Suite 8.10.0 SP12
Date Released
Issue Resolutions
This service pack includes the following issue resolutions:
Suite Manager
- Message of the Day was displaying an error when the user accessed the home page.
Tracking code: UPD-9318
- Users could not open the entity Employees tab when the Timekeeper ID and Person columns were both in the grid and it was sorted by Person.
Tracking code: UPD-9156 - Clicking the Enhancement Request link would take the user to the Mitratech website. Now, two new properties in the file allow customization for the link. To change the destination link, set the property value to the desired URL.
Tracking code: UPD-4984- EcounselEnhancementLink
- SecretariatEnhancementLink
- The accrual notification email contains the internal matter ID (MatterNumber_ID) instead of the matter number.
Tracking code: UPD-9151
- Users are unable to enter a disbursement-only invoice using the one-page form.
Tracking code: UPD-9111 - The LineItemCalculationWithTax invoice audit rule incorrectly failed invoices with zero rate values.
Tracking code: UPD-9252 - If a user set an end date on an employment record for a timekeeper in eCounsel, the timekeeper would still retain the "Authorized" status in Collaborati.
Tracking code: UPD-9122 - Vendor Status in Collaborati was not properly changing when the vendor was rejected from eCounsel.
Tracking code: UPD-9360 - When using an integration with Collaborati, a vendor could not submit a prior year's invoice in the new year if the timekeeper was not currently an active timekeeper. Now the timekeeper's end date has an optional grace period.
Tracking co de: UPD-9422
To enable this feature:System Settings component in the System Configuration area.
On the Suite Manager control panel, click the - On the System Settings window, click the eCounsel tab, and then click Invoice Integration Settings.
- In the Configure invoice submission period area, type the number of days after a timekeeper’s employment end date that the vendor is allowed to submit invoices.
- Click Save.
This service pack requires the previous installation of the following:
- suite8.10.0.sp11
This service pack includes an update to the following:
- Suite (suite8.10.0.sp12)
- Suite Manager (SuiteManager.exe)
This service pack requires the re-import of the following Audit rules, if used:
- LineItemCalculationWithTax
Installation Instructions
Suite Installation Instructions
- Stop the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
- Use Update Manager to install the suite8.10.0.sp12.1 update. Update Manager will back up the following files:
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\attributes\
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\ListCommand$ListPositioner.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\ListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\AdminRedirectInitContent.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ToolsCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\home\HomePageCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\peopleentity\EntityEmployeeListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\peopleentity\MapVendorCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\peopleentity\CompanyPersonHelper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\peopleentity\CourtPerson.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\peopleentity\CourtPersonHelper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\FieldNameParser.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\ecounsel\eCounselSystemSettings.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\invoice\collaborati\CollaboratiSettings.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\peopleentity\CourtEmployeeList.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\peopleentity\search\CourtEmployeeSearcher.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\ebilling\collaborati\MapTimekeeperProcess.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\repository\peopleentity\CourtPersonDataset.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\scheduler\task\AccrualNotificationTask.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\scheduler\task\CollaboratiVendorCodesTask.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\CollaboratiIntegrationUtils.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\bsicommon\GenConstants.class
- WEB-INF\lib\collaborati-rest-client.jar
- xsl\bsicommon\listtemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\toolstemplates.xsl
- xsl\invoice\invoicequickentry.xsl
- xsl\peopleentity\entityemployeelist.xsl
- Restart the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
Suite Manager Installation Instructions
Rule Installation Instructions
- Depending on the encryption that you use (standard or unlimited), extract the contents from the following .ZIP files to a location accessible by the Bridgeway Suite server:
- Open Suite Manager.
- On the Suite Manager control panel, click the Rules Engine component in the Tools & Utilities area.
- On the Rules Engine window, click the Invoice Audit Rules tab at the top of the window.
- Click the LineItemCalculation rule to select it, click the Delete button, and click Yes to confirm deletion.
- Click Import, navigate to the LineItemCalculation.bsi file from Step 1, and then click Open.
- In the dialog box, configure the parameters for the rule, and click Save and Close.
- After importing the rule, click the Refresh All Application Server Settings button on the General tab of System Settings to trigger a cache refresh so that the rule is implemented immediately.