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7.1 Known Issues

This article provides the information about the Known Issues reported at the time of release.

This is a living document that will report Known Issues at the time of a release and add new issues as they are reported. This document will also share the patch plan for reported issues.

How to Use this Document 

This document does not reflect all client cases submitted through Support and recorded in Salesforce. This lists reflects the cases that have been escalated to Engineering for further action. Client cases that have been escalated to Engineering will be in one of four categories:

SOH - Support Office Hours - tickets that are escalated where Support needs assistance from an Engineer to find a solution. Some SOH cases are moved into the queue for a bug fix. Some are closed through other means like a workaround, configuration change, etc.

QAQ - these are tickets escalated from Salesforce or SOH that likely need a bug fix. In this stage, Engineering is vetting the ticket information and verifying a bug fix is the right solution.

SUPPORTPRI - QAQ tickets get escalated to the SUPPORTPRI bucket when we’ve determined that a fix is required to solve the problem, the ticket information is good and we can reproduce the issue.

TC - Regression bugs logged by internal teams for a fix. These are typically low priority otherwise they would have been fixed before the release went out.

NOTE: If you, the Client, do not see one of your cases here that you believe needs to be escalated to Engineering, please reach out to your Support representative.

Issues Reported against TCE 7.1

(if reported on a 7.1 patch, it will be listed under the tracking code)

Tracking Code Reporter Issue Patch/Update Release Date Status
TC-49538 Internal The Maximum Search results in the admin settings are not applying to global search results.     Not Scheduled
TC-48357 Internal When the primary address has been deleted from the contact, a duplicate address is getting added.     Not Scheduled
TC-49692 Internal The Total Row footer shows currency symbols for percentage values. For a number column having a percentage (%) format, the totals row (footer row) shows the total with a currency symbol.     Not Scheduled
TC-49674 Internal Getting gateway timeout error when we are compiling 16 color profile.
This is caused due to slow server. To run higher number of color profile, we need to have better server configuration in respect to RAM and memory.
TCE 7.1 11/10/23 Resolved
TC-45929 Internal The Right argument value of a rule qualifier is saved as “From Any Value To This Value NO” when the user selects Operator as “Is Changed” and Right Argument as “From Any Value To Any Value” for a Custom Checkbox field.     Not Scheduled
TC-49421 Internal While trying to add a Portal window title with Double Quotation(" "), undefined special characters are adding up. TCE 7.1 PB1 02/29/24 Resolved
TC-49671 Internal The results of a Custom Search with the Date field's operator-value set to the value "Older than 0 days" are not correct.     Not Scheduled
TC-49566 Internal Even if the order is specified in Setup, the columns added under Result Display of a new Search View (Custom Search type) are displayed alphabetically in the front end.     Not Scheduled
TC-49690 Internal Custom search option in the left navigation turned disabled in some scenarios.     Not Scheduled
TC-49180 Internal Table is getting distorted when performing drag and drop on the table in Interactive Grid.     Not Scheduled
TC-46785 Internal TeamConnect tag is not visible for non-organizer users. When the attendee is not the organizer, “TeamConnect” tag is not visible on the appointment.

The user is able to see the tab when the user manually adds that using the 'Category' option.
TC-47140 Internal On the latest version of the document, the created on/old date is getting displayed on the respective document.

Whenever a user views document version history, the current version has the original document's created date in the Add-in but every other version is having their original created date in the plugin.
    Not Scheduled
TC-47527 Internal Mismatched Appointment time is getting displayed in TeamConnect.

When an appointment is created in TeamConnect, the time displayed is not matching with the created time.
    Not Scheduled
TC-48265 Internal For the "Label Only" field if the user makes it as required in TC then a warning message is getting displayed and the user is not able to create the matter.     Functioning as Designed
TC-48267 Internal Tabbing sequence on Firefox, after submit button not working properly.
On Firefox, the task pane flickers after clicking the Submit button.
    Not Scheduled
TC-42940 Internal (Error Logging) Attaching docs from add-in to emails.
When the mailbox total capacity for attachments exceeds the maximum limit while attaching a document from Add-in to email, there will be an error but the error message will not be displayed in the Add-in.

