Login and Password Recovery
The following sections describe the steps to log in to EraCLM and to recover your password in case you forgot your credentials.
How to Log in to EraCLM
To log in to EraCLM:
- Go to the EraCLM Login Page.
- Enter your Email and Password in the text fields.
- Click Login. The platform displays your EraCLM account.
You have entered EraCLM using your credentials.
How to Recover Your Password
To recover your EraCLM password:
- Go to the EraCLM Login Page.
- Click Forgot password?.
- Enter and confirm the email associated to your EraCLM account in the text fields.
- Click Recover Password. The platform sends you an email with the next steps to follow and displays the message "Almost there... Please check your email, we've sent you instructions to restore your password.".
- Open the email we sent you with the subject Reset password.
- Click the Reset Password button in the body of the email. The button takes you to EraCLM and the platform shows you the "Please create a new password" message.
Enter and confirm your new Passsword in the text fields.
Your password must contain a minimum of:
- Eight characters in length
- One lower case letter (a-z)
- One upper case letter (A-Z)
- One numeric character (0-9), or one special character: (~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\;:"<>,./?)
Click Confirm. The plaform logs you in with your new credentials and it displays your EraCLM account.
You have reset your password and you can now use your new credentials when you enter EraCLM.