When a user is assigned to a routing slip within the matter, is the user notified by email?
Yes, a user will get an email notification that a routing slip is awaiting their approval.
Can you add a person to a routing slip if they do not have the permission on their user name?
Yes, this is completed by clicking on the “List Entire Staff” hyperlink on the upper right hand corner when adding a routing slip.
How many front screen text messages will appear on the front screen and for how long?
Up to three front screen text messages will display with the most recent message listed at the top. Each message will display for as long as it is one of the three most recent messages. Users may search past messages using the “Search Past Announcements” link.
Can checklist questions be set up by matter type?
Yes, checklist questions can be set up to appear for specific matters types or to appear on each matter.