Can I Change the Matter Number and Matter Type
This is a 3-step process and should ONLY be performed by a Lawtrac Administrator that is very familiar with the application. Please encourage all users to refrain from adding matters until the process is complete - if not, matter numbers can collide causing data integrity issues.
1. Perform a data check - Navigate to the Administration \ Matter Maintenance \ Matter Numbers module and identify the Contract Prefix. Confirm what the Next Number is.
1. Change the Matter Number
Retrieve the existing litigation matter number - select the Edit/Close link in the right menu. If you do not see this link, you are not authorized the make this change and must reach out to a Lawtrac Administrator. Select Edit Main Information - input the new contract number - tab out of the field the save your change. Make sure the Prefix is identical and that the Next Number has the same number of zeros... precision is the highest priority when manually changing the matter number and prefix. You stand to compromise data integrity if you do not proceed with care and precision. Save the update.
2. Change the Legal Hierarchy (Matter Type)
Since the matter prefix has changed, it is vital that you change it's classification as well - that the litigation matter is now changed to a contracts matter. To do so, access the Categories link in the right menu followed by Type \ Keyword \ Issues. Change the Type to Contracts and select the associated Keyword as well. Make sure to Save the change.
3. Adjust the Matter Number Prefix in Administration
Navigate back to the Administration \ Matter Maintenance \ Matter Numbers module and select the Edit pencil for the Contract Prefix. Increase the Next Number by 1 - e.g. 190 will now become 191. Make sure to Save this change.
It is always a good idea to check our work. Select the Last Matter shortcut above Quick Find and confirm that the matter number is 1 less than the Next Number that you indicated above.