX_AMOUNT NUMBER Invoice Non US Tax Invoice Non US Tax Amount The tax amount in original, local currency.
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX INVC_NONUSTAX_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Non US Tax Invoice Non US Tax Code The unique 20- character alphanumeric code that the solution developer specifies when entering a new tax code.
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX_RATES INVC_NONUSTAX_CODE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Non US Tax Rates Invoice Non US Tax Code The unique 20- character alphanumeric code that the solution developer specifies when entering a new tax code.
SI$_INVOICE_NONUSTAX_RATES INVC_NONUSTAX_RATE NUMBER Invoice Non US Tax Rates Invoice Non US Tax Rate Rate associated with each tax code?
SI$_INVC_VEN$_CONTACT INVC_VEN$_CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(6) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Currency Code Invoice Vendor Currency Code


INVC_VEN$_CURRENCY_NAME NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Currency Name Invoice Vendor Currency Name


INVC_VEN$_CURRENCY_SYMBOL NVARCHAR2(6) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Currency Symbol Invoice Vendor Currency Symbol


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Category
The default Invoice Vendor category (for example, External)


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_CAT_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Category Full The default Invoice Vendor category along with Parent(Example, "External" when only parent category exists; can be expanded to "External:Attorney" when child category exists)


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_CITY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default City Invoice Vendor Default City


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Country Invoice Vendor Default Country


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_COUNTY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default County Invoice Vendor Default County


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Email Invoice Vendor Default Email


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_FAX NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Fax Invoice Vendor Default Fax


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_PHONE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Phone Invoice Vendor Default Phone


NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Postal Code Invoice Vendor Default Postal Code


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_STATE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default State Invoice Vendor Default State


NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Default Street Invoice Vendor Default Street


INVC_VEN$_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Full Name Invoice Vendor Full Name


INVC_VEN$_DEFAULT_INET_ADDR NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice <Object Title> Contact Invoice <Object Title> Inet Address Invoice Vendor Default Inet Address

Timekeeper Rate Object

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_COMPANY_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Company Name Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Company Name
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_CURRENCY_CODE NVARCHAR2(6) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Currency Code Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Currency Code
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Currency Name Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Currency Name
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_CURRENCY_SYMBOL NVARCHAR2(6) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Currency Symbol
Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Currency Symbol
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Category The default Line Item Timekeeper category (for example, "External")
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_CAT_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Category Full The default Timekeeper category along with Parent(Example, "External" when only parent category exists; can be expanded to "External:Attorney" when child category exists)
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_CITY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default City Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default City
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_COUNTRY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Country Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Country
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_COUNTY NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default County Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default County
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_EMAIL NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Email
Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Email
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_FAX NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Fax Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Fax
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_PHONE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Phone Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Phone
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_POSTALCODE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default PostalCode Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Postal Code
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_STATE NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default State Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default State
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_STREET NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Street Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Street
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_FULL_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Full Name Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Full Name
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_DEF_INET_ADDR NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Inet Address Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Inet Address
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_CONTACT LNI$_TMK$_HOME_OFFICE_PROFILE NVARCHAR2(353)  Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Contact Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Home Office Profile

Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Home Office Profile

The value will be stored in the format:
 full_name (company_name)

SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate <Object Title> Current Rate Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Current Rate
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate <Object Title> Current Rate Effective From Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Effective From
Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate <Object Title> Current Rate Effective To Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate Effective To
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_PROJ_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate <Object Title> Project Centric Current Rate Project Name The project centric project name default rate value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_PROJ_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate <Object Title> Project Centric Current Rate Project Number The project centric project number default rate value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_RATE_PROJ_TITLE NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate <Object Title> Project Centric Current Rate Project Object Title The project centric object title default rate value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST TMK$_RATE_PROJECT_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History <Object Title> Project Centric Rate Project Name The project centric project name default rate history value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST TMK$_RATE_PROJECT_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100)     Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History <Object Title> Project Centric Rate Project Number The project centric project number default rate history value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST TMK$_RATE_PROJECT_OBJECT_TITLE NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History <Object Title> Project Centric Rate Project Object Title The project centric object title default rate history value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST TMK$_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History <Object Title> Rate     Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default History Rate
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST TMK$_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History <Object Title> Rate Effective From Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate History Effective From
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_DEF_RATE_HIST TMK$_RATE_EFF_TO DATE Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Default Rate History <Object Title> Rate Effective To Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Default Rate History Effective To
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE TMK$_CURRENT_TASK_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate <Object Title> Current Task Rate Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Current Task Rate
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate <Object Title> Current Task Rate Effective From Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Current Task Rate Effective From
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_EFF_TO DATE Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate <Object Title> Current Task Rate Effective To Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Current Task Rate Effective To

Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Name The project centric project name task rate value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_PROJ_NUM NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Number The project centric project number task rate value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE TMK$_CURR_TASK_RATE_PROJ_TITLE NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Object Title The project centric object title task rate value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST TMK$_TASK_RATE_PROJ_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Name The project centric project name task rate history value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST TMK$_TASK_RATE_PROJ_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Number The project centric project number task rate history value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST TMK$_TASK_RATE_PROJ_OBJ_TITLE NVARCHAR2(500) Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History <Object Title> Project Centric Task Rate Project Object Title The project centric object title task rate history value for the timekeeper
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST TMK$_TASK_RATE NUMBER Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History <Object Title> Task Rate Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Task Rate History
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST TMK$_TASK_RATE_EFF_FROM DATE Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History <Object Title> Task Rate Effective From Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Task Rate History Effective From
SI$_LNI$_TMK$_TASK_RATE_HIST TMK$_TASK_RATE_EFF_TO DATE Invoice Line Item <Object Title> Task Rate History <Object Title> Task Rate Effective To Invoice Line Item Timekeeper Task Rate History Effective To


Task Object

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_TASK TASK_ACTIVITY NVARCHAR2(50) Task Task Activity Activity item specified for the task.
SI$_TASK TASK_ACTUAL_HOURS NUMBER Task Task Actual Hours Actual length of time spent to complete the task (Hours or Minutes).
SI$_TASK TASK_COMPLETED_ON DATE Task Task Completed On Date and time the task was completed. Time-zone- independent.
SI$_TASK TASK_COMPLETED_PERCENT NUMBER Task Task Completed Percent Percentage of the task that is currently complete.
SI$_TASK TASK_CONTACT NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Contact Contact who is associated to the task, e.g. for whom the task is performed.
SI$_TASK TASK_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Created By User who created the task record.
SI$_TASK TASK_CREATED_ON DATE Task Task Created On Date and time the task record was created.
SI$_TASK TASK_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Created on Behalf of When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect.
SI$_TASK TASK_DUE_ON DATE Task Task Due On The date when the task is due. Time zone Independent.  
SI$_TASK TASK_ESTIMATED_HOURS NUMBER Task Task Estimated Hours Amount of time (Hours/Minutes) needed to complete the task.
SI$_TASK TASK_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Modified By User who most recently modified the task.
SI$_TASK TASK_MODIFIED_ON DATE Task Task Modified On Date and time the task was most recently modified.
SI$_TASK TASK_NOTE VARCHAR2(4000) Task Task Note Contains the text of the notes entered for the record. The TeamConnect user interface enforces a limitation of 20,000 characters for this field.
SI$_TASK TASK_POSTING_STATUS VARCHAR2(19) Task Task Posting Status This enumeration is based on TAccount. Specifies whether the task was posted or not: 1 - Not Posted 2 - Posted 3 - Failed 4 - Posted For Approval
SI$_TASK TASK_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER Task Task Primary Key The unique ID of the task record.
SI$_TASK TASK_PRIORITY VARCHAR2(7) Task Task Priority Task priority. 1 - Highest 2 - High 3 - Normal 4 - Low 5 - Lowest
SI$_TASK TASK_RATE_AMOUNT NUMBER Task Task Rate Amount Rate the user charges (per hour) to perform the task.
SI$_TASK TASK_SHORT_DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(250) Task Task Subject Description of the task.
SI$_TASK TASK_START_ON DATE Task Task Start On Date when the task was started. Time zone Independent.
SI$_TASK TASK_TOTAL_AMOUNT NUMBER Task Task Total Amount Total amount of money spent to completing the task as the product of the rate (rateAmount ) and amount of time spent (actualHours ).
SI$_TASK TASK_WORK_STATUS VARCHAR2(11) Task Task Work Status The current status of the task. 1 - Not Started 2 - Started 3 - Completed
SI$_TASK TASK_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(50) Task Task Default Category Default task category.
