HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 21-22
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 21
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_patent_parentfilingdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a parent patent was filed. |
Matters/Patent/Parent Filing Date |
Patent/ParentFilingDate |
mat_patent_parentgrantdate |
The date a parent patent was granted. |
Matters/Patent/Parent Number |
Patent/ParentGrantDate |
mat_patent_parentgrantdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a parent patent was granted. |
Matters/Patent/Parent Number |
Patent/ParentGrantDate |
mat_patent_parentnumber |
The identifier for an earlier application for a patent of the inventor disclosing a given invention. |
Matters/Patent/Parent Grant Date |
Patent/ParentNumber |
mat_patent_patentnumber |
The identifier for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Patent Number |
Patent/PatentNumber |
mat_patent_priorityappnumber |
The identifier for a priority application. |
Matters/Patent/Priority Application Number |
Patent/PriorityApplicationNumber |
mat_patent_priorityfilingdate |
The date a priority application was filed for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Priority Filing Date |
Patent/PriorityFilingDate |
mat_patent_priorityfilingdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a priority application was filed for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Priority Filing Date |
Patent/PriorityFilingDate |
mat_patent_publicationdate |
The date the publication of a patent occurred. |
Matters/Patent/Publication Date |
Patent/PublicationDate |
mat_patent_publicationdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the publication of a patent occurred. |
Matters/Patent/Publication Date |
Patent/PublicationDate |
mat_patent_reelframenumber |
The reel frame number for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Reel Frame Number |
Patent/ReelFrameNumber |
mat_patent_status |
The classification for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Status |
Patent/Status_CD |
mat_patent_substatus |
The sub-classification for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Sub Status |
Patent/SubStatus_CD |
mat_patent_substatusdate |
The date a sub status item occurred for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Sub Status Date |
Patent/SubStatusDate |
mat_patent_substatusdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a sub status item occurred for a patent. |
Matters/Patent/Sub Status Date |
Patent/SubStatusDate |
mat_patent_taxbasedate |
The date a patent tax was paid. |
Matters/Patent/Tax Base Date |
Patent/TaxBaseDate |
mat_patent_taxbasedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a patent tax was paid. |
Matters/Patent/Tax Base Date |
Patent/TaxBaseDate |
mat_patent_totalclaim |
The total number of independent claims on a patent. The cost of filing the patent application is directly related to the total number of independent claims. |
Matters/Patent/Total Claim |
Patent/TotalClaim |
mat_physicalfile_closedate |
The date a physical file associated with a matter was closed. |
Matters/Physical File/Close Date |
Physical File/CloseDate |
mat_physicalfile_closedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a physical file associated with a matter was closed. |
Matters/Physical File/Close Date |
Physical File/CloseDate |
mat_physicalfile_comments |
Any comment concerning a physical file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Physical File/Comments |
Physical File/Comments_ID |
mat_physicalfile_description |
A comment concerning a physical file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Physical File/File Description |
Physical File/FileDescription |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field on the Physical File tab if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field on the Physical File tab . |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field on the Physical File tab is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field on the Physical File tab is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field on the Physical File tab is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 22
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field on the Physical File tab is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the Physical File tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field on the Physical File tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_physicalfile_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field on the Physical File tab in the Matters module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
mat_physicalfile_externalstorage |
The location where a physical file associated with a matter is stored if it is not stored internally. |
Matters/Physical File/External Storage |
Physical File/ExternalStorage |
mat_physicalfile_filedestruction |
An indication of whether a file associated with a matter should be destroyed after the retention period has ended. |
Matters/Physical File/File Destruction |
Physical File/FileDestruction_CD |
mat_physicalfile_filenumber |
The identifier for a physical file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Physical File/File Number |
Physical File/FileNumber |
mat_physicalfile_filesubtype |
A sub-classification for a physical file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Physical File/File Subtype |
Physical File/FileSubType_CD |
mat_physicalfile_filetype |
A classification for a physical file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Physical File/File Type |
Physical File/FileType_CD |
mat_physicalfile_internalstorage |
The location where a physical file associated with a matter is stored. |
Matters/Physical File/Internal Storage |
Physical File/InternalStorage |
mat_physicalfile_opendate |
The date a physical file associated with a matter was opened. |
Matters/Physical File/Open Date |
Physical File/OpenDate |
mat_physicalfile_opendate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a physical file associated with a matter was opened. |
Matters/Physical File/Open Date |
Physical File/OpenDate |
mat_physicalfile_owner |
The name of a player on the matter who is responsible for a physical file. |
Matters/Physical File/Owner |
Physical File/Owner_ID |
mat_physicalfile_permanentfile |
An indication of whether a physical file associated with a matter is permanent or temporary. |
Matters/Physical File/Permanent File |
Physical File/PermanentFile_CD |
mat_physicalfile_retentionperiod |
The amount of time a physical file associated with a matter should be stored. |
Matters/Physical File/Retention Period |
Physical File/RetentionPeriod_CD |
mat_physicalfile_status |
The status (such as Closed) for a physical file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Physical File/Status |
Physical File/Status_CD |
mat_player_adminnumber |
The information entered in the Admin Number field for a person who is a player on a matter. |
People/Base Info/Admin Number |
Person/AdministrationNumber |
mat_player_approvalamount |
The maximum amount for which a person/entity has invoice approval authorization as a player on a matter. |
Matters/Player/Approval Amount |
MatterPlayer/ApprovalAmount |
mat_player_approvalamountforeign |
The maximum amount, expressed in a currency other than the base currency, for which a person/entity has invoice approval authorization as a player on a matter. |
N/A (Internal) |
MatterPlayer/ApprovalAmountForeign |
mat_player_approvalorder |
The order in which the player approves any invoices billed for the matter. |
Matters/Player/Approval Review Order |
MatterPlayer/ApprovalOrder |
mat_player_approverreviewer |
An indication of whether the person/entity has invoice approval authorization as a player on a matter. |
Matters/Player/Approver Reviewer Status [A/R] |
MatterPlayer/ApproverReviewer |
mat_player_birthdate |
The information entered in the Admin Number field for a person who is a player on a matter. |
People/Base Info/Birth Date |
Person/BirthDate |
mat_player_birthdate_datetype |
The date of birth (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) entered in the Admin Number field for a person who is a player on a matter. |
People/Base Info/Birth Date |
Person/BirthDate |
mat_player_billingmethod |
The method (such as Hourly Rate) by which the player submits invoices for the matter. |
Matters/Player/Billing Method |
MatterPlayer/BillingMethod_CD |