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After this tutorial, users will learn how these simple tools give extra flexibility in stage permissions. Triggers help in situations where we only want certain users to be able to perform certain actions on a workflow.

What is a trigger?

Triggers are used to update workflow permissions at certain points within a workflow. They are similar to stage level permissions, except they do not allow for all permissions to be updated. When a workflow reaches a trigger point, certain permissions such as terminate or manage workflow are updated as per the trigger configuration. This is great for when you have specific conditions which might result in the workflow being locked down or opened up to additional users. For example, it might be the case that only Senior Managers are allowed to terminate your HR Onboarding workflow. However, if the workflow passes through a "triggered" relationship, the permissions can be temporarily changed for that workflow instance and allow another role to terminate the workflow as well. 


trigger dialog.PNG


How Do I Set Up a Trigger?

To set up a trigger:

1. Select the relationship at which point you would like to update the "terminate workflow" permission. 

2. Select the clipboard_e1443b3ee7de8c247e0bc8f0fe5f1a67e.png triggers icon. 

3. When you do so, a dialog box will appear.

4. Type in a name for the Label. This will be the name of your trigger. 

5. Select the Trigger Type drop down to "Update terminate workflow access."

6. Identify which roles will be effected by the trigger. The available roles will depend upon the roles that have been previously set up in the Administration section of TAP. These roles are different from your workflow-level roles. 

7. Click "Save."


How Do I Disable a Trigger?

1. Check the box for "Disable trigger."

trigger disable.PNG

2. Click Save. 

Use Cases

  • Updating terminate workflow and manage workflow permissions based on specific conditions within a workflow. Users might want to lock down requests which route down a confidential pathway, or allow additional users into a request which route down a open access pathway.

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