CSV Import in GCD
CSV (comma-separated-value) files may be imported to GCD for bulk data entry. Most data-oriented systems can produce (export) CSV files from other formats. Microsoft Excel® is often used to generate CSV files for importing to GCD. See the Excel documentation for details on generating a CSV file from a spreadsheet.
To import a file, click Tools, .csv Import in GCD. You will be prompted to browse to a file from your local file system and to specify the data type.
Each CSV file imported must conform to the following requirements:
- The separator must be a comma.
- Each value must be surrounded by double quotes
- Each file must contain only one of the following types of data:
Lookup Values
Actions (Tasks)
Folder-Contact Relationships
- Each column in the file must have a column header listed below under the appropriate data type. You may omit columns, but the presence of additional columns will cause the import to fail. Column names are not case-sensitive.
- Each date column must be formatted in mm/dd/yyyy format unless otherwise specified.
- The size of a single CSV file may not exceed 10mb.
Importing Documents
Regarding Documents: Users are requested to contact GCD Support to import document records by CSV import. Only document metadata can be imported via CSV import. If the underlying document files are to be stored on GCD's servers, the files must be delivered separately. Contact GCD Support for information.
The following column names are supported for Document metadata:
- filename [Note: if the filename is a URL, it must begin with "http:" or "https:"]
- filetype
- documentname [Descriptive (friendly) name]
- createddate
- changeddate
- orig folder id [Used to link to "original id" field of imported folders; see below]
- notes
- expiration
- value [monetary value]
- valuenote [text]
- term
Importing Contacts
The following column names are supported for Contacts:
- name
- first name
- last name
- middle name
- company
- type
- suffix
- title
- original id
- notes
- business phone
- business street
- business city
- business state
- business postal code
- business country
- home phone
- home street
- home city
- home state
- home postal code
- home country
- fax
- mobile
- e-mail address
Importing Actions (Tasks)
The following column names are supported for Actions:
- subject
- start date
- due date
- private
- Note: This is a TRUE/FALSE column.
- date completed
- status
- notes
Importing Folders
The following column names are supported for Folders:
- name
- status
- note
- delegate
Note: Although GCD supports delegating a folder to more than one user, the CSV import only supports one delegate. The delegate name must match the name on the user's contact record (e.g., "Smith, John"). If you have more than one user with the same name, the first name found will be the delegate.
- original id
- createddate
- tags
- type_cd
- jurisdiction
- filenumber
- createdby
- open date
- contacts
Note: In order to import contacts to a folder, the contacts must be imported in a Contacts CSV prior to the folder import. The value of the "contacts" field in the Folder import must be a pipe-delimited list of contact names that exactly match the names previously imported (e.g., "Smith, John|Brown, Mary|ABC Company"). Alternatively, you may exclude this column and use a Folder-Contact Relationships import file (below).