Search Module Fields
A special utility that allows you to quickly search for a specific record and link it to the record with which you are currently working without leaving its screen. The Search Module is always represented by a field with two icons, Find and Open, next to it.
Search Screen
A type of screen that is displayed whenever you are looking for a specific record. In the user interface, search screens can be displayed as separate screens, tabs, or sections of a tab. They consist of either two tabs (Filter and Results) or on the same page as a Search Criteria section and Displayed Record section. You can access these screens if you select an option in the Go to drop- down list on the Main menu bar or if you click the Find icon in record screens.
Search Views
Different sets of search criteria represented by different fields on the Filter tab of a Search Screen. All available Search Views are displayed in the Current View drop-down list on the toolbar of a Search Screen.
A level of access protection you can set for the records you create. For example, you can make a record Private or Public or you can grant or deny the rights to read, update and delete a record to other Users. All record security details can be viewed through the Security tab of the record.
A main computer that services a network or part of a network. For example, a server that manages the flow of email through a network is called an email server. A computer or application that utilizes a server for email messaging is called an email client. In the case of email, using it in a network is done by an email client (application), such as Microsoft Outlook.
Shortcut Key
A special key combination, using the keys on your keyboard, that causes a specific command to be executed. For example, CTRL+C will copy the selected item. Typically, shortcut keys combine the CTRL or ALT keys with some other keys.
Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending email messages between servers.
An Approval node, or check-point in a Route within the TeamConnect Workflow. Each stop consists of a certain number of Approvers, whose authorization is required for a pending action. Each approval route may have several stops. If you are an approver, you receive the approval request when it reaches your stop.
Super User
A user who is given the rights to access TeamConnect records marked as Private.