How to configure User Roles to have ability to Complete standalone Actions
To assist user in setting up the Users/Roles in the system which will give them ability to Complete standalone actions.
- Users to have ability to access Action Management Process
1. Begin by logging to the CMO Application
2. Navigate to Admin Module
3. Go to 'Action Management Process' tab on left tab
4. Click Default Step
5. In the Action Workflow Steps - Click Complete transition
6. In the 'Complete' transition , Go to the 'Condition to Perform' section > Click Change button
7. We can then select/un-select the roles which can request to Complete Actions in the system. Please note that we can also select the 'Responsible', 'Superior of Responsible' or 'Assignor' of the Action to perform this operation.
8. Click Save button to save the changes AND all the selections will appear in the 'Can be performed by' link.
Demo Video
What's Next
This is how to configure User roles to provide assigned users ability to complete standalone actions which will change action status to complete and what was not referenced here was how to reopen an Action.