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TAP 1.18.3 Release Notes

Production Date: 09-27-2024

Bug Fixes

Issue: Duplicate Stage Submission
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9376
Case Number: 2021-0112-719493
Reported Version: TAP - All Versions

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to TAP.
  2. Create or import a workflow.
  3. Execute the workflow multiple times.
  4. Monitor the dashboard until two duplicate requests are displayed.

Expected Results of Steps
As the workflow advances to the next stage, a single token and request are generated.

Actual Results of Steps
Two duplicate requests are generated.

The issue of generating two duplicate requests has been resolved. Now, as the workflow advances to the next stage, only a single token and request are generated.

Root Cause Analysis
The issue occurred because multiple parallel requests were being processed simultaneously, and the current LockGuard implementation does not utilize Azure Redis.

Impacted Areas
Workflow Submission

Tested Areas

  1. Workflow submission.
  2. Workflow Save.
  3. eSign callback services(Adobe, docuSign).
  4. Verify the Collaboration stage.

Issue: Grid Data Source filter is not filtering the data.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9046
Case Number: 2023-0522-7851840
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to TAP.
  2. Navigate to the Grid data source and edit the CSV files.
  3. Apply a filter to any section with a specific value.

Expected Results of Steps
The value appears whether it is pasted or typed.

Actual Results of Steps
The value does not appear whether we paste or type it.

The issue where the value did not appear when pasted or typed has been resolved, and now the value appears correctly whether it is pasted or typed.

Root Cause Analysis
The issue is occurring due to different versions of UI libraries in our application (Kendo, jQuery, jQuery UI, and Bootstrap.js). The focus function is being overridden by one of these libraries.

Impacted Areas

“Edit Latest CSV File” functionality for the grid data source

Tested Areas

Complete the “Edit Latest CSV File” functionality for the grid data source:

  1. Kendo filters and sorting
  2. Add a new row or delete the existing one
  3. All the functionality over the popup

Issue: TAP - TeamConnect multi-select doesn't display correctly in notifications.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-7259
Case Number: 2023-0728-7927696
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to TAP.
  2. Import or create a workflow.
  3. Drag and drop the multi-select form field, set it to the TeamConnect multi-select table item, and configure it at the relationship level as the form result value.
  4. Use the TeamConnect key, save the workflow, and preview the workflow.

Expected Results of Steps
The email notification sent out must display the text value selected at the time of submission.

Actual Results of Steps
The email notification is displaying the prekey value instead of the actual text entered.

The issue where the email notification displayed the prekey value instead of the actual text entered has been resolved. Now, the email notification will display the selected text value at the time of submission.

Root Cause Analysis
We identified an existing issue where multi-select fields in TeamConnect were not rendering correctly in notifications. To resolve this, we updated the notification text rendering method to handle the multi-select TeamConnect fields properly bypassing the root values to the TeamConnect method to retrieve the actual values.

Impacted Areas


Tested Areas

  1. Relationship Notifications.
  2. Stage Notifications
  3. Collaboration Notification.
  4. View History
  5. Edit Request

Issue: Notifications in the stage are going to the user who saves the form and not the actual submitter who has submitted the first stage. We are unable to send a notification to the requestor when the first stage is saved by one user and submitted by a different user.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-7260
Case Number: 2023-0726-7924146
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load any workflow and save the form.
  2. Select the record from the dashboard and submit it using another user's credentials.
  3. After submission, the user who initially saved the form will receive the notification for the next stage.

Expected Results of Steps
After submission, the user who submits the form should receive a notification for the next stage.
Note: After this fix, the user who submits the first stage will be assigned to the requestor role in all future stages of the workflow and will receive notifications accordingly. The user who submits the first stage will be designated as the requestor and not the user who saved the form after initiating the workflow. This designation will be utilized in any subsequent stages where the requestor role is used for assigning a stage, Notification, from email role, etc.

Actual Results of Steps
After submission, the user who saved the form will receive a notification for the next stage.

