Search for an Invoice
Firm Admins and Firm Users can search invoices by navigating to Invoices > Track Invoices and using the filter criteria in the screenshot below. In addition to these search filters, invoices can be searched by "All Offices", one Office or up to 10 Offices. After clicking the input field for Select Office, a dropdown will appear with the option "All Offices" and a list of the individual Offices associated with the Firm.
When searching for an invoice, make sure that you have clicked the "Clear" button in the search box on the Track Invoices page. The Collaborati invoice search uses "sticky search". This means that Collaborati keeps search fields populated with your most recent search filters until you press the "Clear" button. This feature enables you to pick up where you left off since your last search. Once this is cleared, please try searching for your invoice again.
Please also note that at least 3 alphanumeric characters are required in the text search fields. Collaborati will not search for invoices until at least 3 characters have been input into the search field.
Another reason the invoice may not be appearing in your Track Invoices page is the invoice may have been deleted from Collaborati 90 days after the invoice was rejected. For more information regarding this, please click here. Note: Collaborati is designed to be a temporary transport of data between client and office. It is not designed to store your invoices indefinitely.
You can also check the Invoice History page to see if the invoice was Created/Uploaded successfully and also if it was Approved/Rejected. For more information regarding this, please click here.