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How To Import Org Units

Importing Org Units

Before importing Org Units, be aware of the following:

  • Import Org Units before importing Entities or Users.
  • Review your xlsx Org Unit import data sheet. Make sure you only have 1 row for headers above your data. If you are starting with the CMO Configuration Data Worksheet (as seen below), you will need to delete all rows above the header row (rows 1-5).
  • You may prefer to create separate import sheets from each tab, but it isn’t necessary.

NOTE: Any typos or inconsistencies will cause problems on import (they will create separate entries).

Import Org 1.png

How To Import Org Units  

Login to CMO. Go to Admin > Org Units and click on Import Org Units at the top of the screen. NOTE: If needed, you can click the Export button and then use the exported sheet as a template for importing (make sure you have at least one org unit created before you click Export).

Import Org 2.png 

In the pop up box, check the box 'First row contains headers'. Click the Choose File button. Select your file.

Import Org 3.png

After you select your file you will see the following pop up box. In the Sheet Name field make sure you select the correct sheet from your file. Map your columns (XLS Column) to the columns in the Org Unit Field column. You may enter a Default Value in the Default value column instead of mapping a column. Click the Import button at the bottom of the screen.

Import Org 4.png

If the import works you will see a message informing you of how many records imported successfully.

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