The issue where the user who saved the form received a notification for the next stage has been resolved. Now, after submission, the user who submits the form will receive the notification for the next stage.

Root Cause Analysis
We previously relied on the first value stored in FBResult, which only worked when the stage was submitted without any intermediate saves. The notification was triggered based on the first record saved, leading to potential inaccuracies.

Impacted Areas

Tested Areas

  1. Expiration Notification 
  2. User Notifications
  3. Submit Workflow Notification
  4. AutoSubmit Notification
  5. Reminder Notification
  6. Initiate workflow Notification
  7. SendToEsignature Notification

Issue: Users not receiving email notifications.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9435
Case Number: 2024-0131-8129818
Reported Version: TAP 1.16.3

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Submit the stage as an anonymous user from the email notification.
  3. Enable eSign in the next relationship and upload any eSign document.
  4. After the eSign splitter, configure Salesforce support and add a Salesforce record.
  5. In the attachment section, add the eSign audit trail document.

Expected Results of Steps
Email notifications should be triggered after a relationship is completed.

Actual Results of Steps
Email notifications are not being triggered for any users after the final relationship is completed.

The issue where email notifications were not being triggered for any users after the final relationship was completed has been resolved. Now, email notifications will be triggered once a relationship is completed.

Root Cause Analysis
The issue occurred because the ‘EchoSignApiKeyLookupData.ID’ was not being passed to the constructor when it was present for Salesforce audit trail attachments.

Impacted Areas
Salesforce configuration on relationship and stage

Tested Areas

  1. Salesforce configuration on relationship and stage, including adding and updating Salesforce records.
  2. Anonymous user submission process.
  3. Adding eSign to relationships and attaching its audit trail to Salesforce record creation/update.
  4. Functionality tested with both Adobe Sign and DocuSign.
  5. Verification that default/informational notifications are sent without issues.
  6. Confirmation that audit trail attachments are correctly sent to Salesforce.

Issue: Unable to send data from TAP to Teamconnect for hidden field and Multi-select field.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-8415
Case Number: 2024-0314-8179426
Reported Version: TAP 1.16.3

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Create or import the workflow with pre-pop from TeamConnect, Boolean, Custom Object, and Multi-Select value fields linked to TeamConnect. 
  3. Link a formula field to the "Multi-Select value" field.
  4. Preview the workflow.
  5. During the preview, when multiple values are selected in the "Multi-Select value" field, they should appear in the formula field. However, the values are not being displayed.
  6. When the option is changed to "Use datasource as a field," the selected values are correctly displayed.

Expected Results of Steps
The values should be displayed even when the options are connected to the TeamConnect integration.

Actual Results of Steps
The values are not displaying when the TeamConnect keys are added.

The issue where values were not displaying when TeamConnect keys were added has been resolved. Now, the values should display correctly even when the options are connected to the TeamConnect integration.

Root Cause Analysis
TAP did not have the code to handle retrieving values from dropdowns or multi-fields originating from TeamConnect.

Impacted Areas
Multi-select form field sending/receiving data from/to Teamconnect and involved in formula calculation.

Tested Areas

  1. Multi-select form field involved in mapping data from TAP to TeamConnect and TeamConnect to TAP
  2. Multi-select form field used in formula for the text area, text field, and other form fields
  3. View history, edit request, edit action, dashboard dynamic column (for multi-select and formula field) of submitted records

Issue: Dashboard Data Extract issue
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9407
Case Number: 2023-1127-8065419
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Create or import the workflow.
  3. Enter the required details and submit the record.
  4. Navigate to the Datasets page, add the date field from the workflow fields, and save the changes on the Datasets page.
  5. Once the build is complete, go to the Analytics page and check for the latest submitted record in the Analytics widget.

Expected Results of Steps
Sisense data will be updated in the report.

Actual Results of Steps
Sisense data has not been updated in the report.

The issue where Sisense data was not being updated in the report has been resolved. Now, Sisense data will be updated in the report as expected.

