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Windows and Dialog Boxes

Security Attribute Profiles Window

The Security Attribute Profiles window allows you to define various profiles that restrict access to Suite. When naming profiles, use a descriptive name to clarify the process of applying the profile to a user or user group.

Database Access Tab


Description – The name of database access profile. These profiles are used to restrict access at the table/view and field level of the database.

Widget Access Tab


Description – The name of the widget access profile. These profiles are used to restrict access to the widgets that may appear on the home page of a Suite application.

Security Attribute – An indication of the type of profile (Suite, eCounsel, or Secretariat).

Report Access Tab


Description – The name of the output access profile. These profiles are used to restrict access to reports or generated documents.

Security Attribute – An indication of the type of profile (Suite, eCounsel, or Secretariat).

Logical Groups Tab


Description – The name of the logical group profile. These profiles are used to restrict access to the logical groups.

Security Attribute – An indication of the type of profile (Suite, eCounsel, or Secretariat).

WorldView Sites Tab


Description – The name of the WorldView site access profile. These profiles are used to restrict access to WorldView sites.

Security Attribute – An indication of the type of profile (Suite, eCounsel, or Secretariat).

Wizard Access Tab


Description – The name of the wizard access profile. These profiles are used to restrict access to wizards used to generate items such as new matters by copying, etc.

Security Attribute – An indication of the type of profile (Suite, eCounsel, or Secretariat).


New – Click to open the New Profile dialog box to create a new profile.

Edit – Click to open the Edit Profile dialog box to modify an existing profile.

Delete – Click to delete the selected profile.

Copy – Click to open the Copy Profile dialog box to create a new profile based on the settings of an existing profile.

New Profile Dialog Box

The New Profile dialog box allows you to create a profile that restricts access to Suite for users or user groups. Descriptive names should be used in order to clarify the process of applying the profile to a user or user group.


Description – The name of the profile.

Database Access Profile Fields


Table Access Attributes – Lists tables/views in the database for which access may be restricted.

Table – The name of the table or view in the database for which access may be restricted.

Select – An indication of whether a record may be selected to view more detailed information.

Insert – An indication of whether a record may be added for the table/view.

Update – An indication of whether a record may be modified.

Delete – An indication of whether a record in the table/view may be removed.

Field Access Attributes – Lists fields in the selected table/view for which access may be restricted.

Field – The name of the field in the selected table/view.

Select – An indication of whether a value may be selected for the field.

Update – An indication of whether the data in the field may be modified.

Widget Access Profile Fields


Widget Record – The name of the widget for which access is being restricted.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the widget. If a user is denied access to a widget, the user may not view the widget on the home page.

Report Access Profile Fields


Report Record – The name of the output (such as a report) for which access is being restricted.

Type – An indication of whether the record is a SAP Business Objects Crystal Report, i-net Clear Reports, or HotDocs document.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the output item. If a user is denied access to an output item, the user may not view the report or document.

Logical Group Profile Fields


Description – The description of the logical group for which access is being restricted.

Abbreviation – The name of the logical group as it appears in Suite.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the logical group. If a user is denied access to a logical group, the user may not view records designated for the logical group.

WorldView Site Profile Fields


Description – The description of the WorldView site for which access is being restricted.

Abbreviation – The name of the WorldView site as it appears in Suite.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the WorldView site. If a user is denied access to a WorldView site, the user may not view records designated for the WorldView site.

Wizard Access Profile Fields


Wizard – The name of the wizard (such as a Global Assign/Reassign) for which access is being restricted.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the wizard. If a user is denied access to a wizard, the user may not use the wizard.

Edit Profile Dialog Box

The Edit Profile dialog box allows you to modify a profile that restricts access to tables and fields within these tables for a user or user group. Descriptive names should be used for a profile in order to clarify the process of applying the view profile to a user or user group.

Summary Tab


Lists information for the profile that may be printed or viewed.

Properties Tab for Database Access Profiles


Description – The name of the profile.

Table Access Attributes – Lists tables/views in the database for which access may be restricted.

Table – The name of the table or view in the database for which access may be restricted.

Select – An indication of whether a record may be selected to view more detailed information.

Insert – An indication of whether a record may be added for the table/view.

Update – An indication of whether a record may be modified.

Delete – An indication of whether a record in the table/view may be removed.

Field Access Attributes – Lists fields in the selected table/view for which access may be restricted.

Field – The name of the field in the selected table/view.

Select – An indication of whether a value may be selected for the field.

Update – An indication of whether the data in the field may be modified.

Properties Tab for Widget Access Profiles


Description – The name of the profile.

Widget Record – The name of the widget for which access is being restricted. Widgets are managed using the Widgets component in Suite Manager. See Widgets for more information.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the widget. If a user is denied access to a widget, the user may not view the widget on the home page.

Properties Tab for Report Access Profiles


Description – The name of the profile.

Report Record – The name of the output (such as a report) for which access is being restricted. Report, document, and form templates are managed using the Template Import component in Suite Manager.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the output item. If a user is denied access to an output item, the user may not view the report or document.

Properties Tab for Logical Group Profiles


Description – The name of the profile.

Description (logical group) – The description of the logical group for which access is being restricted. Logical groups are managed using the Logical Groups component in Suite Manager.

Abbreviation – The name of the logical group as it appears in Suite.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the logical group. If a user is denied access to a logical group, the user may not view records designated for the logical group.

Properties Tab for WorldView Sites Profiles


Description – The name of the profile.

Description (WorldView site) – The description of the WorldView site for which access is being restricted. WorldView sites are managed using the WorldView Sites component in Suite Manager.

Abbreviation – The name of the WorldView site as it appears in Suite.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the WorldView site. If a user is denied access to a WorldView site, the user may not view records designated for the WorldView site.

Properties Tab for Wizard Access Profiles


Description – The name of the profile.

Wizard – The name of the wizard (such as a Global Assign/Reassign) for which access is being restricted.

Access – The level of accessibility (such as Allow or Deny) to the wizard. If a user is denied access to a wizard, the user may not use the wizard.


Save – Click to save changes to the dialog box.

Carry – Click to propagate the selected setting to all the remaining fields in the column.

Copy Profile Dialog Box

The Copy Profile dialog box allows you to create a new security attribute profile with the same settings as the selected profile.



Description – A freeform comment concerning the security attribute profile.

Database Access Profile Fields


Copy Table Access Rights – Click to indicate all restrictions to accessing tables/views should be copied to the new profile.

Copy Field Access Rights – Click to indicate all restrictions to accessing fields should be copied to the new profile.

Copy Record Access Rights – Click to indicate all restrictions to accessing records should be copied to the new profile.


OK – Click to create the profile.

Cancel – Click to close the dialog box without create a profile.

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