SI$_TASK TASK_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(2000) Task Task Default Category Full The full name of the default category including the parent's name (for example, Task:Internal:Copy).
SI$_TASK TASK_CURR_ASSIGNEE_IS_INFORMED VARCHAR2(3) Task Task Current Assignee Is Informed Is assignee for task aware of task? 1 = Yes, 0 = No. Default is 0.
SI$_TASK TASK_CURRENT_ASSIGNEE NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Current Assignee The user who is currently assigned to the task.
SI$_TASK TASK_FORWARDED_BY NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Forwarded By The user who forwarded the task to the current assignee.
SI$_TASK TASK_SECURITY VARCHAR2(7) Task Task Security The security of the record.
SI$_TASK TASK_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STATUS VARCHAR2(9) Task Task Workflow Current Status Workflow Current Status.
SI$_TASK TASK_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_ACTION NVARCHAR2(50) Task Task Workflow Current Action Workflow Current Action.
SI$_TASK TASK_WKFL_CURRENT_APPROVER NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Workflow Current Approver Workflow Current Approver.
SI$_TASK TASK_WKFL_LAST_PERFORMER NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Workflow Last Performer Workflow Last Performer.
SI$_TASK TASK_WKFL_MULTIPLE_APPROVERS NVARCHAR2(3) Task Task Workflow Multiple Approvers Workflow has multiple approver? Yes/No.
SI$_TASK TASK_ASSIGNEE_JOB_TITLE NVARCHAR2(250) Task Task Assigneee Job Title Task Assignee Job Title
SI$_TASK TASK_ASSIGNEE_SUPERVISOR NVARCHAR2(353) Task Task Assignee Supervisor Task Assignee Supervisor
SI$_TASK TASK_DAYS_LATE NUMBER Task Task Days Late Days delayed for completing Task
SI$_TASK TASK_TIMELINESS VARCHAR2(7) Task Task Timeliness Task Timeliness Status:Pending,on time,early,late,overdue
SI$_TASK_CATEGORIES TASK_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(50) Task Categories Task Category Each category associated with the task.
SI$_TASK_CATEGORIES TASK_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(2000) Task Categories Task Category Full The full name of each task category including the parent's name (for example, Task:Internal:Copy).
SI$_TASK_CATEGORIES TASK_CATEGORY_IS_LEAF VARCHAR2(3) Task Categories Task Category Is Full The identifier if the category is the leaf (lowest level selected) or not.
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES TASK_ASSIGNEE NVARCHAR2(353) Task Assignees Task Assignee The user assigned to the task. Links to specific information about the user account.
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES TASK_ASSIGNEE_IS_INFORMED VARCHAR2(3) Task Assignees Task Assignee Is Informed Currently not used.
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES TASK_ASSIGNEE_JOB_TITLE NVARCHAR2(250) Task Assignees Task Assignee Job Title Task Assignee Job Title
SI$_TASK_ASSIGNEES TASK_ASSIGNEE_SUPERVISOR NVARCHAR2(353) Task Assignees Task Assignee Supervisor Task Assignee Supervisor


Project System Object

In the below table, 

XXXX indicates the unique code of the custom object.
<Object Title> indicates the object title of the custom object.

For example, if the unique code is DISP – and the Object Title is Dispute, the Closed On field will be stated as follow:

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_PROJECT_DISP     DISP_CLOSED_ON    DATE DATE Dispute   Dispute Closed On Date the project status was changed to closed.


Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_CLOSED_ON DATE <Object Title> <Object Title> Closed On Date the project status was changed to closed.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> <Object Title> Created By User who created the project.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_CREATED_ON DATE <Object Title> <Object Title> Created On Date the project record was created.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_CREATED_ON_BEHALF_OF NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> <Object Title> Created On Behalf Of When not null it indicates that the record was created through an e- billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_CURRENT_PHASE NVARCHAR2(500) <Object Title> <Object Title> Current Phase The current phase of the project.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_DEFAULT_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) <Object Title> <Object Title> Default Category The default category associated with the project.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) <Object Title> <Object Title> Default Category Full

The full name of the default matter category including the parent's name (for example Project:Litigation:Contract).

SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_ASSIGN_ON DATE <Object Title> <Object Title> Main Assignee Assign On Date primary assignee was assigned to the matter.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> <Object Title> Main Assignee Name Primary assignee's name.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_ROLE NVARCHAR2(100) <Object Title> <Object Title> Main Assignee Role Primary assignee's role.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MODIFIED_BY NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> <Object Title> Modified By User who last modified the project.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MODIFIED_ON DATE <Object Title> <Object Title> Modified On Date the record was last modified.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) <Object Title> <Object Title> Name The name of the record.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_NUMBER NVARCHAR2(100) <Object Title> <Object Title> Number The record number.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_OPENED_ON DATE <Object Title> <Object Title> Opened On Date the project was opened.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_PRIMARY_KEY NUMBER <Object Title> <Object Title> Primary Key The unique ID of the project record.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_SECURITY VARCHAR2(7) <Object Title> <Object Title> Security The security of the record.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_ACTION NVARCHAR2(100) <Object Title> <Object Title> Workflow Current Action Workflow Current Action.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_WKFL_CURRENT_APPROVER NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> <Object Title> Workflow Current Approver Workflow Current Approver.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_WORKFLOW_CURRENT_STATUS VARCHAR2(9) <Object Title> <Object Title> Workflow Current Status Workflow Current Status.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_WKFL_LAST_PERFORMER NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> <Object Title> Workflow Last Performer Workflow Last Performer.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_WKFL_MULTIPLE_APPROVERS VARCHAR2(3) <Object Title> <Object Title> Workflow Multiple Approvers Workflow has multiple approver? Yes/No.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_RECENT_STATUS_DATE DATE <Object Title> <Object Title>Recent status creation date Recent status creation date
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_RECENT_STATUS_NOTES NVARCHAR2(2000) <Object Title> <Object Title>Recent status notes Recent status notes
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_USER_ID$$ NUMBER  <Object Title> <Object Title> Main assignee user ID Object assigned main assignee User ID
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX XXXX_MAIN_ASSIGNEE_CONT_ID$$ NUMBER <Object Title> <Object Title> Main assignee contact ID Object assigned main assignee Contact ID
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_ASSIGNED_ON DATE <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> Assignee Assigned On The assigned on date of the assignee.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_NAME NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> Assignee Name Name of any assignee on that matter.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_ROLE NVARCHAR2(100) <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> Assignee Role Role of a given matter assignee.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_STATUS VARCHAR2(8) <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> Assignee Status The status of the assignee.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_UNASSIGNED_ON DATE <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> Assignee Unassigned On The unassigned on date of the assignee.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_USER_ID$$ NUMBER <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> User ID Object assigned User ID
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_ASSIGNEES XXXX_ASSIGNEE_CONTACT_ID$$ NUMBER <Object Title> Assignees <Object Title> Contact ID Object assigned Contact ID
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_CATEGORIES XXXX_CATEGORY NVARCHAR2(100) <Object Title> Categories <Object Title> Category Each category associated with the project.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_CATEGORIES XXXX_CATEGORY_FULL NVARCHAR2(4000) <Object Title> Categories <Object Title> Category Full The full name of each matter category including the parent's name (for example Project:Litigation:Contract).
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES XXXX_PHASE_DURATION NUMBER <Object Title> Phase History <Object Title> Phase Duration The duration of the phase.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES XXXX_PHASE_NAME NVARCHAR2(500) <Object Title> Phase History <Object Title> Phase Name The name of the phase.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES XXXX_PHASE_TRANSITION_BY NVARCHAR2(706) <Object Title> Phase History <Object Title> Phase Transition By The user who changed the project o this phase.
SI$_PROJECT_XXXX_PHASES XXXX_PHASE_TRANSITIONED_ON DATE <Object Title> Phase History <Object Title> Phase Transitioned On The date on which the phase was selected for the project (or the date that the phase was changed).

Project Security

Table Name in Database Column Name in Database Data Type Friendly Table Name in eCube Friendly Column Name in eCube Field Hint
SI$_PROJECTS_SECURITY USERNAME NVARCHAR2(200) Project Row Security Username Project Row Security Username
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