Root Cause Analysis
While converting from various date formats to the US date format, the conversion was not working correctly. We have now fixed the issue, and most date formats will be properly converted to the US date format.

Impacted Areas
Sisense Analytics dashboard

Tested Areas

In TAP UI → Dataset page

Sisense Analytics dashboard

Issue: Records Missing History/Cannot Edit Request
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9223
Case Number: 2024-0528-8256735
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Search for the required records.
  3. Enter the required details and submit the record.
  4. Select the request ID and click on View History.

Expected Results of Steps
You can view the audit trail details and the message, “If the input exceeds 250 characters, it will be automatically truncated to 250 characters” is displayed.
Note: The fix will apply to future records but will not affect existing ones.

Actual Results of Steps
The Audit trail is empty.

The issue where the audit trail was empty has been resolved. Now, you can view the audit trail details, and if the input exceeds 250 characters, it will be automatically truncated to 250 characters. Please note that this fix applies to future records and will not affect existing ones.

Root Cause Analysis
When form fields are attached to the document builder title and the provided text exceeds 250 characters, a submission error occurs. This is due to a 250-character limit on the document label database field, which causes the data to be corrupted.

To address this issue, we have implemented a solution that automatically truncates the input string when it exceeds the 250-character limit.

Impacted Areas
Audit Trail

Tested Areas

  1. Previewer page (document builder title with form fields mapped - more than 255 characters in length)
  2. Signer page  (document builder title with form fields mapped - more than 255 characters in length)
  3. Workflow page (document builder title with form fields mapped - more than 255 characters in length)

Issue: Duplicate records get created for the same request ID
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9402
Case Number: 2024-0520-8249622
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Create or import a workflow.
  3. Execute the workflow multiple times.
  4. Search for the records.
  5. You will see multiple records getting created.

Expected Results of Steps
Only one record should be displayed per request.

Actual Results of Steps
Multiple records are being displayed for a single request.

The issue where multiple records were being displayed for a single request has been resolved. Now, only one record is shown per request.

Root Cause Analysis
The issue occurred because multiple parallel requests were being processed simultaneously, and the current LockGuard implementation does not utilize Azure Redis.

Impacted Areas
Workflow Submission

Tested Areas

  1. Workflow submission.
  2. Workflow Save.
  3. eSign callback services(Adobe, docuSign).
  4. Verify the Collaboration stage.

Issue: TAP-TCE Integration - Currency is not Populating
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9479
Case Number: 2024-0715-8303489
Reported Version: TAP 1.17.7

Access to TAP and TeamConnect

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Ensure that the workflow is actively connected to a TeamConnect environment.
  3. Set up a currency field in the workflow.
  4. Configure TeamConnect Support within the workflow.
  5. When creating a new TeamConnect Contact record from TAP, verify that the currency value selected in TAP is not populating in TeamConnect when the new contact is created.

Expected Results of Steps
The currency value selected in TAP is not being populated in TeamConnect.

Actual Results of Steps
The currency value selected in TAP should populate in TeamConnect.

The issue where the currency value selected in TAP was not being populated in TeamConnect has been resolved. Now, the currency value selected in TAP is correctly reflected in TeamConnect.

Root Cause Analysis
Since the initial implementation of the TeamConnect integration code, the currency field was not included in the TeamConnect person or company contact entity. As a result, the currency value was not passed to or from TeamConnect.

To resolve this, we have added the currency field to the person and company contact entities.

Impacted Areas
TeamConnect Currency Dropdown Field

Tested Areas

TeamConnect currency dropdown field and without TeamConnect currency dropdown fields:

  1. TeamConnect person contact creation
  2. TeamConnect company contact creation
  3. TeamConnect person contact update
  4. TeamConnect company contact update

Issue: Duplicate Records
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9499
Case Number: 2024-0719-8309546
Reported Version: TAP 1.17.7

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to the TAP application.
  2. Create or import a workflow.
  3. Execute the workflow multiple times.
  4. Search for the records.

Expected Results of Steps
The request will not be duplicated.

