Suite 8.10.0 SP15
Date Released
Issue Resolutions
This service pack includes the following issue resolutions:
- When searching on string user fields using the Is Not NULL operator, results now include all string user fields that have values.
Tracking code: STE-20423 - When accessing Users, Groups, View Profiles, and Type Profiles from the Tools menu, clicking the Summary button no longer returns errors.
Tracking code: STE-20195
- When an invoice approver is assigned to an invoice for a private matter to which he/she does not have access, reassigning the invoice approval to another user no longer results in an error.
Tracking code: STE-19759 - When clicking the Defaults button on the Invoice Allocations subtab of an invoice, the Billed Amount now correctly displays the currency with which the invoice was submitted.
Tracking code: STE-19857 - For Collaborati integrations, the unique identifier for the integration now appears on the Base Info tab for the person record for a timekeeper. This identifier is read-only but may be modified if Customer Support needs to troubleshoot an issue with the timekeeper.
Tracking code: STE-19733 - eCounsel users granted limited access rights can now only view invoices for which they are a player on the matter.
Tracking code: STE-19556 - For Collaborati integrations, issues with timekeepers being synchronized incorrectly with Collaborati was returning an incorrect error that the invoice was missing the invoice description. eCounsel now reports the correct error with the timekeeper that returned the error. In addition, if a matter is not synchronized properly with Collaborati, an error will be returned with the matter information.
Tracking code: STE-20150 - For the new enhancement to synchronize matters to Corridor for vendors adding invoices manually to select, an error has been resolved when matters were marked private in eCounsel. In addition, the task has been refactored to add logic to only synchronize matters once. If you are using the additional time period for closed matters to be billed against, set this parameter in Suite Manager, prior to running the updated task.
Tracking code: STE-19756, STE-20242 - For Collaborati integrations, pagination has been added to requests for records from Collaborati to resolve an issue with Collaborati timing out prior to eCounsel retrieving the entire list of items.
Tracking Code: STE-20172
This service pack requires the previous installation of the following:
- suite8.10.0.sp14
This service pack includes an update to the following:
- Suite (suite8.10.0.sp15)
No downloads are needed for this service pack.
Installation Instructions
Suite Installation Instructions
- Stop the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
- Use Update Manager to install the suite8.10.0.sp15.1 update. Update Manager will back up the following files:
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\AutoLoader$AllocationAutoLoad.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\AutoLoader$ApproverAutoLoad.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\AutoLoader.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\collaborati\CollaboratiInvoiceMapper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\buslogic\invoice\collaborati\CollaboratiInvoiceParser.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\UserData.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\peopleentity\PEUpdateCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\ListLogic.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\invoice\InvoiceSummary.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\invoice\corridor\CorridorSettings.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\invoice\corridor\IBSI_SI_ServiceHttpBindingStub.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\invoice\corridor\IBSI_SI_ServicePortType.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\invoice\ebiling\GenericInvoiceImport.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\matter\MatterPlayerUpdate.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\matter\MatterUpdate.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\userfield\UserFieldSearcher.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\repository\matter\MattersDataset.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\scheduler\task\CollaboratiInvoiceTask.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\scheduler\task\CollaboratiVendorCodesTask.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\scheduler\task\CorrMattersForVendorsTask.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\CollaboratiIntegrationUtils.class
- WEB-INF\lib\collaborati-rest-client.jar
- xsl\bsicommon\appcommon.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\appinfosummary.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\edittemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\groupsummary.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\groupsummarydetail.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\listtemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\ruleprofilesummaryassociations.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\ruleprofilesummaryassociationsmultiple.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\summarytemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\tools.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\tools_userslist.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\tools_usersummary.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\typeprofilelist.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\usersummary.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\viewprofileiterator.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\viewprofilesummaryTools.xsl
- xsl\invoice\invoicesummary.xsl
- xsl\peopleentity\personview_template.xsl
- Restart the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.