How do I assign matters to a staff member in Lawtrac?
*Prerequisite - Lawtrac client must grant firms with permission to add timekeepers to the matters. If a firm does not have permission to add timekeepers to the matters, then they will not be able to perform the steps below. In this case, the firm must contact the client directly so they can either add the timekeeper to the matter on behalf of the firm or grant firm with permission to complete the action themselves.
A Firm Administrator can perform the steps below if the client has granted the firm with permission to add timekeepers:
- Begin by clicking on the 'Matters' tab
- Click on the 'Open' link
- Click on the 'Matter Number' of the relevant matter (see figure below)
- Click on the 'Contacts' tab
- Under 'Also Assign' (you may have to scroll down), check the box next to the relevant timekeeper's name and Hit 'Add Staff'' (see figure below). This action should have added the selected timekeeper(s) to the matter.
Repeat these steps to add timekeepers to other firm assigned matters.