Actual Results of Steps
The request is duplicated.

The issue of request duplication has been resolved. Requests will no longer be duplicated.

Root Cause Analysis
The issue occurred because multiple parallel requests were being processed simultaneously, and the current LockGuard implementation does not utilize Azure Redis.

Impacted Areas
Workflow Submission

Tested Areas

  1. Workflow submission.
  2. Workflow Save.
  3. eSign callback services(Adobe, docuSign).
  4. Verify the Collaboration stage.

Issue: Date mapping into the date field is reset when clicking on the field
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9527
Case Number: 2024-0807-8328937
Reported Version: TAP 1.17.9

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create or import the workflow.
  2. Set up form mapping on the date field.
  3. Preview the workflow and load the form.
  4. Verify that, upon loading, the date field reflects the expected mapping.
  5. Click on the date field and observe the behavior.

Expected Results of Steps

  1. The mapping will be blank if the "Default Date" checkbox is unchecked for the date field.
  2. The mapping will display the current date if the "Default Date" checkbox is checked for the date field.
  3. Known Issue: Date formats other than 'yy', 'ddd', and 'dddd' work correctly with Form Mapping and Formula. However, when a date-picker field uses 'yy', 'ddd', or 'dddd', the field resets after selection, consistent with current behavior.

Actual Results of Steps
The mapped date field value should not change.

The issue regarding the mapped date field value has been resolved. If the "Default Date" checkbox is unchecked, the mapping will be blank. If the "Default Date" checkbox is checked, the mapping will display the current date.

Root Cause Analysis
We need to correctly update the value of the Bootstrap Date-picker for form mapping on the date field.

Impacted Areas
Date picker field

Tested Areas

Date picker Field 

  1. With Form-mapping
  2. With Pre-pop
  3. With formulas 
  4. Combination with API, auto-submit services
  5. Combination with Collab Stage and Save Workflow 

Issue: Edited labels for dropdown are not displaying when select one is selected from the edit section.
Tracking Code: TAP-49996
Case Number: N/A
Reported Version: TAP

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create or import the workflow.
  2. Submit the workflow.
  3. Add the dynamic column to the dashboard.
  4. Go to the dashboard, perform the edit action, and select the "Select One" option.
  5. Return to the dashboard and observe the displayed value.

Expected Results of Steps

The workflow selection should be displayed.

Actual Results of Steps
The default label is displayed.

The issue where the default label was displayed has been resolved. The workflow selection will now be displayed.

Root Cause Analysis
Previously, we were saving the dropdown value rather than the label during edits. This has now been corrected to save the label instead of the value.

Impacted Areas
Different fields in the submit and updating it in the edit.

Tested Areas
Different fields in the submit and updating it in the edit. 

Issue: Formula to copy TeamConnect multi-select lookup values into text field not working.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9640
Case Number: 2024-0821-8345222
Reported Version: TAP 1.17.11

Access to TAP - TeamConnect integration

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to TAP.
  2. Create or import the workflow.
  3. Set up the formula field to replicate the values from the TeamConnect multi-select lookup field.
  4. Preview the workflow and select multiple values from the list.
  5. Submit the request.

Expected Results of Steps
The multi-select values from the TeamConnect should be automatically copied to the text field using the defined formula.

Actual Results of Steps
The text field is empty, indicating that the formula did not execute successfully.

The issue where the text field was empty, indicating that the formula did not execute successfully, has been resolved. Multi-select values from TeamConnect will now be automatically copied to the text field using the defined formula.

Root Cause Analysis
The code is now designed to handle the mapping of the TeamConnect multi-lookup field.

Impacted Areas
Formula Functionality

Tested Areas

  1. Formula Functionality
  2. Multi-select Functionality
  3. Combination of Formula and multi-select
  4. TeamConnect Multi Lookup mapped with multi-select 
  5. TeamConnect Multi Lookup  mapped with multi-select  with formula
  6. Combination with AutoSubmit, API, and Stage Form Access on different stages 

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