3.1 Release Notes
This document details the upgrade information, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in Collaborati 3.1.
1 System Requirements
Collaborati 3.1 is compatible with the following products:
All versions of TeamConnect and CSM
- Lawtrac 4.1 (and later 4.x releases)
- LawManager 6.5
- eCounsel 8.10
2 Performance Notes
Testing of Collaborati 3.1 demonstrated performance improvements in the following areas:
- Budgets tab performance has been improved
- Matter loading/editing has been improved
- Client > Timekeepers has been significantly improved
- Line item addition has been improved
3 Changes and Enhancements
The following items are changes or enhancements built into Collaborati 3.1. Each issue is documented in the following format:
- A description of the issue
- Internal tracking code
- Case number, if applicable
Enhancement: Mitratech administrators are able to look up invoices by the VENDOR_INVOICE_ID field.
Tracking code: COLL-674
Enhancement: Timekeeper names are now displayed as Last Name, First Name format and are sortable by Timekeeper last name.
Tracking code: COLL-922
Enhancement: Password security has been enhanced.
Tracking code: COLL-1288
Detail: Specifications for password security can be found in the General FAQ of the Collaborati Help documentation.
Enhancement: Timekeeper names are displayed Last Name, First Name.
Tracking code: COLL-922
4 Known Issues
The following items are known Collaborati 3.1 issues and limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:
- A description of the issue
- Internal tracking code
- Case number, if available
Issue: Automatic user log-out after 20 minutes of inactivity does not have a notification message.
Tracking code: COLL-1333
Issue: Exchange rates are not currently set properly.
Tracking code: COLL-1383
Issue: On first login, History table may not be sortable.
Tracking code: COLL-1299
Workaround: Toggle the sort button and refresh the page to fix sorting functionality.
Issue: Dates are not stored on the IF line item of a LEDES file.
Tracking code: COLL-1284
Issue: Track invoices page with 1000 results per page suffers from slow performance on Internet Explorer 11.
Tracking code: COLL-1321
5 Resolved Issues
The following items are have been resolved in the Collaborati 3.1 release. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:
- A description of the issue
- Internal tracking code
- Case number, if available
Issue: XML file uploads were not supported as invoice attachments.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-18341
Case number: 2016-0524-251573
Issue: Tax types were not properly recognized in TeamConnect when using a LEDES XML file with a Tax Rate of 0%.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-19278
Case number: 2016-0729-264170
Issue: LEDES upload performance time was significantly slowed.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20340
Case number: 2016-1107-283605