HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly 11-12
HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly 11
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
Associated Documents |
pe_documentfiles_tablename |
The name of the table that contains the document record for the file. |
N/A |
DocumentFile/TableName |
pe_documentfiles_uploadedby |
The name of the user who uploaded the document file for a person’s record. |
People/Notes History/Uploaded By |
DocumentFile/UploadedBy |
pe_documentfiles_uploadeddate |
The date the document file was last uploaded to a person’t record. |
People/Notes History/Uploaded Date |
DocumentFile/UploadedDate |
pe_documentfiles_uploadeddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the document file was last uploaded to a person’t record. |
People/Notes History/Uploaded Date |
DocumentFile/UploadedDate |
pe_documents_commentsid |
Any comments entered concerning the document for a person’s record. |
People/Notes History/Comments |
Document/Comments_ID |
pe_documents_description |
The description of a document for a person’s record. |
People/Notes History/Description |
Document/Description |
pe_documents_documentdate |
The date selected for a document for a person’s record. |
People/Notes History/Document Date |
Document/DocumentDate |
pe_documents_documentdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) selected for a document for a person’s record. |
People/Notes History/Document Date |
Document/DocumentDate |
pe_documents_documenttypecd |
The type of document record for a person. |
People/Notes History/Type |
Document/DocumentType_CD |
pe_ethnicclassificationcd |
If the person is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the classification for a person’s ethnicity. |
N/A |
Person/EthnicClassification_CD |
pe_federalnumber |
The tax identifier for an entity or social security number for a person. |
Entities/Base Info/Federal Number Person/Base Info/SSN |
FederalNumber |
pe_firstname |
The first name of an entity that is a person. |
People/Base Info/First |
Person/FirstName |
pe_fullname |
The first, middle, and last name of an entity that is a person. |
People/Base Info/Name |
Entity/Name |
pe_gender |
The gender (Male, Female, or Not Specified) of a person. |
People/Base Info/Gender |
Person/Gender |
pe_internal |
If the entity is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, an indication if the entity is a subsidiary or operating business unit for eCounsel. |
N/A |
Entity/Internal |
pe_jurisdlname |
The jurisdiction entered for the driver’s license of a person. |
People/Base Info/Drivers License Jurisdiction |
DriversLicenseJurisdiction_ID |
pe_lastname |
The last name of an entity that is a person. |
People/Base Info/Last |
Person/LastName |
pe_members_companyname |
The name of an entity for which a person or entity holds a position. |
People/Titles Held/Name Entities/Positions/Name |
Entity/Name |
pe_members_companyshortname |
The short name for an entity for which a person holds a position. |
Entities/Base Info/Short Name |
Entity/ShortName |
pe_members_effective |
The date the position with an entity became effective for a person or entity. |
People/Titles Held/Effective Date Entities/Positions/Effective Date |
Member/EffectiveDate |
pe_members_effective_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the position with an entity became effective for a person or entity. |
People/Titles Held/Effective Date Entities/Positions/Effective Date |
Member/EffectiveDate |
pe_members_enddate |
The date a position terminated with an entity for a person or entity. |
People/Titles Held/End Date Entities/Positions/End Date |
Member/EndDate |
HotDocs Variables for Secretariat Document Assembly Table 12
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
Associated Documents |
pe_members_enddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) a position terminated with an entity for a person or entity. |
People/Titles Held/End Date Entities/Positions/End Date |
Member/EndDate |
pe_members_execofficer |
An indication of whether the person/entity is an executive officer of the entity in the current position held. |
People/Titles Held/Attributes Entities/Positions/Attributes |
Member/ExecutiveOfficer |
pe_members_firstelected |
The date the person/entity was first elected to the position for an entity. |
People/Titles Held/First Elected Date Entities/Positions/First Elected |
Member/StartDate |
pe_members_firstelected_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the person/entity was first elected to the position for an entity. |
People/Titles Held/First Elected Date Entities/Positions/First Elected |
Member/StartDate |
pe_members_firstname |
The first name of a person who has a position with an entity. |
People/Base Info/First |
Person/FirstName |
pe_members_lastelected |
The date a person or entity was last elected to a position. |
People/Titles Held/Last Elected Date Entities/Positions/Last Elected |
LastElectedDate |
pe_members_lastelected_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a person or entity was last elected to a position. |
People/Titles Held/Last Elected Date Entities/Positions/Last Elected |
LastElectedDate |
pe_members_lastname |
The last name of a person who has a position with an entity. |
People/Base Info/Last |
Person/LastName |
pe_members_middle |
The middle name of a person who has a position with an entity. |
People/Base Info/Middle |
Person/Middle |
pe_members_noncorporate |
An indication of whether the position for the person/entity is not corporate. |
People/Titles Held/Attributes Entities/Positions/Attributes |
NonCorporate |
pe_members_normalretire |
The date entered as the normal retire date for a position with an entity. |
People/Titles Held/Normal Retire Date Entities/Positions/Normal Retire |
NormalRetireDate |
pe_members_normalretire_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) entered as the normal retire date for a position with an entity. |
People/Titles Held/Normal Retire Date Entities/Positions/Normal Retire |
NormalRetireDate |
pe_members_pending |
An indication of whether the position with an entity is pending. |
People/Titles Held/Attributes Entities/Positions/Attributes |
Pending |
pe_members_relentityname |
The name of the entity/person that holds a position. |
Entities/Positions/Name |
Entity/Name |
pe_members_relentityshortname |
The short name of a person or entity that holds a position. |
N/A |
Entity/ShortName |
pe_members_salutation |
A greeting form to be used for a person that holds a position. |
People/Base Info/Prefix |
Person/Salutation |
pe_members_sortorder |
A number to indicate the order a position will display in reports relative to other positions. |
People/Titles Held/Sort Order Entities/Positions/Sort Order |
Member/SortOrder |
pe_members_suffix |
A suffix (such as Jr.) for a person holding a position. |
People/Base Info/Suffix |
Person/Suffix |
pe_members_termlength |
The length of time a person or entity can hold a position. |
People/Titles Held/Term Length Entities/Positions/Term Length |
Member/TermLength |