Workaround - User must request for error logs to know the maximum size limit for the attachments.
    Not Scheduled
TC-48932 Internal If "View Version" Permission has Denied to User Group, Still User can able to View the Version of the Document on Outlook.
While the above statement is true, this feature is working as expected in TeamConnect.
    Not Scheduled
TC-48880 Internal When “Create Matter all Categories” Permissions has been denied, still User can add Categories to the Matter on TC and Outlook.     Not Scheduled
TC-48879 Internal When "Create Matter Assignees" Group Permissions has Denied ,Still User can add Assignees to the Matter on Outlook.     Not Scheduled
TC-48876 Internal If "View Matter All Custom Fields" Rights is Disabled for User Group, the User can still view the Matter Custom Fields on TC and Outlook.     Not Scheduled
TC-48891 Internal If User made "Office Suite Header" and "Office Suite Appointment Category" fields Empty, the Default value is not getting Updated while Saving.

“Office Suite header cannot be greater than” is getting Displayed on the different Error messages instead of “Office Suite size limit”. In case of a validation error on the Office Suite header field, it will display 2 separate error messages.
TC-49212 Internal Unable to Upload a Document on Add-In with Safari Browser and MAC Desktop.

On Mac, the permission check for uploads occurs after the system attempts to complete the upload, whereas on Windows, permissions are verified before initiating the upload process.
TC-47960 Internal Select Category using list. 

The setting in TeamConnect designed to hide the tree structure for categories on the create matter screen does not function as intended. As a result, the tree structures for categories will always be displayed by default on the new matter creation screen.
    Not Scheduled
TC-49426 Internal If a User creates a label and makes it mandatory, the user is not able to create a Matter.     Not Scheduled
TC-49303 Internal On Add-In Logs Settings, Unable to Update values on "Memory Storage Used by Logs" field.
The provided value is not being reflected in the "Memory Storage used by Logs" field.
    Not Scheduled
TC-49283 Internal In the Confirmation Pop-Up, the dropdown is not getting closed until the user selects any option.     Resolved
TC-49427 Internal Add-in showing contacts even when a group or contact does not have rights to view.     Not Scheduled
TC-49365 Internal UI Issue: On the Appointment Page if multiple categories are selected, after scrolling the page UI is distorted.     Resolved
TC-48647 Internal If the "Edit and Create Appointment Attendees" Permission is Disabled for the User Group, the User can still be able to edit and create the attendees for the Appointment.     Not Scheduled
TC-49429 Internal After removing Permission for the "Download Document", the user is able to see the download option and also able to download the document. TCE 7.1 PB1 02/29/24 Resolved
Refer TC-50789
TC-49431 Internal After removing "Create all Categories" and "Add Category" Permission for User Group and User can still be able to Add Categories to the Documents.     Not Scheduled
TC-49458 Internal If a user does not have rights to view all custom fields from system and Category, the user is still able to view custom fields in Add-In.     Won't Fix
TC-49419 Internal Certain Fields in Plugin Not Localized.
The following fields in the plugin are not localized:
  • None of the fields in the Logs are localized.
  • Tabs which are used for Navigation are not localized.
  • All  Transactions” Button is not localized.
  • Search button from Date Filter is not localized.
  • All Disputes” button is not localized.
TC-49459 Internal Categories from appointments are not localized. TCE 7.1 PB1 02/29/24 Resolved
TC-44265 Internal Desktop Add-in → Unwanted document is downloaded in TeamConnect when clicking on "View in TeamConnect" option on the documents in Add-in.     Not Scheduled
TC-49540 Internal On Edit, removing Additional Category doesn't change the Sync Status in Task pane.     Resolved
TC-49541 Internal After Editing the Appointment & clicking on "save", not able to interact with the Add-In task pane in Appointments.     Resolved
TC-49536 Internal Force Sync Feature sends two meeting invites to non-add-in users.     Not Scheduled
TC-49450 Internal Retry queue is generating thousands of retry items. TCE 7.1 PB1 02/29/24 Resolved
TC-49695 Internal Unable to Upload Multiple Documents from Email.     Resolved
TC-49718 Internal Support Text field in Component selection with Create Matter form.

