LegalHold 3.3.3 Release Notes
This release notes details the information related to Enhancements, Improvements and Resolved Issues in LegalHold 3.3.3 release.
Enhancement: Introduced an action button in the list of eDiscovery Custodians.
Description: The new action button in the list of eDiscovery Custodians resolve the communication issue in the API when applying a hold to each custodian so that custodians can sync back their status, or restart Preservation in M365.
Tracking code: LH-13426
Bug Fixes
Issue: Fixed the issue with holds that don't have a case ID since they were created prior to the Microsoft 365 Integration Settings being enabled.
Tracking code: LH-13458
Issue: Fixed the issue with individual recipient release dates for active holds by adding the custodian release date field to the Custom Report Designer.
Tracking code: LH-13459
Issue: Fixed the issue with custodians not being placed on automatic hold with Legal Hold MS365 Integration.
Tracking code: LH-13457
Issue: Fixed the issue where Private Matter holds from TeamConnect are listed on Custom reports to restricted users in LH.
Tracking code: LH-13634