Attach a Matter
The Lawtrac Connect feature is an Outlook interface created to give users the ability to associate emails to matters to which they are assigned from within Microsoft Outlook.
Attach an Attachment (Document) or Email to an Assigned Matter
- Select the matter in the drop-down.
- Click on the email or attachment to be added and drag it into the box. Note: The upload process will start after a few seconds. Do not repeat.
- If the drag-drop into Lawtrac Connect is successful, a green ‘Success’ bar displays in the drag-drop area. Note that the Success bar indicates that it has been successfully pulled into the Lawtrac Connect temporary holding area, not necessarily successfully into the Matter.
When emails and attachments are uploaded to a matter via Lawtrac Connect, they are displayed in the destination matter record (via Documents | Detailed List | Associated Documents area of the Main Matter Screen). Emails are uploaded as .msg documents and can be viewed, as well as the attachments.
Note: Users can force the plugin to refresh by clicking on a different item/email in Outlook. (Does not require syncing the new items.) This action uploads any queued emails to Lawtrac.
When uploaded, the Lawtrac Connect upload process adds a tag to the document name with the date added plus a control number, and “Added via Lawtrac Connect” is added automatically to the document Synopsis field. The tag number is unique to each Lawtrac Connect upload so if the same email (i.e., same email subject line) is uploaded more than once to a matter, the tag tracks which was uploaded first.