With the Add-in 4.0 release, the "Create Matter" form does not currently offer support for selecting a Text field under the Component selection. The plug-in supports this field.
    Not Scheduled
TC-49907 Internal In Setup "Do not Display Category Tree" is Enabled , Invalid Category is getting Displayed on the UI.
If a user has enabled the "Do not Display Category Tree" checkbox in the Setup, the message "Category Selection Disabled" will be displayed under Categories.
    Not Scheduled
TC-49927 Internal While searching matter using hyphen "-", in that case matter result is not getting displayed.     Not Scheduled
TC-49931 Internal Alignment of the Searched Results are not proper Under Documents Tab. The alignment of the result list on the Documents tab is not proper.     Not Scheduled
TC-49933 Internal Date Filter Calendar Not using User Preferences Localization.
The Date Filter calendar in the Office Add-In is utilizing the Admin Preferences Region setting instead of the User Preferences Locale to determine the language for displayed text.
    Not Scheduled
TC-49952 Internal Add-In is not Opening on Safari Browser.

Workaround - We suggest you try utilizing an alternative web browser on your Mac.
    Not Scheduled 
Known Issues marked as Won't Fix

These issue were deemed low user path/low priority. If you see an issue in this list that affects your team, please contact TeamConnect Support.  

Tracking Code Reporter Issue Patch/Update Release Date Status
TC-48936 Internal When a user clicks on saved custom searches in the left navigation menu of the manage searches page, they are redirected to the custom searches screen.     Won't Fix
TC-48479 Internal Issue with Group the Following for Contacts object. The Group the following option does not show expected results for the filters added in filter criteria for the contact's object.     Won't Fix
TC-48003 Internal When "(", ")" is entered in group value fields, error messages are not displayed in the same format.     Won't Fix
TC-47993 Internal Criteria containing relative fields and related object fields are not displayed when the user interface displays an error message.     Won't Fix
TC-47992 Internal When the user edits multiple group value fields and attempts to save them for the row in the table, the edited value cannot be saved.     Won't Fix
TC-47987 Internal If the administrator edits multiple group value fields to any character, an error message displays and the changes cannot be canceled.     Won't Fix
TC-47203 Internal When a user selects an assigned group (which is YES) and an unassigned group (which is NO), the unassigned group should be assigned and an error message should be displayed on the assigned group.     Won't Fix
TC-46413 Internal When an administrator exports a design from one instance to another, the description value is not getting exported.  
Won't Fix
TC-46409 Internal In the left navigation panel, the expand/collapse state remains when a user logs in and out.  

Won't Fix
TC-45589 Internal When a user attempts to unsubscribe from a search view (when there is only one search view), a violation error message is displayed.  

Won't Fix
TC-45490 Internal All search views are automatically subscribed to a new user when they are created.     Won't Fix
TC-49970 Internal After selecting multiple operators in the filter criteria and selecting a number field multiple times, the login page is displayed to users.     Won't Fix
TC-44471 Internal Outlook Add-in → If Integration Search View for an Entity is removed after that try to search the Matter name or number in that entity, then an Error message is not displayed in the UI.

Workaround - If you observe that a search view is still appearing when it has been removed from integration, refresh the Add-in.
    Won't Fix
TC-48412 Internal Label only field mandatory icon is not displayed. While creating a matter, the mandatory or star icon is not displayed for the Label field.     Won't Fix
TC-47870 Internal While creating All day Appointment in TeamConnect , the appointment is getting shift one day before in Outlook. 

While creating an all-day appointment in TeamConnect, the appointment will appear one day prior in Outlook. But in TeamConnect the updating date and time updates are accurate.
    Won't Fix
TC-48640 Internal If the list field is mandatory and the user selects some default value, then it's not getting displayed as prefilled in Outlook.     Won't Fix
TC-48938 Internal If User Denied Create Category rights to Document for User Group, Still User can add Category to the Document on Outlook.

Even when the Documents Permission for System rights is set to "Create all Categories" and the Category rights for "Add Category" are denied, users can still add categories in Outlook. While the above statement is true, this feature is working as expected in TeamConnect.
    Won't Fix
TC-49694 Internal While running the schedule action after updating/deleting the appointment in TC, the user gets a new appointment in OL instead of updated appointment and for deleting the appointment it is not getting removed from OL.     Won't Fix
TC-49430 Internal User not able to create a matter if the custom Field is deleted from setup.     Won't Fix
TC-49458 Internal If a user does not have rights to view all custom fields from system and Category, the user is still able to view custom fields in Add-In.     Won't Fix
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