7.2 Known Issues
This is a living document that will report Known Issues at the time of a release and add new issues as they are reported. This document will also share the patch plan for reported issues.
How to Use this Document
This document does not reflect all client cases submitted through Support and recorded in Salesforce. This lists reflects the cases that have been escalated to Engineering for further action. Client cases that have been escalated to Engineering will be in one of four categories:
SOH - Support Office Hours - tickets that are escalated where Support needs assistance from an Engineer to find a solution. Some SOH cases are moved into the queue for a bug fix. Some are closed through other means like a workaround, configuration change, etc.
QAQ - these are tickets escalated from Salesforce or SOH that likely need a bug fix. In this stage, Engineering is vetting the ticket information and verifying a bug fix is the right solution.
SUPPORTPRI - QAQ tickets get escalated to the SUPPORTPRI bucket when we’ve determined that a fix is required to solve the problem, the ticket information is good and we can reproduce the issue.
TC - Regression bugs logged by internal teams for a fix. These are typically low priority otherwise they would have been fixed before the release went out.
NOTE: If you, the Client, do not see one of your cases here that you believe needs to be escalated to Engineering, please reach out to your Support representative.
Issues Reported against TCE 7.2
(if reported on a 7.2 patch, it will be listed under the tracking code)
Tracking Code | Reporter | Issue | Patch/Update | Release Date | Status |
TC-55211 | Internal | Missing accessible name for select element element. | TCE 7.2 | To Do |
TC-55213 | Internal | Missing accessible name for input element. | TCE 7.2 | To Do |
TC-55373 | Internal | Inactive assignee hasn't been reassigned to the new assignee when we tried to reassign using reassignment tool. | TCE 7.2 | To Do | |
TC-55381 | Internal | In the 4.X API, a 400 status is returned when searching for documents using the "name" field with the "NOT_ONE_OF" condition. | TCE 7.2 | To Do | |
TC-55353 | Internal | When adding or updating an embedded object in the Category, the API response returns a 'multivalueList' field type, which is not available in the UI. | TCE 7.2 | To Do | |
TC-55281 | Internal | In the Task Category, a 400 status code is returned with a 'NullPointerException' error when passing an invalid field name for ‘lookupFields’ and multi-value fields. The server responds with an invalid error message. | TCE 7.2 | To Do | |
TC-55272 | Internal | In the Invoice Category, both submitting the treePosition of one object within another object's endpoint and using another object’s treePosition for adding or updating a category result in a 500 Internal Server Error. | TCE 7.2 | To Do |
Known Issues marked as Won't Fix
These issue were deemed low user path/low priority. If you see an issue in this list that affects your team, please contact TeamConnect Support.
Tracking Code | Reporter | Issue | Patch/Update | Release Date | Status |
TC-55124 | Internal | Clicking backspace after applying filter to a drop down filter in grid for select users, breaks the grid. | TCE 7.2 | Won't Fix | |
TC-54443 | Internal | Contact format not respecting in HC and HV Charts of Timekeeper. | TCE 7.2 | Won't Fix | |
TC-54881 | Internal | Search Field Condition is not displaying the input field for Currency filter. | TCE 7.2 | Won't Fix | |
TC-55187 | Internal | Users receive a warning about incompatible modules when installing Invoice IQ 2.0 via DMT on TeamConnect 7.2. | TCE 7.2 | Won't Fix |