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TAP 1.20.9 Release Notes

This page is published but may be updated as needed. A final version will be available before the product goes live.

Last Updated On: 03-31-2025

Production Date: 04-04-2025

Release Summary

This release 1.20.9 introduces a new ability to send notifications if an API call returns an error. Additionally, various bug fixes, internal improvements, and known issue updates enhance system stability and performance.

New Feature(s)

A new tab called "Error Handling" has been added under the External API trigger pop-up. When the checkbox ‘Notify selected roles when an API call fails, including the call details, error code, and message’ is selected, users will receive email notifications for any external API failures. Refer to the External API for more details on how to use TAP’s API.


Bug Fixes 

Issue: Some TAP requests are resulting in duplicate workflows being created. This occurs randomly—at times, the system spins for a while after clicking "Submit" and then displays an error message prompting the user to contact the administrator.
Case Numbers: 2024-0219-8151434, 2024-1115-8436354
Impacted Areas
Workflow Submit

Issue: After a request was successfully signed through DocuSign, the external API required to trigger the next stage was not executed, preventing the workflow from progressing. Refer to the External API for more details.
Case Number: 2024-0807-8328837
Impacted Areas
Stage Submit

Issue: After form submission, duplicate requests with identical time stamps appear on the dashboard, leading to multiple duplicate records across various workflows instead of a single record.
Case Numbers: 2024-1115-8436354, 2024-1125-8443326
Impacted Areas
Submit workflow

Issue: Form mapping does not work properly on submit when the input field is read-only, causing the output field to remain empty.
Case Number: 2025-0127-8492990
Impacted Areas
Form Mapping

Issue: Some workflows fail to make the required API calls from TAP to create records, causing them to get stuck, especially when input fields contain special characters.
Case Number: 2025-0203-8499481
Impacted Areas

  • External API on Stage
  • External API on relationships

Internal Fixes

Issue: The selected dropdown value does not appear in the Audit Trail of View History or the Summary section of the Edit Request after being mapped.
Impacted Areas

  • Audit trail of View History 
  • Summary section of Edit Request

Issue: Form mapping does not populate the output correctly for the drop-down field when the user manually enters a value instead of using the mapped value, causing the input to overwrite the expected mapped output.
Impacted Areas
Form Mapping

Issue: When a document is sent for signing and then aborted using a callback, the workflow does not progress to the next stage, and the Edit Request option does not appear.
Impacted Areas
Edit Request Option

Issue: When Form Mapping is set to "Same Value as Parent," an error occurs while submitting the workflow, preventing the submission of stage 2. As a result, the mapped value does not appear in the Audit Trail of View History or the Summary section of the Edit Request.

Impacted Areas

  • Form Mapping
  • Audit Trail

Issue: The mapping function does not work correctly at the stage level when the trigger type is set to "On trigger button click." Clicking the button does not trigger the form mapping as expected, preventing the "Boolean checkbox" from being checked.

Impacted Areas

  • Form Mapping
  • Boolean Checkbox

Known Issues

  1. When a date picker is configured with on-submit mapping, the mapped value does not appear in the Edit Request or the next stage, leaving the date picker field empty.
  2. In a workflow configured with Simple Parallel, where one flow is set to auto-submit and the other to manual, submitting the Parallel Stage should create two workflow records in the dashboard with the same record number. Currently, only the manual submission flow record appears, while the auto-submit flow record is missing.


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