LEDES 1998B Format Schema
eCounsel LEDES 98 Import Mapping Table 1
eCounsel |
Field |
Type |
Required/ Optional |
Description |
Database |
Invoices Module |
Date * 8 YYYYMMDD |
Required |
The invoice date. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Invoice.InvoiceDate |
Base Info>Date |
Character * 20 |
Required |
The alphanumeric, law firm assigned invoice number or code. Multiple INVOICE_NUMBERs can be billed in the same LEDES file. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Invoice.BillingEntityInvoice Number Invoice.OurInvoiceNumber |
Base Info>Invoice # Base Info>Transaction # |
Character * 20 |
Required |
The law firm assigned client code. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Not imported |
N/A |
Character * 20 |
Required |
The law firm assigned matter code. Multiple LAW_FIRM_MATTER_IDs can be billed in the same invoice. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Not imported |
N/A |
Currency * 12.4 |
Required |
The sum of all LINE_ITEM_TOTAL values in this invoice. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Invoice.AdjustedNativeAmount and Invoice.InvoiceAmount if currency type = base currency |
Base Info>Adjusted Billed and Base Info>Adjusted Base if currency type = base currency |
Date * 8 YYYYMMDD |
Required |
The starting date for the billing period. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Invoice.ServiceStartDate |
Base Info>Service Start |
Date * 8 YYYYMMDD |
Required |
The ending date for the billing period. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Invoice.ServiceEndDate |
Base Info>Service End |
Character * 15 KB |
Optional |
A descriptive summary of work performed which is charged on this invoice during the applicable billing period. Limited to 15KB of text. |
Invoice.Comments_ID then to LongComments |
Base Info>Comments |
Character * 20 |
Required |
The sequence number of this line item. This number must be unique for each line item in an invoice. Usually, the time entry primary key in the law firm's financial system is used here. LINE_ITEM_NUMBERs must be unique per INVOICE_NUMBER but need not be consecutive. A null value ("") would be an error. |
Not imported |
N/A |
Character * 2 |
Required |
An identifier indicating whether the line item is an expense ("E"), a fee ("F"), an invoice-level adjustment on fees ("IF"), or an invoice-level adjustment on expenses ("IE"). A null value ("") would be an error. |
InvoiceDetail.CostType_CD |
Invoice Detail>Cost Type |
Numeric * 10.4 |
Required except if an invoice-level adjustment |
The number of units billed on this line item. For fee items, this is the number of hours being billed. For expense items, this is the number of items being expensed. For invoice- level adjustments, this field is ignored. A value of zero "0" or null ("") would be an error unless the line item is an invoice-level adjustment. |
InvoiceDetail.HoursOrUnits |
Invoice Detail>Hours/Units |
Currency * 10.4 |
Optional |
The numerical value of any adjustment applied to this line item. A positive value indicates a premium, a negative value indicates a discount. A null ("") or zero ("0") value indicates no adjustment. |
InvoiceDetail.DiscountAmount |
Invoice Detail>Total Adjustments Billed Invoice Detail>Total Discounts Billed |
Currency * 10.4 |
Required |
The numerical value of this line item. This must be (LINE_ITEM_UNIT_COST * LINE_ITEM_NUMBER_OF_UNITS) + LINE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT + LINE_ITEM_TAX_TOTAL. A null value ("") would be an error. NOTE: The sample 98BIV2 file from LEDES contradicts this. The Line_Item_Total field in the sample does not include tax. |
InvoiceDetail.AdjustedNativeAmount Calculated as Line_Item_Total minus Line_Item_Tax_Total, because this field contains tax that is not captured by eCounsel at the line item level. |
Invoice Detail>Adjusted Pre-tax Billed |
eCounsel LEDES 98 Import Mapping Table 2
eCounsel |
Field |
Type |
Required/ Optional |
Description |
Database |
Invoices Module |
Date * 8 YYYYMMDD |
Required |
The date the fees/expenses were incurred. Typically, this date is between the BILLING_START_DATE and the BILLING_END_DATE. A null value ("") would be an error. |
InvoiceDetail.LineItemDate |
Invoice Detail>Line Item Date |
Character * 20 |
Required for task Items |
