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Corridor Manager

Corridor Invoice Submission

System Overview

Business Rule Validation

File Submission and Retrieval

User Application Rights

About Mitratech


Corridor Manager

This help assumes you are a Corridor Manager for a vendor/law firm. The Manager user can add Invoice Submitter and Read Only users, add and edit client IDs, change passwords, and perform all the functions of the system such as submitting invoices, checking the status of all invoices submitted by the firm, and updating the law firm billing address/contact information.


Corridor Invoice Submission

This help outlines the steps necessary to submit your invoices in electronic format to your client(s) using Mitratech's Corridor Website. Corridor interfaces with Mitratech's matter management applications (eCounsel or LawManager) to directly import your invoices into a client's internal matter management system.

This help assumes that all the administrative steps have been followed to configure the system. The Corridor Administration Guide for Vendors/Law Firms contains system setup instructions.

If you need assistance, contact Mitratech Support.

Want to know more?

System Overview

Preliminary File Checks in Corridor

Invoice Validations for Submissions

Invoice Retention Policy

Business Rule Validation

File Submission and Retrieval

User Application Rights


Business Rule Validation

Once in the matter management application, the invoice undergoes audit rule validations. These validations are dependent on the company's unique billing guidelines. These rules can be set by the company to reject or warn. Review your client's billing guidelines carefully to minimize the chance of an invoice being rejected.

eCounsel-specific: When submitting a LEDES file that contains multiple invoices in the file, the rejected status operates differently depending on the version of eCounsel used by the client company:

  • If the client company is using a version of eCounsel prior to Version 8.2 and one of the invoices is rejected, none of the invoices in the file will be accepted into eCounsel for approval routing.

  • If the client company is using eCounsel Version 8.1 with the XML Importer Changes for Better Error Handling, Logging, and Recovery patch or Version 8.2 or higher and one of the invoices is rejected, only the rejected invoice will not be accepted into eCounsel for approval routing (all other invoices in the same file that pass the audit rule validation will be accepted by eCounsel).

  • If the client company is using eCounsel Version 8.3 or higher, details concerning the rejection can be accessed by clicking the right arrow next to an invoice submission.

  • If the client company is using a version of eCounsel prior to Version 8.8 and an invoice fails to import into eCounsel because it could not be processed, the status will be reported as Rejected. In Version 8.8 or higher, the status will be reported as Import error in this scenario.


File Submission and Retrieval

Corridor is a secure Website where invoices are submitted to your client companies. Once an invoice file has been submitted by the law firm/vendor, the file is encrypted and awaits retrieval by the matter management application. The matter management application retrieves the encrypted submissions and attachments from Corridor at predetermined intervals for the client company and decrypts them with a stored private key. Once retrieved, the invoice files and attachments are deleted from the Corridor Website. Only a small amount of information is retained in Corridor in order to track the invoice's progress as it routes through the review/approval process in the matter management application.

Corridor performs initial error checking on the invoice file prior to allowing submission. The business rules audit is performed once the invoice reaches the matter management application and is dependent on the rules the client company has implemented.

The matter management application can be configured to notify your firm of the status of your invoices via e-mail and also can be configured to provide status updates via the Corridor Website. If you are not receiving updates on the progress of your submitted invoices, contact the client's administrator or project team to find out if your firm can be notified.

In addition to notifications from the matter management application, the Corridor Website sends an e-mail notification to the invoice submitter's e-mail address registered in Corridor anytime the status of a submitted invoice changes to "Rejected" if Corridor is updated from the matter management application. If you are not receiving rejection notifications for submitted invoices, verify your e-mail address and contact your Corridor administrator.


User Application Rights

The Corridor functions available to you are dependent on your application rights. If you have a role of Administrator, Manager, or Invoice Submitter, you can submit invoices and view the status of invoices. If you are a Read Only user, you can only view the status of an invoice if you know the invoice number. Your user login and application rights are listed in the upper-right corner of the Corridor home page if you are unsure of your role.

Application Rights

  • Administrator – The Administrator can set up all levels of Corridor users, add and edit client IDs, change all passwords, update the vendor/law firm billing address/contact information, submit invoices, and check the status of all invoices submitted by the firm.

  • Manager – The Manager can add Invoice Submitter and Read Only users, add and edit client IDs, change passwords, and perform all the functions of the system such as submitting invoices, checking the status of all invoices submitted by the firm, and updating the law firm billing address/contact information.

  • Invoice Submitter – The Invoice Submitter is responsible for submitting invoices to a corporate client(s). This person can submit invoices and check on the status of the invoices submitted, but cannot perform administrative functions.

  • Read Only – A Read Only user can view the status of an invoice if the invoice number is known.

All users will be required to change their password the first time they log into Corridor. The password must be at least six characters long and can consist of alphabetic letters and numbers only.

images\icn_exclaim.gif  If your account expires, you will be prompted to change your password the next time you login to Corridor. If your account is inactivated, you will not be able to login to Corridor (see Resetting Your Password).

About Mitratech

Mitratech doesn't change with the times – we change the times.

Mitratech is more than a legal software company. We're a company born of a vision of real solutions for real customers. Our products aren't just made of lines of code. They are made out of ideas from years of customer relations and technical expertise. Put more simply, Mitratech is about solutions and relationships.


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