Creating New GCD Logins
If you need more licenses, contact Mitratech at to purchase the desired licenses. After purchase, navigate to the Invitations tab under Users in Admin Settings and click the Invite a New Team Member button. This is the only method to ensure that you receive your negotiated rate for new licenses. You will be able to invite the new user immediately after purchase via Mitratech.
Once invitations have been issued, they will be listed in the table on the Invitations tab. A status of "In Queue" means that the invitation is scheduled to be delivered; "Sent (no response)" indicates that the email has been sent but the invitee has not replied. "Accepted" or "Declined" indicate that the invitee has responded accordingly.
You may delete an invitation at any time by clicking "Delete". If the invitation has not been accepted at the time of deletion, deletion will effectively cancel the invitation. If the invitation has already been accepted, deleting it will only remove it from the invitation list; the user's status on the team will be unchanged. You may also resend an invitation (click "Resend"), if, for example, the email was not received or was mistakenly declined.
Managing User Roles
User Role | Role Description and Use Case |
Team Admin | GCD Admins are able to fully utilize all GCD functionality, including assigning licenses to new users, customizing team settings and object fields, and configuring Limited User accounts. More details on Admin functionality can be found in the GCD Administrator Help. |
User (Read/Write) and User (Read-Only) |
Typical user roles will have access to all of the non-private folders in GCD (in contrast to Limited Users who can only see what they've been assigned to).
Limited User (Read/Write) / Limited User (Read-Only) |
Users can be set as Limited Users (read-only or read-write) by their admins when joining GCD. These users can only see folders to which they've been assigned. All actions must therefore be designed so that they can be accomplished from within the folder. To assign Folders to a Limited User and make the limited user available for assignment for other items (including subfolders, etc.) the Limited User must be assigned to the Parent (Primary) Folder, as well as made a Player under the Players subtab of the Folder. For Limited Users to be able to create subfolders, actions, etc., and assign them to others in their group, the group members must be listed in the Contacts tab of the Parent Folder. Read-Only users will only be able to view, export or download details from folders and objects in GCD. |