The task code (e.g., using the UTBMS code set) for this line item. Most expense items probably do not have a LINE_ITEM_TASK_CODE associated with them (in which case this field would be left null). |
InvoiceDetail.Task_ID |
Invoice Detail>Task |
Character * 20 |
Required for expense items |
The expense code (e.g., using the UTBMS code set) for this expense line item. Most fee items probably do not have a LINE_ITEM_EXPENSE_CODE associated with them (in which case this field would be left null). |
InvoiceDetail.Expense_CD |
Invoice Detail>Expense Type |
Character * 20 |
Required for task items |
The activity code (e.g., using the UTBMS code set) for this fee line item. Most expense items probably do not have a LINE_ITEM_ACTIVITY_CODE associated with them (in which case this field would be left null). |
InvoiceDetail.Activity_CD |
Invoice Detail>Activity Type |
Character * 20 |
Required for task items |
A unique identifier for the timekeeper for this line entry. Typically, the identifier used here is the primary key for a timekeeper used in a law firm’s financial system (e.g., an employee number, social security number, initials, or anything else so long as it uniquely identifies a particular timekeeper). For fee line items, a null value ("") would be an error. Most expense items probably do not have a TIMEKEEPER_ID associated with them (in which case this field would be left null). Actual timekeeper names should be avoided. |
InvoiceDetail.Professional_EID Validates against Person.AdministrationNumber and Company_Person.Person_ID |
Invoice Detail>Professional Displays name from People module |
Character * 15 KB |
Required for task items |
Free form description of this line item. May be up to 15KB of text. If an expense item uses a LINE_ITEM_EXPENSE_CODE, this field is usually left null. |
InvoiceDetail.Comments_ID |
Invoice Detail>Comments |
Character * 50 |
Required |
Identifier(s) uniquely identifying the sending law firm. The law firm's Federal Taxpayer ID if operating in the U.S. or a tax identifier for non-U.S. firms. The field will accommodate up to three identification numbers through the use of a sub-delimiter (~). A null value ("") would be an error. |
Invoice.BillingEntity_EID Validates against Entity.FederalNumber |
Base Info>Vendor |
Currency * 10.4 |
Required except if an invoice-level adjustment |
The standard (i.e., undiscounted) unit cost of the line item. For fees, this would be the hourly rate. For expenses, this would be the cost per unit. For invoice-level adjustments, this field is ignored. A value of zero ("0") or null ("") would be an error unless the line item is an invoice-level adjustment. |
InvoiceDetail.Rate |
Invoice Detail>Rate |
eCounsel LEDES 98 Import Mapping Table 3
eCounsel |
Field |
Type |
Required/ Optional |
Description |
Database |
Invoices Module |
Character * 30 |
Required for Task Items |
The name of a timekeeper. Names must be entered Last name first, then a comma, followed by First name (e.g., "Arnsley, Robert"). THIS FIELD IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MUST NOT BE USED BY THE RECEIVING APPLICATION AS A PRIMARY KEY FOR TIMEKEEPER. This field is mandatory. Most expense items probably do not have a TIMEKEEPER_NAME associated with them (in which case this field would be left null). |
Not imported |
Timekeeper name comes from person record associated with Timekeeper_ID |
Character * 10 |
Required for Task Items |
The staff classification of a timekeeper. This field must use one of the following codes: "PT" (for partner), "AS" (for associate), "OC" (for of counsel), "LA" (for legal assistant), "OT" (for other timekeeper), "SI" (for summer intern), "PL" (for paralegal), "SE" for secretary or clerk), and "NP" (for non-legal professional). THIS FIELD IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND MUST NOT BE USED BY THE RECEIVING APPLICATION AS A PRIMARY KEY FOR TIMEKEEPER. Most expense items probably do not have a TIMEKEEPER_CLASSIFICATION associated with them (in which case this field would be left null). |
Not imported |
N/A |
Character * 20 |
Required except if client does not assign matter identifiers |
The client assigned matter code. Multiple CLIENT_MATTER_IDs can be billed in the same invoice. A null value ("") would be an error, unless the client does not assign matter identifiers. |
MatterInvoice.MatterNumber_ID Validates against Matter.MatterNumber |
Matter Invoice>Matter |