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GovNoticeIDP: A Complete Guide for Administrators

This guide helps Firm Admins manage subscriptions, configure settings, and handle user permissions for GovNoticeIDP.

For an overview of GovNoticeIDP, refer to this article.

A. GovNoticeIDP Workflow


For an in-depth explanation of the GovNoticeIDP workflow, refer to this article.

B. Pre-requisites to Subscribe GovNoticeIDP

Before subscribing to GovNoticeIDP, ensure the firm meets the following requirements:

  1. Subscribed to Unlimited Storage:

    • The firm must have an ‘Unlimited Storage’ plan within their INSZoom subscription.

    • If the firm is not on this plan, navigate to Subscriptions > Storage > Unlimited to upgrade.

    • For assistance, contact your firm’s Account Manager at

  2. Enabled with New Receipt Management:

  3. Not Subscribed to Zoomee Virtual Assistant:

    • For firms with active subscription to Zoomee Virtual Assistant, you must discontinue the use of this offering before subscribing to GovNoticeIDP.

    • Contact your firm’s Account Manager for further guidance at

C. Getting Started with GovNoticeIDP

  1. To subscribe, Firm Admins should navigate to Setup > Subscriptions in the INSZoom web application.



  1. Locate the GovNoticeIDP tile under the ‘Workflow and Automation’ section.

  2. Click Subscribe.


  1. Clicking Subscribe will generate a request to the INSZoom Account Management Team. They will reach out to confirm the subscription and enable GovNoticeIDP.

  2. If the firm doesn’t meet the prerequisites, follow the on-screen instructions.

D. GovNoticeIDP User Access Privileges

GovNoticeIDP supports multiple user roles to ensure access is tailored to specific responsibilities and permissions. Below is an overview of the roles and their associated privileges:

Access Level


No Access

GovNoticeIDP is inaccessible


a. Read-only access to GovNoticeIDP Batches and Files
b. View GovNoticeIDP Settings

View and Update

a. Create / Review GovNoticeIDP Batches and Files
d. View GovNoticeIDP Settings

GovNoticeIDP Administrator

a. Full access to all GovNoticeIDP Batches and Files
b. Manage GovNoticeIDP Settings

Note: While GovNoticeIDP does not currently charge based on the number of users with Administrator or View/Update access, careful management and limitation of these privileges is recommended. GovNoticeIDP billing is based on the number of pages uploaded to a batch. Granting excessive access can increase the risk of unintended modifications or the unintended inclusion of notices in a batch, potentially leading to increased billing.

E. Assigning GovNoticeIDP User Privileges

Firm Admins can assign roles and privileges for GovNoticeIDP by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to My Settings > My INSZoom > Edit Access Rights > Others.

  1. Select the Case Manager.

  2. Update access permissions for GovNoticeIDP.

  1. Save changes.

Once access is granted, firm users can navigate to Setup > Utilities > GovNoticeIDP to access the feature.


Note: For firms with Security Profiles enabled, assign roles by navigating to Setup > Settings > Security Profile.

F. Managing GovNoticeIDP Settings

Once subscribed, GovNoticeIDP Admins can adjust the GovNoticeIDP settings to align with the firm’s operational needs. To access and manage settings, click on the ‘Settings’ option in the top-right corner.

Below are the configuration options:

1. Data Handling

GovNoticeIDP processes notices streamlining multiple related tasks alongside core notice data entry, including updating Case Status and updating Government / Status Documents in FN records, such as EAD/APD, I-797, and I-94 documents.

GovNoticeIDP Admins can enable the following automation settings to update Case and Foreign National records:

  • Update Case Status to ‘Approved’

If this setting is enabled, the case status is updated to ‘Approved’ when an approval notice is added to the case.


  • Update Government Documents

When an approval notice is added to a case, GovNoticeIDP updates government documents such as I-797, I-94, and EAD/APD in the Foreign National > US Immigration Info section for supported case types, provided the firm uses out-of-the-box (OOTB) status templates.


For more information on supported case types and classes, refer to the 'J. GovNoticeIDP: Automated Notice Data Entry to INSZoom Records' section in the user guide.

2. Notification and Email Settings

These settings enable GovNoticeIDP Admins to define how email notifications are sent:

I. Manage Notifications to Firm Users 

  • When notices in a batch are processed, the firm users will receive an email notification summarizing the batch details such as the number of files successfully processed, failed, and pending. 

  • GovNoticeIDP Admin can configure which firm users should receive these notifications when GovNoticeIDP processes notices in a batch. 


II. Manage Notifications to External Stakeholders

  • When the notice is successfully processed and added to the case, external stakeholders will receive an email notification with the notice details.

  • GovNoticeIDP Admin can configure who will receive these notifications when GovNoticeIDP processes a notice successfully. 


  • GovNoticeIDP Admins can also configure whether to include a copy of the scanned notice as an attachment in the email.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What to do if the firm is actively subscribed to Zoomee Virtual Assistant?
A: Contact your Account Manager at for assistance.

Q: How can I upgrade storage to Unlimited?
A: Navigate to Subscriptions > Storage > Unlimited and upgrade. For help, contact your Account Manager.

Q: How can I opt for the new receipt management interface?
A: Raise a request with INSZoom Support to enable this feature.

Q: Why don’t I see GovNoticeIDP?
A: Check your access through My Settings > Access Rights > GovNoticeIDP.

Q: As a firm admin, why am I not able to configure GovNoticeIDP settings?
A: Only users with GovNoticeIDP Administrator access can manage configurations. To adjust your access, navigate to My Settings > Access Rights.

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