Party Types
The Party Types hyperlink under Parties in the Application Administration | Parties & Entities sidebar allows site administrators and super users to adjust the types of parties that appear in the drop-down list when adding a member to a matter. Identifying party members help establish what relationship the individual has with a matter record. For example, while a party (or person) may be in your system only once, they may be a witness on one matter record and a plaintiff in another.
- Edit the party types by clicking the icon and typing in the text box. Click Save Change.
Add a Party Type
- Enter the party type in the "New Category" text box below the list of active categories.
- Click Add.
Retired Categories
- To retire a party type, click Retire Category. Retired party types are no longer available for use on any new or updated matter records.
- To see all retired party types, click View Retired located under Add New Category.
Retired categories can be reinstated. To reactivate a retired category:
- Click View Retired.
- Click the icon.
- Select the icon.